Why do I feel like we are going to be betrayed by Trump with these 401k shenanigans?
>Read my mind and tell me what my opinion is, Sup Forums
401K is garbage anyway, your retirement savings should be independent of your employer to allow you to move between jobs easily.
Mine is
make america steal from and lie to me agern
What do you use other than. 401k? Too small limits on IRAs for me.
Are you retarded? You get the 401K from your job, sure, but it's handled by a company separate from your employer. I put about 9K into my last job's 401k and when I switched jobs all I had to do was withdraw it and send it to my new 401K plan.
Not all 401ks are equal. Good ones do allow you to move your money around.
Oh I get that, I do quite a bit. I misunderstood your post that you have something other than a 401k.
Whenever I say this people say i'm just parroting what Republican want. I guess Dems just wanna be chained to their employer, I thought they were against corporatism.
Like you or any one of your peers is ever going to be involved with a 401k. Like any of you even know what it is.
>I have bog boy important opinions too
Millenials are so funny.
Son, when someone else agrees to match 6% of my paycheck 100%, essentially doubling my contribution for free, I'll consider dropping my 401K. It's a good plan. If it's not for you, get a better job.
Fuck republicans and you bums for not being valuable enough to be with a company that offers a decent 401k.
I hope its retroactive and based on a percent and not a dollar amount
This reeks of neocon niggers
Fake news.
Less money in 401K means less money in the market. Not going to happen.
What they want to do is tax anything over $2.4K a year on the front end instead of on the withdrawal.
The reason this is so stupid is because they want to do it to say their plan isn't ballooning the deficit. One of two things will happen. It won't be taxed on the back end so the government will have to cut something else in 20 or 30 years when it all starts getting taken out or they'll change their mind and tax on the withdrawal as well. I don't trust those fuckers not to tax me twice.
>hurr durr republicans = lower taxes
When will dumbasses stop believing this fucking myth.
In what world are you chained do your employer? Have you not rolled over a 401k before?
This guy gets it. This move would not be cool with me but I think they mentioned only applying to high incomes.
>>hurr durr republicans = lower taxes
Well its mostly truth for income taxes
Not to mention you are only deferring Income tax and still paying SS and Medicare so it’s not that cool
Pretty much. Tons of 401k plans are held by ultra Jew banks that charge exorbitant fees. No way they're giving that up.
fake news
The thing is, Roth 401ks exist. Let people choose. They're trying to force everyone into a Roth to kick the yuge deficit of their shitty plan down the road for a little bit. It's the legislative equivalent of kicking a can down the road.