Just made this. How'd I do?
I'm thinking of printing a bunch out and posting them all over the local Marxist indoctrination camp. There are about 55,000 students there.
Just made this. How'd I do?
I'm thinking of printing a bunch out and posting them all over the local Marxist indoctrination camp. There are about 55,000 students there.
Other urls found in this thread:
Take out the "you owe them nothing" part. Stick with the plan. The more benign the statement the more the normies will realise the lefts anti white sentiment when they chimp out over it
stick to the plan
This is how you completely ruin the point
Don't get creative. The point is to be the reasonable, calm side. Stick to the plan.
OP not everyone is autistic like yourself, most people can appreciate nuance and subtlety. DON'T TURN IT INTO A FUCKING MEMO. STICK WITH THE PLAN.
stick to the plan leroy
STOP TRYING TO BE """"""""""CLEVER""""""""""
stick to plan
>using black font
Why does the white man have to steal what the black man has?
OP here. I wasn't aware of any plan, I just heard about this today. I won't put these up.
Just for the sake of debate, though, what's explicitly violent or wrong about "you owe them nothing"? If they get mad about that, aren't they publicly admitting that they want gibs from white people?
Use the official one. Adding "You Owe Them Nothing" completely defeats the point.
The message is just "It's Okay To Be White" because it's so blatantly true, unless you're completely ridiculous (the vocal ultra-left). The point is to expose the idiocy of the leftist racial delusions, and to show normies just how much they HATE white people.
Take out you owe them nothing and replace with you kike faggots
No just its okay to be white, do not change the design. NOTHING Aggressive!! It's underminds the entire operation
Kek... that made me laugh more than it should have.
it's inflammatory. the idea is to get the media riled up about innocent posters that just say it's okay to be white. This will redpill people in denial about the fact that the media hates white people
Fuck off saboteur
Stick to the plan faggot
>print out 1 copy
>goto nearest telephone pole
>staple it and take a picture
>upload it to imgur
>goto reddit city subreddit (/r/baltimore, /r/chicago, etc) and post it while larping as outraged lefty
>enjoy the chaos
Do this Sup Forums. I'm going outside right now, will post link when it's done.
The more ambiguous the message, the more attention it will receive. The more innocuous the message, the more people it will intrigue. We are not trying to communicate a complex ideology here, there will be plenty of time for that later. This is a marketing stunt of sorts Stick with the plan.
Lol no don't do this, it made me kek though!
You're doing it WRONG you cunt. "It's okay to be white" is the message. Full stop.
I'm confused. Are you saying that we should stick to the plan or nah?
Fuck off, shill
Are you actual retards? Do you want me to google what the fuck "stick to the plan" means like a fucking normie before you start explaining what you mean? What plan, where? What is this plan you're talking about? Who should stick to what plan? Is there a plan I didn't know about?
It's okay to be white and be guilty of your ancestor's crimes.
wtf kind of message is this? leave it to you pussy ass cucks to fuck everything up like usual. add altright.com or stormfront to the posters so it has an actual message and wakes up the normies you fucking civcuck redditor fucks. (((you're))) probably not even white or natsoc you fucking dirty shills. Go find a LE BASED BLACK MAN MAGA HAT XDXD to fuck your wive you fence sitting alt lite FUCK
>Leftist shills trying to make news so it will seem more racist and offensive
woah settle down sperg
Nice variation, I like it. We need a lot more of this creativity I feel.
No need to inject "us vs them" yourself, the left will do that for us when they chimp
You missed the point, /leftypol/.
Hi there, reporter. Kindly fuck off. You're a biased piece of shit and no one respects you. Under 5% of Americans believed the media before the election in 2016. How many people do you think it is now?
Fuck off you spastic retard. Keep it simple, benign and non threatening. “It’s okay to be white” if you can’t comprehend that then we won’t miss one less white person and you can go paint some abstract art with your brain matter and the back of your skull on your bedroom wall.
I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but you defective neanderthals are even more off the meds than usual. Are you going to make sense soon?
nice try JIDF. but we'll stick to the plan. Simple "It's Okay to be White." Can't wait to hear the kvetching.
Look, all I'm saying is that if I had a plan I'd damn sure stick to it if you know what I'm trying to imply. Think of plans as like tar pits or Band-Aids. You stick to them.
Dude, it's so obvious.
Maybe you should lurk more you colossal faggot.
Be subversive like the jew. Show your true colors and you lost
user gets it.
Could someone relay me the plan?
I go to a hella cucked university about 50% white & 50% nigger so this could be useful to create a chimpout and redpill the whites of the school
I hope you're being stupid on purpose.
I hear you. So what about it's ok to be white and shit? Do you see what I did there? The 'and shit' gives us an urban edge to appeal to the youths of today. I like it and I'm sure you do too.
Then how about "stay on target"? Would that be better than "stick to the plan?"
The plan is basically to take as many dicks up your ass as possible within a 1 year time frame. Our hope is that by doing this, with the addition of others spreading flyers around, we can start getting people to see us as mobile cum receptacles instead of people and will thus tolerate and come to like us. We've all been doing this for a while now, you're kind of behind so you should get to it
Fuck you
!Yes, thank you!
How about you go fuck yourself?
You sound like a fine young man.
>Hi there, reporter
This. Even put on a Republican flag. Kek at these retards.
What about this?
get a load of this faggot
What the fuck is going on is you are being casted out as an idiot here to fuck up the plan.
It's to end all bait, I think.
Trying to make the statement something that you can vilify there leftypol?
op is either 15, antifa, or severely autistic
Missing the whole point. Take out your edginess somewhere else.
I like it. Let's go with this instead. So we're still sticking to the plan, it's just a new plan.
Hi buzzfeed!
Well, at least he has chicken
The master plan
What is this "plan" to which you are referring?
Can I get a quick rundown?
Guys, stop feeding info to obvious information scrapers like the guy with the Republican meme flag.
Have you seen how the shills went into overdrive mode recently?
These "people" are trying to ascertain the operation here and undermine it by introducing alternative designs than what was agreed upon.
For instance, including Nazi/NatSoc imagery which is near indigestible by the target audience, including unsavory language that would detract from the message, and even pushing people to include URLs to alt-right websites and Stormfront of all places.
They're snooping here and trying to quash the effort in its home.
People walk in here, don't have the demeanor like a Sup Forums user, let alone a Sup Forums user and ask what's going on and some of you just neighborly point them in the right direction.
Do the right thing, tell them to lurk.
Only cowards use meme flags.
Gas fueled bikes, race cars now.
>great job centering text
fuckin christ is this what white kids are proud about these days?
fuck off CNN
It's like God's plan. You refer to it a lot but it really has no objective content.
I like the escalation
Who is this semen demon?
forgot to add "1488 gas the kikes nigger hate shadilay Pepe"
Good point. Or switch it to something like "Your skin color is only problematic to racists"
Some Tunes Sirs?
stick to the plan
be subtle
Brit bong returning from conquest, town center sufficiently red pilled and local university has been plastered with em'
This is going to be hilarious,it reminds of the time When I raped and killed a prostitute. Uaaa those were days.
Hi there fellow magapedes. Can someone please give me a quick run down on "the plan"? Also, take me to your leader.
Too soon. Delet this.
It sucks bro. I'm sticking with the plan
Stick to the plan!
Or get them thinking.
Did you personally enslave a PoC?
Did you personally steal land from a PoC?
Did YOU personally wrong a PoC?
Are your tax dollars currently paying for social benefits to PoCs?
You owe them nothing.
Leaf reporting in. Two local university campuses have been bleached
this is obviously a shill trying to destroy this thing
dem sleeves
Do I have tooooooo..
Stick to the original, you dildo.
Shill destroying message by adding useless words.
Very obvious! Left fucks leave You will be outed!
This, remove the "owe them nothing"
If anything, put "everyone is born equal"
Thats their very own narrative.
Reverse the font sizes.
This is correct.
He's baiting you. Close the fkn Thread. He is a shill and stop wasting out time. The orig plan only
You cunts, do you even know how to organize properly? Let's get a general OP, let's get some links up, we've got to have an EZ PZ way for NEETs to get their hands on these stickers, we need lulzy places to put them, and we need sock puppets fanning the fire. Nothing attracts flies like a hot light burning at night, so let's get this trending among the proles. Our biggest accomplishments come on the backs of their strongest attacks, so don't let this slide because it's got natural momentum.