I love you Sup Forums
And I love myself
Whom do you love user?
I love you Sup Forums
And I love myself
Whom do you love user?
I love Safetychan
I love anyone working to empower others.
I love lamp.
You. Are. Drunk.
Here, have a glass of water.
I love Pol like the little brother that i never wanted but am glad to have.
I love myself and family.
My daughters love Taylor Swift. (some of her new stuff they dont get tho)
love you too, Tay Tay.
gnight Tay...unless you have more pics 'n gifs..
we all know this sociopathic harpy doesn't love anyone except her own fame and money. she'll write a song about how we suck tomorrow. typical white woman. MGTOW for life.
Is she /ourgirl/? I have yet to see any proof.
Love is an all too pleasant illusion length of time destroys by chewing jaw. I am only capable of hatred, and vitriol being my nature, this wrath alone do I love.
wasted garbage tay is a jew
I guess kek has answered your question
>Nazi believing a Jew and their ploy to stop whites from having kids
This is almost leaf tier posting
Love that new music video. Really liked the ghost of the shell, Tron, and Westworld refs.
I love you user
I know I'm American, but my deep roots come from Europe.
I love American culture and European cultural even more.
I love Ragnar lothbrok too
I love you Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift takes shits. She shits almost every day. Sometimes she takes big, nasty diarrhea shits that splatter. Sometimes she farts while she shits.
I want her to fart on my face while sitting on it for hours looking at films
even better if it is kino
I'm Gen X, I hate myself.
i love augfrog
I love the Space Elves and my flag collection (a real one, actual flags, no collecting Sup Forums flags).
That has to be photoshopped
that is the type of stuff I NEVER expected to read.
I love Sup Forums but I feel something about safety chan as well now, too early to say if is love.
I used to love myself and Sup Forums and /fit/
I feel nothing now
>he doesnt recognize those flags
ishow it was in 2013 you americuck newfag scum
Sup Forums's favorite coalburner
>Our girl
tweet the word "spooky" so i know its real
I love you too.
I wish you were here so we could hold hands
the true queen slay
I love Jesus christ
After almost dying, I love the whole life experience. It's all so beautiful
i love you too
I love non degenerate White girls, and that angry lesbian who posts about conserving resources.
anybody have that pic of tay in a swimsuit that shows off how big her tits have gotten? think it was a white one piece.
We love you Tay Tay! Your Goebbelsesque redpills are the best!
have good night, Tay.
taylor swift is literally so amazing beautiful and perfect. i love her so much
I love watching Sup Forums blame jews for everything without examining why they have global influence in the first place.
She's lovely.
Time to put on my romantic Taylor mix and drift off to sleep. Maybe I won't wake up.