Do you agree? How do you feel about NPR?
This is the most trusted news source in America
If you don't get your news from Sup Forums you're a cuckhold
The facts that they present are usually accurate. The problem is they selectively report things, and almost all of the hosts are nauseating liberal. You can hear the scorn, disdain, and condescension in their voices when talking about conservatives or conservative views. So not a very good news source, but a wonderful salt mine
the non-news lifestyle programs are usually okay and even entertaining, their politics coverage is pretty awful and not untainted by the liberal bias that plagues many forms of american news media.
I get 100% of my news from my racist friend Jeff. So far he hasn't steered me wrong.
I listen every day and while they certainly interview a good number of republicans and aren't as hostile as CNN, they definitely are still hard hard HARD fucking liberal.
NPR is Smug-city
I listen to it in the car but it is literally liberal propaganda
C-Span is the only news to trust in today's world
It’s garbage.
I listened to it a few times last year and estrogen was gushing out of my speakers.
Basically NPR is only popular for 2 reasons.
1) Radio stations must host it by mandate.
2) Liberals believe people will think they’re smart if they listen to pretentious pseudo intellectuals who speak in a soft, slow voice.
Ppl who go to known media outlets only go to have their opinion validated.
Jebus, first post best post
>government (tax payer) funded news
Liberal fucking garbage
t. listened to NPR all the time until the 2016 election, when their biased bullshit became too thick to ignore.
Used to listen to a few informative podcasts like Radiolab, 99%Invisible, criminal but their whole crying about Trump is getting tiring. He's not a good guy, I get it. Thanks for telling me this on a podcast about architecture
only trust reuters, al jazeera, and AP
everything else is tainted and shitty clickbait "journalism"
car talk is fucking based. don't give a fuck about the rest of that commie garbage desu.
Friendly reminder to sage all National Propaganda Radio shill threads.
Fuck right off, commie
I don't think there's been an All Things Considered aired in the past 3 or 4 years that doesn't have AT LEAST one or two stories about something transgender related or something minorities are oppressed related. Every single evening, there must be a story about a poor tranny or a poor black guy or a poor muslim girl.
National Palestine Radio
I listen to it and yes it leans liberal but thats no reason to bash it (just disagree lmao). Still a hell of a lot better than (((CNN))) or (((FOX)))
they also play gay ass "cultural" music in between segments. at least Michael savage plays rock music
This. Programs like A Prairie Home Companion and formerly Car Talk are comfy as fuck. The news is shit.
This, I only trust Sup Forums.
We can analyze data together, we can discuss evidence and we create a narrative together. No being fooled by the media slave of the jews.
C-Span and Sup Forums
NPR should have been called WNKVD. They're all Stalinists who've never held a productive job in their lives.
NPR has never changed, your perspective changed.
NPR is the bigger of news
Fpbp and this
Nigger* fuck autocorrect
where do you think you are lol
NPR fags like cheese pizza.
prairie home companion was leftist propaganda you were just too young to realize it
NPR is about as left wing as you get lol
They're literally funded by all the most popular leftists in America.
You can also tell by the dialogue they have. Shit might as well be preaching the communist manifesto everyday
>local npr interviewing some #resist group
>talking about core democratic platforms and ways to #resist
>caller mentions their strong dem voting record but meekly suggests maybe if they drop the anti-2a platform they'd gain more traction in non liberal strongholds
>guests and the host himself scoff
>another segment
>purport to have a debate/discussion between an pro-antifa and an anti-antifa
>anti-antifa gets 2 minutes of air time then gets cut off
>pro-antifa gets 40+ minutes
NPR is trash by itself. They're only useful if they're included in a variety of news sources that you should be consuming, both corporate, independent, and foreign.
Sup Forums is the most trusted news source for those who can sift.
right at the edge of now
NPR needs to be de-funded!
Here at Sup Forums we like to create our own news.
Garrison Keillor is a hardcore dem. Car Talk guys are the only people in their entire lineup that have held a real job in their entire lives.
My favorite is when they do their "illegal immigrants are vital to America and we need them" stories.
Of course they interview people and the people are speaking Spanish and they dub over them, then the narrator says something like "Jose has lived undocumented in the U.S. for 26 years. He has worked hard 7 days a week the entire time, so he never learned English. He has 8 kids, all U.S. citizens, so he can't return home now. He picks fruit, and farm owners agree: undocumented workers are essential. Fruit would cost more without them."
They do these stories about once every two weeks btw.
t. all the radio stations where I live suck so I listen to All Things Considered on my drive home from work.
>"negro slavery is essential. Cotton would cost more without them."
Time to take a couple hours and read the Protocols.
you need to do a fucking report on us already you pussies
they're scared to name the chan, for fear that the few whiny liberals are left might also get redpilled after "hearing about it on npr"
"NPR is the most trusted news source in America."
Source: NPR
>NPR News
Liberals are literally too stupid to realize they're making the same argument.
Sup Forums
Fash the nation
Are the only trustworthy news sources
Nope. National Pharisee Radio. A bunch of jews reporting on jewish things and interviewing jews.
I listen to NPR on my drives to/from work because it does do good currents event reporting and I hate AM radio quality and ads. Like everyone else in has already said, they lie by omission and hosts are liberal fucks. They should lose any federal funding they currently have.
I listen to NPR whenever I'm in the car. They have interesting stories, and not all of them are political. They without a doubt lean left. I just take that into consideration with whatever I hear. A bunch of their faggy anchors kept referring to Trump as the "alleged president" for a while after the election, really pissed me off. I really feel like most conservatives at least hear what arguments comes from the other side. Liberals could flip on NPR and only hear their side. Watch almost 95% of mainstream television news and never hear the other side. Yet they somehow still view themselves as the open ones. The echo chamber with the left is far more of an issue than with the right.
Nope its a bunch of jews pushing false narratives very subtly. Paid for by underwriting foundations with jew names.