Continued from
Shills seem to be out in full force
Molesta in Meltdown
Other urls found in this thread:
What about mountain jews, are we hot shit?
bumping OP with previous related archives
There are more archives in a post from the previous edition of this thread somewhere in here
>it's afraid
I-if you say so, senpai...
Some healthpacks are based desu
Theres one swissanon who always posts threads about the rothschilds and adrenochrome.
He is like REALLY obsessed with the rothschilds kek.
Skippy is on the ropes, keep hitting!
Kek at his replies. I like that he doesn't give a single explanation of the weird shit he does, like the pool party, red shoes, symbolism etc.
the top replies. peak fucking kek.
Focus on finding new evidence and allowing old buried evidence to surface.
Make any found evidence into easy to digest infographs.
Post these pictures on Sup Forums and other social media.
Use the redpilled infographs on pizzagate and human trafficking/adrenochrome to raid slide threads and redpill shills and lurkers.
We can use this material like graffiti, spraying it everywhere. Shills cannot combat this system.
Remember goy, fear is the mind killer.
yeah, the replies actually give me some hope.
also he could have taken a lot of steam out of the movement if he would have just explained what those things in the emails meant. yet he never even tried to give an explenation
I have always found the "adrenochrome" angle somewhat weak - BUT - I'd like to know how Anthony Burgess (author of "A Clockwork Orange") seemed to know about it before anyone else.
...but that is another story.
David Brock?
Ex-lover of James Alefantis, owner of Comet Pizza?
Why is he so fucking untouchable? NPR and Fox were making mentions of him in their stories today.
They didnt even imply of any wrongdoing from him.
Then every so often some media outlet talks about pizzagate.
Theyll say "the pizzagate scandal." Giving no depth to it, but discrediting.
Why though? If someone never heard of it before. Why expose them to it? If someone has. Why make them an enemy?
need to get some sleep soon, so i just going to start an info dump. if i reply to my own post its a consecutive string of information, if i dont reply to a post it is some informationpiece of its own:
around 5:50 Nora Maccoby talks about her growing up in an almost all CIA neighborhood making it very likely her family is involved in that as well.
Izette Folger Sister of Max and Nora Maccobie
> children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby.
She is also at on the Advisory board of Innocent at Risk which is an organisation to "fight" child eploitation and human trafficing
Max Maccoby brother of Nora Maccoby and Izette Folger, defended in Alefantis and Brock in court
and is on the board of directors of "Friends of the Orphans"
Furthermore the "Friends of the Orphans" orphanage is the very same orphanage Laura Silsby took the children from when she was caught with 33 of them (pic related)
>PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.
tl;dr: this family with CIA background and connection to Alefantis have an awfull lot of connections to Childprotectionservices including the orphanage that Silsby got the children from. Silsby was also scrubbed from the AlertSense website so you dont see her working there anymore. really makes you think
Look into it. Adrenochrome isn't a LARP.
forgot pic
Multiple senators wore the socks in pick related
These socks seem to be exclusively available on this website
Chairman of this onlineshop is Sir Phillip Green
This friendly guy also lend his private jet to the McCanns to tour around
And he seems to also get along really well with Bill "I put my dick everywhere I shouldnt" Clinton
furthermore "Sir" seems to be a honourary badge for pedos, like:
Sir Jimmy Savile
Sir Phillip Green
Sir Clement Freud
Also aside from the pedotriangles:
Coke & Pizza = Cocaine & Children?
I would like to hear this story
After all, it is a cold, misty All Hallows' Eve.
The Devil's Night.
And I are here to be at your service as an avid reader of your tale, should you choose to share...
(((Shooter))) was an obvious false flag
he ran over a kid before and was left of without any charges. he had a debt to pay and the false flag was the payment.
also his father is an actor
as well as he himself seems to be too, or at least in the movie business
and he lived in Haiti
this all hints towards the connections to the higher ups. they didnt just choose some random guy
also the trafficcam shows there was prior knowledge to this incident and they made sure no footage will be found
Scalise was strongly against humantrafficing and childdiddling
Scalise gets shot, and Pizza gets send to his office
He was then most likely brought into the same Hospital as Seth Rich based on the location, the MedStar Washington Hospital Center
The shooter is also known for abusing his fosterchilds
>In April 2006, Hodgkinson was arrested for battery, domestic battery and discharging a firearm, after he allegedly physically assaulted his foster daughter and two of her friends.
>A St Clair County sheriff’s department incident report said Hodgkinson threw his daughter around a room, pulled her hair and hit her. He then punched a female friend of his daughter in the face “with a closed fist” and struck the woman’s boyfriend in the head with the stock of his shotgun, before firing a round as the man ran away.
>Almost a decade earlier, another foster daughter living with Hodgkinson and his wife, Suzanne, had killed herself at the age of 17, according to the Belleville News-Democrat. The daughter, Wanda Ashley Stock, doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire inside a car.
what the fuck? who burns himself as suicide? why not taking a hose and just redirected the exhaust fumes into the car or let it run in a garage or something? use the shotgun of the guy to make it quick. but fucking burning yourself? Maybe murder instead?
Also Trump brought his personal Physician to scalise
Furthermore weirdly congresscandidate Lindy Li seems to have a connection to the shooter.
Brad Wenstrup helped treating the wounds of scalise directly after the shooting until the ambulance arrived and probably kept him alive
He was also quoted for saying "It’s just as easy as ordering a pizza, to order a person.”
the choice of words is no coincidence. possibly /ourguy/
the same doctor who is responsible for scalise, jack sava, also appears to be on the guestlist together with the podestas
he talks about in the beginning how it is normal to get shot and be relatively fine and later get into shock and collapse explaining the critical condition.
this article talks about why a gunshot to scalises hip, not just any hip, but scalises can be deadly
here it says he was in good spirits, and even called his wife and talked to her. scalise was on the verge of collapsing but instead of insteantly operating on him and stabalizing him they let him talk in piece all chilled out with no worries?
they already set the narrative up to make it seem like its normal if he dies
this bitch even already talks like he dead
I am thirsty. A tall glass of cool, filtered water will surely fix my dry raspy throat.
hodkinson, the baseball shooter had a list of targets but didnt shoot anyone on the list?
is he miserable at aiming? is the list fake news? or is that a list with targets he isnt supposed to shoot because those are (((theirguys)))? a threat like "you are next"? or the FBI giving an unofficial warning like "we heard there something, be carefull goys"?
furthermore hodkinson seems to have dissappeared months before the shooting
where did he go? certainly not targetpractive. was he maybe snatched up and MKUltrad in that time?
>Prior to the mass shooting, Hodgkinson visited the senate office of democrat Bernie Sanders, whose failed presidential campaign the gunman had volunteered for. The FBI also said the shooter had been in contact with the offices of democratic senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.
>"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said in the statement. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms.
but happens to not mention the visit. hmmmmm
>The FBI released new information Wednesday on the lone gunman
>According to the bureau, 66-year old James Hodgkinson acted alone in the mass assassination attempt, in what the FBI is describing as a “spontaneous” incident.
>lone gunman
just like with abe lincoln and JFK i suppose.and so spontenious he dissappeared months prior to the attack and had a list with him.
is anyone else thinking now?
The HTG/adrenochrome threads got subverted and began to look silly, user.
Josh Bekenstein, Sponsor of the New York Dinner of the Clinton Foundation
He works for a company founded (among others) by Mitt Romney
>Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by several former Bain & Co. partners that included Mitt Romney (later to become the 70th Governor of Massachusetts and candidate for President of the United States), T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss.[4] On account of these shared roots, Bain & Co. still maintains a strong institutional relationship with Bain Capital. Many current Bain Capital managing directors and professional staffers began their business careers at Bain & Co.[11]
Bain & Co, even though allegedly a seperate group still has the same origin as Bain Capital and I would be suprised if they really severed all ties. Bain & Co has ties to Atlantic Council
Which in turn has ties through Dmitri Alperovitch to Crowdstrike
Crowdstrike is one of the companies which fueled the rumors of russian hacking and has ties to the DNC
So Bekenstein has ties to the DNC, donated to the Clintonfoundation, and has connections to a group fueling the russian hacker narrative. However there is Seth Bekenstein, his brother, who was found guilty of Childpornography
So a Bekenstein, with ties to the DNC and donated for a CF dinner working for a company founded by Mitt Romney has a brother that distributed Childporn
>Bekenstein was convicted in 1987 in New York on charges of sexual abuse and placed on three years' probation, records show.
>Bekenstein was charged in a criminal complaint with receiving child pornography that was mailed or shipped in foreign commerce. He is scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Wayne Brazil at a detention hearing today. (January 12, 2001 )
>The sender, later identified as Seth Bekenstein, emailed hundreds of child-porn images, including photos taken by McVicker, to the agent. Bekenstein, a U.S. citizen living in Mexico, was then arrested when he visited Portland in February 2011.
he was found guilty for sexual abuse and only got 3 years on probation, was then caught again in 2001, and then was arrested in 2011?!
also in
>One pornographic video, ostensibly titled as being a National Geographic documentary about pandas, opened with an image of a panda before leading to a depiction of "three underage boys engaged in sexually explicit activities," Kawabata said.
ever notices how many of the kids in the instagram pics look really tired? so tired they have rings around their eyes? rings like pandas have them? i believe the kids are the #cumpandas
note how the guy says all those missing kids left voluntarily? how does he know if they are missing? did he find them, ask and then released them again? or just a "nothing to wory goy" speech?
another possibillity that those kids were put into places of people who do some dirty work for the government as for example hodkinson, the baseball shooter who abused his foster kids and drove one into suicide by burning herself and hitting the friend of one of the foster childs and shot around with his rifle and was still allowed to have (foster) kids and guns afterwards apparently.
or the CPP falseflagger.
they gave these kids to such people, knew they were suffering and because of this know they left voluntarily because they didnt want to be abused by those people they were given to on purpose
(this article is weird as it is literally just a headline and one line essentially saying the same)
Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo
no coincidences so many of their stars have some mental collapse later in their career.
a week after pic related was released FBI released the pedosymbols by the way. any chance someone got pissed?
also note: A bear, fat hairy faggot, snuggling with a barely clothed young boy
Trevor Moore is probably /ourguy/
song about a kid getting sold into the showbusiness by greedy parents
0:29 seconds watch the list:
#5 pizzaparty
#1 AmberAlert
amber alert is an emergency system for example in case of missing children and is provided with technology by AlertSense which is the company fucking laura silsby works for
then he continues to say his parent sold him off in the song.
1:10 he says he cant stand the rich kids bar mizwahs and sleep overs with saudi princes
at 1:30 he sings about being put in a pit for 3 days and splashed with a hose which reminds me on those hot shit videos and the other shower videos
manager comes in saying "nothing to see here, he is just pranking lol"
2:30 kids says they will sacrifice him to the god baphomet
note that this was a few years before pizzagate broke
then there is also this shit:
includes the satanism, threat of suicide and blackmail through forcing him into fucking a child.
also goes 3:22 (Skull and Bones) and ends with the words "God please help me" even though all the other High in church clips have that song going on longer at the end
Dont forget Trevor Moore has a music video on circumcision too.
Supposedly yesterday a deputy state trooper intercepted a truck haul shipment of raw adrenochrome traveling across the US/Canada border to the Yukon.
They thought it was a a drug bust but the substance turned out to be 98.9% human adrenochrome.
Source, please.
The shills working the adrenochrome bust threads were not your runofthemill shills. These guys were emotional and intelligent.
Interpret that as you will.
what does this tweet tell you about alex jones?
I have the archives give me a minute.
Keep this thread alive.
But seriously if you read it just keep an eye on the shills behaviour.
They were PISSED.
This. I guarantee the Pedosta will be having a sleepless night.
nothing really. either its just his job of being controlled opposition by being bashed, or they bash him because he is opposition. doesnt tell anything really
I only have an issue with A5. I am 100% on board with pizzagate and I was the guy who exposed JK Rowling's Hiati/East Europe ops:
But I do not like A5, he is a liar.
For those interested in figuring out the trafficking networks:
/HTG/: (ignore shill threads)
/ATG/: (stands for anti-trafficking general and looks at all of the different trafficking networks)
within these threads you will find the proper jumps.
it wasn't anon5. it was some other tripcode who claimed to be a highway patrolman in the USA.
he was talking pretty serious about this bust. it was supposedly multiple 18 wheelers carrying containers of frozenhuman adrenochrome.
If you have the time to read the archived post, please take the time to make any good posts from the thread into an infograph and post them here to we can distribute them further. thanks
What the fuck dd he mean by this???
The links are somewhat lengthy, could you, as a person who was presumably in the original threads, please post the links of the news article reporting this?
Or was it just the word of some "highway patrolman"?
More on adrenochrome.
Guess he's alive and well
Well enough to go to the party
do you think he was in the navy and seen some shipping containers on a ship or something?
Disneyland has had allegations for years of underground facilities related to MKULTRA and other projects.
It's a perfect front for trafficking children. Nobody would question bus-loads of kids moving in and out.
In the Awan case, the ports detected radioactive material in diplomatically immune shipping containers
It was either depleted U or refined U, not sure, but set off the geigers.
As far as I know there was no jew who reported it so you'd have to find out about it through alternative media.
If youre too lazy to read 2 Sup Forums threads then odds are you don't really care much.
I was there in those threads and it seemed real to me. I don't feel the need to prove to you that humans have been engaging in cannibalism in the modern age. The signs are everywhere.
Pizzagate being about pedophilia is a bit of a misnomer. Seeing as how pizza and burgers are a bit of a tongue and cheek to human meat being contaminated with dead goyim.
that aussi shill made his own thread about pizza not being a slang for childporn kek
and before he starts his shit here again
before pizzagate
>added 4 years ago
and after pizzagate
for those who were in this thread:
this string of posts was posted by the same user before mods nuked it. i wouldn't want ben to miss out on it
Can barely find any info on the Awan case. They really want to bury that one. He had access to their computers, email. Everything.
They are called DUMBS or deep underground military bases.
Most if not all of them have been shut down by now.
sauce on pic?
this is fake shit they push to discredit people as conspiracy theorists. andrenochrome is a fictional drug from hunter s thompson garbage
Damn son
You can't collect my goddess.
I have no idea who she is but God isn't she a wonder.
Seems like UraniumOne scandal is beginning to tie into Awan scandal
What a HUGE fucking rabbit hole this is turning out to be.
Explain then why you can synthesize adrenochrome and fortune500 pharma corporations already produce non human adrenchrome.
Explain why you can google and find peoples reports on their experiences ingesting adrenchrome recreationally.
buy the stuff legally here:
how it is if you snort or smoke it:
I came here as it was supposed to be mocking Skippy, not some HTG thread.
I still presume you were in those 2 threads - and I presume, furthermore, you were did not see ANy news article - and you saw nothing, in fact, save the testimony of a LARPer.
Adrenochrome, which is oxidised adenalin, would be easily made, and as raw adrenalin is easily procured, there's no real reason to ship it.
Fell free to rant about da Jewz/goyz if it makes you feel better.
He's getting absolutely roasted on Twitter, wouldn't be surprised if he baleets his account soon.
So sick of this nonsense and "dig !!!" shilling.
If someone has info, they should drop it.
Otherwise, GTFO.
It's to distract from the real results Sup Forums is having staying focused on pizzagate.
what a day that was
>yfw it's so 'fake' they have to discredit it
Just like all conspiracies amirite
The D's are in full meltdown and it will only increase as more pedo investigations bear fruit.
The pizza is the key to the blackmail.
Save the children, take away the pizza, the ability to blackmail goes 99.99% away.
Feel free to contribute nothing and be unironically useless while asking for news sources on something news corporations are complicit in abetting.
Nobody here cares what you don't believe in.
What happens if you are vaporized? Would you not have enough time to enter the astral plane?
Thats up to you to determine
The Awan Brothers are the IT guys of Debby Wassermann-Schulz. The police seized the laptop of one of the Awans to which DWS responded with threats to get the laptop back
Also 3 lawyers came up dead in the district DWS is responsible for and of which one at least was working on a DNC fraud case
Then some time ago one of the Awan Brothers was arrested while leaving leaving the country
Then later a story broke that Session will anounce multiple investigation regarding criminal leaks which people think is connected to all this.
Furthermore there are rumors about the Awan Brothers being in contact with iraqi officials leading to people thinking they are selling classified information of the US. That gets us back to Huma Abedin which supposedly was a spy for the Saudis. Is this whole Avanbrothers thing some huge spyring in the US government? Is pizzagate used to get those spies into the government and make sure everyone shuts up about as they are otherwise exposed as pedos?
Did i miss something? Did I get anything wrong?
>1337 XXDD
The article mentions a wikileak dump that includes Huma. Might be worthwhile seeing what is in them.
You are indeed correct.
It is a blackmail compromising ring.
Of course there is pseudo scientific purposes and perversion. But ultimately it is a method of control similar to facism, where the "ring" of intiates partake or are coerced into the taboo in order to form a (((secret))) society where the ruler has absolute control of the ring by holding the secret hostage knowing the truth will result in death of any leaker/whistleblower.
The lesser known term for this occurance is called:
>The Belgian Disease.
I don't believe in:
THEY LIVE glasses owned by 120-yr-old sages
120-yr-old sages posting on Sup Forums
Giant monsters that must be viewed from Google maps.
But you do.
I don't believe in the "highway patrolman" either, sad to say.
And now, it seems, you, sir, will believe anything that is put forward by a LARPer.
I used to think you were just using your energies wrongly - but I now think you're a total pedo faggot, m8.
sounds about go*yawn* I think I'll go rest now
good night
who is EB and RL you think?
sorry i know im samefagging/drawing attention to my own posts but this dude is C O N F I D E N T in what hes saying
>a child molester calling another person crazy
I hope John Podesta gets raped, then violently murdered and then butns in hell for ever. Hows that for crazy you piece of shit. The worst part about having faggots run amok is you have to hear their fucking lies, apart from the child molestation
What are you on about mate.
Contribute or fuck off.
I just want one question answered, how is a faggot pizza maker among top 50 most powerful people in Washington?
Dude he's gettin fucked up in those comments, holy shit.
I've only seen one comment that was supportive to him it said some shit like, "people email people about their kids, this isnt weird."
go read those comments, there's images from /pol all throughout it.
you guys definitely got the message out.
N O B O D Y is fucking defending him, AT ALL.
Like I said - I exposed JK Rowling. Even that animeanon who bumps HTG threads will vouch for a certain Brtitbong (me) who did so - he/she posted the English MI5 guy from "Darker Then Black" as a means of congrats.
It's more substantial than your copypasta of Google street maps, leaf-san
>Source and share evidence yourself
>Spread the evidence in other Sup Forums threads and great internet
>Talk about pizzagate IRL
>Post flyers or leaflets in your home town
>Redpill the whole world
>Think of this like graffiti
>The sheer quantity of redpills entering the globe cannot be defeated
I just want to reiterate that NOBODY IS DEFENDING HIM.
Thats great user, I'm glad I am wrong you are not a shill. Don't ever call me a pedo again.
Found this video. Guy believes "Alex" in the Clinton emails could be Imran Awan. In the comments someone says one of Imran's renters said he went by the name Alex.
>JK Rowling
makes you wonder if this is the reason she shilled so hard against trump
Not surprised they've stopped defending him. They're going to need the Podesta brothers to take the fall and provide a firebreak for Hillary. Or try to, anyway.
OK due - but you CAN see why I question the highway partrolanon? I am good with organic chemistry. Adrenachrome can be easily made.