Why am I not seeing people on social media criticizing Islam the way they were criticizing white supremacy when he ran over someone?
Does Islam get a pass?
Why am I not seeing people on social media criticizing Islam the way they were criticizing white supremacy when he ran over someone?
Does Islam get a pass?
That was a terrorist. Not a real Muslim
For the left, yes. Blame (((them)))
Media is pushing the ideologically possessed to cause harm.
Also, CIA and FBI harvest and program assassins
Everyone knows ISIS=Israel
Israel did Vegas
Yes, Islam gets a pass because the left believes that the enemy of their enemy is their friend. White people are their common enemy.
Because you don't follow the feeds of people who like to blame Islam for things, duh.
Other reasons:
- Daesh's theology states that any Muslim who has not sworn allegiance to Abdul-Boar or whatever his name and joined the jihad against the infidels is an infidel. Most people don't want to help Daesh force that meme.
- Instinctive understanding of statistics. Usually people talking about human instinct+statistical risk are talking about how dumb people are, but in this case they're smart. There are a billion Muslims, versus... how many people Vanguard America had never met before who showed up in their uniform carrying their shields to guard Punchableface? Wikipedo says about 500 fash, one of which drove a truck of peace. To match the peace truck rate from WNs willing to travel around the country to boost Spencer in August 2017, Islamists would have needed TWO MILLION attacks.
- Daesh is fascist in character. Consider how they run their toy caliphate: reactionary 'traditionalism', radical antifeminism, mass murder, obliteration of dissent, identification of the Leader as a religious figure, endorsing sacrifice of all human freedom for the group objectives. Blaming Islam for Daesh seems, to many people, like blaming Christianity for Hitler. You can make a credible argument but you're going to offend a lot of people.
- The Baath party was modeled on the Nazi party. Baathists played a major role in the organization of Daesh. This means that ISIS are, basically, white nationalists.
- Remember that bit about Daesh saying everyone who's not with them is an infidel? They keep killing people in Baghdad. What religion do most people in Baghdad belong to?
Bumping because I like the picture and youre right.
I think its because muslims are more likely to hurt them than whites, so they feel more comfortable to attack whites. Violence works.
FFS, the Saudis are whiter than the average Southern Klan member.
Because social media is run by Jews. Not even kidding here. Also algorithms and shit. I follow a shit ton of right wing and centrist pages on instagram dropping truth memes all day, but they never get more than 500 likes. They get no exposure. I don't want anything even remotely related to liberal shit on insta yet my feed always has nogs twerking and fighting and retarded niggers with their fucking retarded emojs.
This picture pisses me off because the girl is not nearly as hot as the head-cutting-off-thumbnail leads me believe.
Perfect feet
because it doesn't fit (((their))) narrative
You're right. No one has criticised Islam. Apparently you're from the year 1963.
>Does Islam get a pass?
Yes. Saudi oil is more important than American lives.
islam gets a pass every single time, why would they not this time?
Because criticizing Islam doesn’t score you any virtue points, even though Nazis have been gone for 70 years and Moslems are killing people today in the name of their ideology.
Normie logic.
9/11 is an outlier. If you leave it out of the statistics, iirc, you're a lot more likely to be attacked by a white nationalist in America (or many other Western countries) than by an Islamist.
If you differentiate between 'Muslim' and 'White' rather than 'Islamist' vs. 'White Nationalist', then even if you DO include 9/11 whites wind up being a more dangerous threat.
But that's all moot, because the core premise is wrong. If I show up on your Arsebook feed with questions like 'How do I know Richard Spencer didn't order Fields' attack?', the objective here is to make Richard Spencer's followers mad. Most Americans assume that white nationalists read English (they certainly use a lot of English when spamming Eastern Europe with their graffitti!) and Daesh supporters read Arabic. If I can't read Arabic how can I know if I successfully trolled the pigfucker caliph or if I just got Arabic for 'hot singles in your area want to chat now'?
because shitter and kikebook and everything else will ban them.
thats why i dont have any social media accounts
Implying this is difference?
West want to suicide for some reason. At least, Left part want to suicide, and have control of institutions for now, so trying very hard make their suicide.
Will not success, though, I think. West most skilled for organized violence at very high level. Muslim could take over easy if make friend with Left, but stupid nigger brain cannot understand strategy, so they do violent.
Jew get Holocaust from Bolshevik and later Hitler over made up propaganda story. Very hard to make such story, but still it work. Muslim not need secret conspiracy story propaganda -- actually really plain say "We want kill everyone and take over world". No need magic story of Jew banker for this one. So I cannot see future where West does not do Holocaust thing to Muslim much more than ever happen in history.
I want this happen, actually. I think Islam is disease like "rage virus" make zombie in Biohazard. Infect brain, then must infect or kill everyone else once infected. Very dangerous.
After Europe become European culture again then we do good thing like space colony together I think. For now, we do research and space work ourself and with American until Europe stop fucking itself.
It used to be that when you pissed someone off they'd go off their head at you but it turns out Muslims go off with your head instead. So yes they get a free pass but only out of the fear of making them true Muslims.
I want to lick her feets :P
They are nice.
I'm thinking of converting, are earring forbidden in islam?
>Wikipedo says about 500 fash, one of which drove a truck of peace.
One stupid kid panicked and floored the gas, resulting in a fat cat lady having a heart attack. Sorry , but I'm a stickler for facts.
People do, not those in power like the media..
The overton window has changed with Trump in the White House tho
you can criticize everything and anyone
except islam , there's no other group that will actively seek you out and destroy you , oh wait feminism adopted that tactic
>There are a billion Muslims, versus... how many people Vanguard America had never met before who showed up in their uniform carrying their shields to guard Punchableface? Wikipedo says about 500 fash, one of which drove a truck of peace. To match the peace truck rate from WNs willing to travel around the country to boost Spencer in August 2017, Islamists would have needed TWO MILLION attacks.
Are you SERIOUSLY comparing the ENTIRE global Muslim population to the five hundred assholes who showed up to that event?
>9/11 is an outlier.
The holocaust is a fucking outlier and yet I guarantee you think it matters you fucking kike.
If Muslim believe own religion book, then must believe most important job in world is to infect others with Islam or enslave or kill. No exception in this rule for them.
So bad muslim the "good" muslim you claim.
Religion stupid. But Islam dangerous and stupid.
>9/11 is an outlier. If you leave it out of the statistics, iirc, you're a lot more likely to be attacked by a white nationalist in America (or many other Western countries) than by an Islamist.
>If you differentiate between 'Muslim' and 'White' rather than 'Islamist' vs. 'White Nationalist', then even if you DO include 9/11 whites wind up being a more dangerous threat.
Not per capita :^)
Islamic terrorists aren't real muslims but crazy white guys are clearly the essence of whiteness.
Under Leftie/Marxist/Jew Supremacy, the Straight, White, Christian, Male is enemy 1 one.