Why do non-Americans think of Texas when they think of America? California has more people and New York is more important.
Why do non-Americans think of Texas when they think of America...
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Texas is the most unique bit, the most alpha and the most gun happy.
That the cities of Texas are suffering from Californian immigration will probably change that view.
Fuck, our media are already making it so.
Eat shit Hollynigger
Wtf where's bama?
>Gun happy
Try Arizona, the best gun law state in the union
Disregard that, I suck cocks. It's Nevada
Texas isn't America.
We aren't apart of your shit country.
Californians go home plz
TEXAS was the shit back in the day. They have taken in SO much immigration that the immigrants literally outnumber them now. Once immigrant children get of age (in around 20 years) it's over.
For many outsiders the image of an American is a cowboy, representing determined individualism, rugged pioneers, free thinkers
because California is a bunch of mexicans and numales that don't know what gender they are, and New York has a revolving door of immigrants and midwestern feminists looking to get their ass blown out in a 250sqft apartment. Texas on the other hand embodies America, guns, open space, drinking, and a don't fuck with us attitude.
cultural significance
Not as bad off as many think, Austin, the supposed most pozzed of Texas cities, voted 40% Trump.
A little annoying with the gun obsession (nothing wrong with guns, but just keep it in your pants eh?) and the DUN MES WIT TEXUS shit, but mostly they're alright I guess. If someone said I could get rid of California and/or New York but the price was getting rid of Texas too, I'd take the offer.
Also they're being overrun with spics, so things may change in the future. Eventually Oklahoma is gonna need its own wall.
Cause Texas is cool as hell.
Too bad we've got too many commies coming in and too many Mexicans that don't want to integrate.
Its like a little Alaska.
Texans are loud, fat, and have big-ass strange hats. When they travel to other countries they leave a lasting impression, like a grease stain or a child's favorite toy breaking.
At the state level Texas has repeatedly passed legislation to clamp down on illegal aliens, beef up the border, you name it only to have the fed come down to say we can't do that.
>What do non-Americans think
>every poster is American
it's 46% white.
Because Texas represents what America used to be. Unapologeticly free yet respectful and fostering hard work and growth. Unfortunately since there is no state income tax and housing is affordable, liberals are fleeing their shithole socialist states and coming to Austin and San antonio only to initiate the same measures that they fled from.
Texas has a way of changing people who come here. We have a state identity unlike the rest of you cucks.
California and New York fucking suck. At least around the major cities. New York State in general is a shithole of indescribable proportions, but rural pars of California are alright. I've heard upstate New York is okay, but I really doubt it.
You know the Jews, feminists, gang members, brainwashed zombie college students, and everyone else we hate? Yeah they call come from New York and California.
t.user who lived in both states for almost 20 years
Fuck you I'm not an American
California and New York aren't really America any more. In fact, they should both secede.
Number 2 with cheese, easy onions extra pickles and Whatasize that bastard.
>housing is affordable,
Housing is not affordable.
in fact housing is in a massive bubble and there's a huge shortage of it, leading to massive groups of homeless in many of Texas's cities. I'd rather have income tax and better roads too, the roads are planned by retarded monkeys I swear.
>Texas is the most unique bit
It really isn't. Texan culture isn't really any different than that found throughout the rest of the South. At least the region around New York is somewhat distinctive from New England and Pennsylvania.
>op: why do....
>autist: what do...
Whataburger is shit.
So is In-N-Out before some user starts sperging about it too.
No, they should both be purged.
uhhhhh.....you're a poop head!
heh, who's the idiot know ;)
What more do you expect from a nigger I ask you?
Shut up faggot
texas literally feels that big when you drive through it
Trips of truth confirm. Whataburger is shit, so is In-N-Out. Stay salty with your overpriced shitburgers
It hurts when you get shot in the bronx, a real pain in the bronx.
Gibs me dis, gibs me dat, cave a nigger's skull with a baseball bat.
I even mod my games to include Whataburger.
The fuck is going on, is the east coast trying to start a war?
Sorry I can afford more than a $1 burger, ill pay an extra $3-$4 for better shit. KYS
Cause we have the best guns and burgers
Take back AZLAN land. November 4th bitch.
Well, California isn't America anymore. 44% of people here don't speak English at home. 44%.
>Whataburger is shit
Fuck your own face and kys
New Yorkers pretend they're Europeans; California isn't really part of America anymore with it's huge 1st generation legal and illegal immigrant population.
Texas has a lot of illegals and legal immigrants, too, but it retains that cowboy mystique. And there's a truth to Texas's self-image with its big-haired, dyed blonde women and it's tough men in pick up trucks. It's far more American than most of America.
Holy shit nice
I think of deserts and morbid obesity
>Walmart x Whataburger
I'm an El Paso fag but that shit should be HEB you nigger.
Nah we are unique we have some spic flavor to our Southern culture.
>inb4 go back
nah brodie
Around here the Whataburgers are around Walmarts and the Little Caesars and Subway are around HEB.
Not true.
I imagine homos and faggots when i associate something with America.
It is because faggotry and other sick perversion is normal in America.
I'll pay an extra few bucks for a Honey BBQ chicken strip sandwich instead of a shitty squishburger from McDiddles any day.
This. I'm in Oklahoma for work and I fucking hate it. I miss HEB and Bushes Chicken...
because Texa is associated with cowboys and nothing is more American than cowboys to non AMericans
El Paso here, wtf is HEB? Fuck outta here with that white boy shit, you aint border
>Fuck outta here with that white boy shit, you aint border
You're part of the problem, beanboi.
Implying 2& 1/2 texas' cant fit in alaska. i guess that's what a southern education gets you fucking moron
And in San Antonio, La Quinta is Spanish for "next to Denny's". Literally every one has a Denny's next to it. I think there's even one Denny's with two La Quintas, each on the opposite of I-410.
I'm a native.
>Being so poor you haven't seen the rest of the state.
This is what wrong with El Paso, bunch of people like you everywhere in the city. It's not even an issue that is specific to the Mexicans here.
Texas culture is Northern Mexican Vaquero culture + Redneck culture. Ignorant white boys wont accept this, true Texans know it's true
If I move to the states, I would move to Texas. They are a proud people
Also the nips that did location research for Resident Evil 7 must have really enjoyed Whataburger, you can find the cups everywhere.
>Whataburger is shit
this better be some sort of jape or jest there big fella
>New York is more important
Pfft, last Century
>El Paso here, wtf is HEB? Fuck outta here with that white boy shit, you aint border
More proof that Hell Paso should have been part of New Mexico.
It's like that in Central TX too. Stayed in the one in Killeen before and there was one not even 100ft away.
The problem is that the US has sold itself as one nation, rather than a collection of states. So obviously other nations will pick certain parts of it and say "See! This is the USA!" They can't understand how large or diverse it is without being here, so they buy the political line about it being a single thing.
New York and California are in the same trash heap. The coasts in the US are extremely close culturally - they're all about stabbing your neighbors in the back to make money. The method is the only real difference in the culture. East coast tends to be more honest while doing the stabbing, while west coast tends to be more about hiding your true intentions. Either way, you can't trust any of your neighbors in these regions.
Texas? Texas is alright. It's got southern hospitality throughout most of the state, and reasonably gun laws. Europeans can't fathom "reasonable gun laws", so they pick one of the states and go "holy fuck LOOK AT THIS STATE". It's everything they can never be, so it's easy to notice.
So... to answer your question, I guess the answer is "because they don't know about the rest of it". Texas is a good indicator of how the USA is different than Europe. But so is a good chunk of the nation that just kind of exists and doesn't want anyone to notice it.
Non-Europeans mainly deal with Texas because that's their closest neighbor. At least, that is my closest guess. I'd welcome middle/south Americans correcting me.
The Fonz was a kike. Check the honker
>In-N-Out is expensive
Holy shit didn’t I see you in one of those “Feed The Children” ads?
>tfw if you split Alaska in half, Text would be the third largest state.
I like to slum it in Denny's or Waffle House every once in a while.
You're spot on in regards to the fats but the lone star star state has some pretty diverse topography
If you aren't apart, then you are a part. Must be a mexican, can't speak English
I was stationed in Ft Hood my dude, I seen this state but that has nothing to do with losers like you cock sucking the rest of the state. Muh HEB, MUH WHATABURGER. None of that shit applies to us, you are one of those faggots who goes to little bit of Texas on the weekend and takes pics of his cowboy boots and acts like he is some country boy from Eastern Texas huh?
El Paso will always be Mexican, like it or not and nothing will ever change that. Keep crying cuck
Yeah we are Southwest as fuck, what is the problem?
That's right we are proud people.
We will rise.
Le 8% face
>Waffle House
San Antonio doesn't have Waffle House. But at least we have Taco Cabana. And they don't have these even in Austin HEBs.
A mongrelized zionist shithole filled with whites who worship spics. Anybody who actually moves to a state where whites are 42% of the population is fucking retarded as your genetics will literally get beaned.
>But muh deporting of illegals
Most spics in Texas are legal and they breed like rabbits not to mention mix with whites. Unless you get the RAISE act passed where the majority of our immigrants would come from Europe. Your state is going to be fucked once the white boomers die off, The chinks and poos will literally colonize the state once that happens. Feels good to be in Western Pennsylvania where spics are almost nonexistent and everybody is against all forms of nonwhite immigration. Meanwhile Texans literally race-mix with their spic untermensch to create filthy mongrels. While the Midwest and Pennsylvania will still be white, Texas will become another extension of Mexico. You guys worshiping Texas like it's this racist state are fucking laughable.
Hope you won't mind your grandchildren being spic mongrels, because only 25% of newborns in Texas are non-hispanic whites. Texas along with California will become the first states to be populated by mostly Mestizo scum. You're better off moving to the Midwest and not that deathtrap.
You're half right.
The US is made up of a bunch of states. Texas is one of them. I don't really get you guys or your culture but I'd have your back if Mexico, for example, randomly invaded. I hope you'd do the same if the Canadians invaded me.
This is the only person from El Paso that was ever worth anything and even he knew your city and culture was one big joke.
Just hold up a picture of Jordan Peterson and watch them scurry away in terror.
Mestizos have already taken over Nigexas my friend, it's going to become one of the first spic majority states. Contrary to popular belief, Spics vote democrat in the majority in Texas. That state is going to be screwed unless European immigration via the RAISE act happens.
I like everything I have seen about texans and think they are great people.
Except of course their mexican problem. But the fact that they know it's a problem shows they are good people.
>white boy shit
Taco Cabana is alright here. How the hell does Austin lack so much shit?
Dont mess woth Texas faggots.
The most fun happy state in the union is Arizona ya daft cunt.
>worshipping the BLC
Sounds about right for you eastern Texas white cucks. He represented that border macho masculinity you white cucks wished you had down in Austin kek. And that is why you worship him, is that why you hate us? You feel sexually frustrated because border Latinos wont bend over your pink white pussy and ravage it like they do to your sister?
Keep crying gringo
Natural born Tejanos with historical roots aren't the problem, they vote conservative only marginally less than whites do as a group. The real problems are the illegal mexicans and transplant spics from California.
It's a lack of test. NY and CA are full of feminazis, Jews, and soyboys.
Nice projection there pal. I love this state but I'm a city dweller and all that country stuff is pretty fucking boring to me. I'm just happy I live somewhere with open desert to shot and off road in.
True, but most people from outside it don't know. Foreigners don't even have a clue about Arizona.
>New Yorkers pretend they're Europeans
since when?
t. lived here for 25 years