Jackie shot JFK

Jackie shot JFK

Looking at frames 280 to 330. She pulls jfk down and pushes a gun into his face. The gun is aimed up and away from her. His head explodes and the brain matter goes up. She then does some slight of hand motions and ditches the gun with her right hand, tucking it into a space behind the seat. She did a little magic trick. JKO killed jfk.

To be more exact, jfk was shot first and i think a second shooter hit the passenger in the front. He was supposed to die but didn't, jackie finished the job. Just watch it a few times and ask yourself, does it look like she was pulling him downward to help her bear down onto the trigger?

It wouldn't have been a hair-trigger because it may have gone off early if she was nervous. She had to squeeze the shit out of it. Also, his head fucking exploded, like really... a point blank shot from a pistol could have weakened the skull so much that everything else melted away like it did. His entire head quickly disintegrated after the shot, deflecting upon itself.

You say you took the red pill. are you sure?

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another look youtube.com/watch?v=Sqk3sdfXFkc

what are you scared of ? the truth ?



I don't care about this troll post but in case your onto something I guess I'll bump it happy Halloween OPERINO

not a troll post. watch the video, she shot him

yup, Onassis programmed her
she was at his place for 6 months came back day of killing
old school mafia style shit, took your gun and your girl

it clearly looks like that, but I suspect the zaprduer is a fake.

look at jfk appearing to grasp at his own throat. why? was he already shot in the throat?

I agree the zapruder film shows jackie shooting jfk.

rubenstein was a jew. where is the connection to any of them and rubenstein? whereas oswald getting shot by a jew to cover for jackie makes no sense. occam's razor

imagine being this retarded

her hands were empty and on his arm.

He was shot in the neck first, thats why he raised his arms, but jackie pulls him down and shoots upwards into the top of his skull.

are you retarded? she was touching him the whole time, she PULLED HIM DOWN. The fuck you mean she didn't touch him ???????

Imagine being so retarded you can't think for yourself. look at the video man

something doesn't look right to me.

he passes behind the sign and when he emerges it looks like he's been hit by an invisible phaser lazer.

the video is completely absurd and fake.

yeah at 6-8 seconds he goes from "cool and presidential" to "hit with invisible death ray/bug flew in mouth and it's super gross"

your telling me, that this famous video, along with all videos of the jfk assassination are fake/?


wow, you are too scared arent you. this is amazing. you are too scared to admit the truth.

too spoopy for you all ? fucking pussies.


seems to be a composite made from at least 2 videos where editing is done to remove the first event that gets JFK to flip out and seize up like he's been tazered.

Yes the zapruder is fake. Why else does he seize up with no visible cause?



1. when your post is ignored, you'retelling the truth

2. would like to know the TRIGGER WORD that Texas Governor John Connally told her.

3. She went on yacht trip in the mediterranean. We now know that's high-level prostitution.

4. Jackie could even be a MK ULTRA asset and Onassis just took care of her after Dallas.

In fact, that Trump withheld hundreds of JFK documents and not a single one (released) even mentions Abraham Zapruder or his film... I'm even more emboldened that what we saw was a fake.

he wasn't ignored. just basing investigative work off a jewish video, and drawing conclusions after skipping over evidence (JFK seize up)

you can't post if you haven't read at least 30 books while being gay.

Oswald was sent russia for the purpose of turning back as an agent provocateur. He was CIA double agent fpor all his life.

Ruby was CIA and more, he killed oswald while being there as translator for israeli television.

The oswald killing was aired live and was the first live broadcast killing.

What O. couldn't tell was that...

I posit that Stanley Kubrick is KGB and he created the Zapruder film.

>The fuck you mean she didn't touch him


was that he was there to fake an attempt at kennedy, escape to Cuba and blame Cuba for the attempt.

Strnagley enough none of you USA shills look at the shitty italian rifle used by oswald.

Oswald was duped at a lowest level in the conspiracy.

it's was suicide, ya fegget

It doesn’t look that way at all

> this


The highest level got a good sniper - maybe Sarti, a corsican - on the knoll.

Sarti shoots, then passes the rifle to an FBI agent who acts as a railroad worker that escapes on the railroad behind the knoll.

An agent who went to the knoll asked Sarti for an ID. Sarti gave an FBI id.

On Frame 295 you can see a bullet flying toward jfkss head


but whatever you believe, when an attempt turns true, the future POTUS is surely into it, so his jewish wife and friends surely gib him a hand. To me what Jackie drops on the back of the limo is some sort of pistol that a presidential agent grabs quickly.


what leads you to think this, genuinely curious


The Zapruder film was altered, it can't be used as evidence for much of anything.

Messages hidden in the Shining eluding to faking the moon landing.
(((Metro Goldwyn Meyer)))
Eyes Wide Shut

frame 313, the brain mass escapes upwards and away from jackie, look a the placement of her left hand, she had a gun right in his mouth.

when her hands come up and she moves to the top of the back of the car, i dont see anything in her hands. Is there another shot that shows something


but why him and this event? He or anyone ever alluded to this? also
>Messages hidden in the Shining eluding to faking the moon landing.
i had not heard this, what are the hidden messages? again genuinely curious.

Maybe she punched him in the throat with the tip of gun then shot him

The zapruder film has been edited big time, for one, that sign on the side of the road is totally fake. It was added in later. I dont know why though.

Her name was Jackie O

And she was CIA - " She took a job at the CIA and in January of 1952 went to work at a Washington newspaper as a photographer. During an assignment, she met U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy, who was 12 years her senior. They were married on September 12, 1953. " - Looks like she was put with him .

you can easily find the hidden moon messages in the shining by googling.

as for why Kubrick, it's strictly because I don't believe in coincidences. Cultural subversion from russian jews coming out of the KGB and infiltrating our schools, press, hollywood, etc. And then we have Kubrick here making degenerate (also jewish) shit like Lolita. It's obvious he is a marxist culture engineer.

wew that's hard to ignore

She shot him with one of these. It's so obvious...like the emperor's new clothes. Completely agree she shot him.

Pea-brained autist theory, if anybody shot him from the car it was the driver.

You have to make up a faked zapruder film to even conclude she did not shoot him. she obviously shot him in the video we were given.

Still that film... clearly edited.

would this blow someones head open?

i think this was a microwave gun or some kind of focused energy weapon not a traditional weapon. look how he keels over like he's uncomfortable before the shot happens. probably begun the targeting and kept the weapon focused on his head and heated it up before the pressure blew out his skull.