Why do asian men not want white women? According to this article asian men only marry white women if they're rich. What gives?
Why do asian men not want white women? According to this article asian men only marry white women if they're rich. What gives?
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More realistic with their expectations? No idea
Because white women don't want Asian men.
White women tiers: White men, latino men, asian men, niggers.
could she push her tits up more?
You would think that they would be more willing to marry poor white women.
>wanting something that fucks niggers
Yeah nope.
Imagine being so jealous and butthurt that you write an article like this
Isn't it usually "white women only marry asian men if they're rich"?
>inb4 the am/wf autist appears and starts spamming the thread
Asians have small penises compared to the size of white pussy.
Fair enough
Given how white women are whores, it'd be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Yeah, no thank you.
Why can't other races just mate with each other and be done with it? Why the obsession with us?
White chicks are disgusting whores
I prefer to only date koreans
t. korean guy
Take a long look back at the last 300 years nigger.
This is the first time I've seen a picture of an entirely Asian couple on Sup Forums
Insecure much? Half of all guys are below average, and most of the rest don't really count as "big" anyway, so it's nothing to be ashamed of unless you got legit unlucky.
White women turn into winnebagos. Asians do not
They don’t want white women to laugh at their tiny penors
> implying white women are hot commodity
could be true 20 years ago, but not anymore now that an average white gal gets rammed by Africans/Muslims for free. i'd rather spend my hard-earned cash on a virginal Asian woman with a pretty face. sage
95% of people want to be with someone of a higher status, and light skin-tone is associated with nobility.
No, I know my dick is small. You're the one trying to compete with Tyrone with all the "muh dick"-ing you're doing.
lol no. Way way more white women are with black than asian. It's not even close.
Racemixing is a meme. No one wants to exchange cultures. It’s too hard. Men and women of the same culture have a hard time getting along already.
Nah Tyrones also practice genital mutilation. I'd trade an inch or even two to undo the Jew.
Yeah, and? Are you guys gonna stay supermad and be defined by your envy of us forever? You'd really be surprised at how eager we are to respect you if you'd only respect yourselves and cease projecting your racial anxieties at us.
We are the fairest race.
>Asians do not
Ever seen one without make up and surgery?
Check out the ok cupid and other date app graphics and see yourself.
not even black females want niggers, tyrone.
Asian pussy is wider than white pussy. Anyone with experience will tell you this. Black women are the tightest.
If you're playing someone else's game in someone else's world, your only taught the game master's definition of success are you not?
Maybe not in hueland where you've been mixing for ages. A lot of them here just want to try BBC, poop on the floor due to daddy issues, and succumb to their inner instincts of going for the "bad boy" and the aggressive personality type in a sea of white betas.
All women look like shit when they age and no makeup. I agree about Korean surgery barbies.
You'd find that Asian men may be physically attracted to white women. However, Asian men are disgusted by the inside of white women. Asian women are submissive and heavily educate themselves to teach their children, despite wanting to be housewives. If there is one thing Asians hate, it is uncertainty. They dislike risk which is why they seek high reliable high paying jobs instead of majoring in history, astronomy or theoretical physics. White women are seen as too much of a risk for too little a reward. Whereas, Asian women are seen as a much more reliable investment. This is reflected in racial divorce rates. This dislike of uncertainty is also another reason Asian men generally dislike sleeping around with randoms. High risk, little long-term reward. In short, jack to whites, marry asians.
Which is why multiculturalism is a bad idea. Obviously we want you to /getout/ for our own benefit, but it's for yours in the long-term as well - the aggravation which we feel that stems from ZOG stymieing our ability to unselfconsciously celebrate ourselves is mirrored in the aggravation you experience in living in a culture where white people are held up as the ideal. The solution is to separate and be happy and comfortable amongst ourselves. Maybe we could even be friends - from afar.
LOL, the biggest interracial couples in america are whites/latinos, whats your point, tyrone? You feel the reject in ur skin, stop the damage control.
>le alpha black meme
Just stating my observations. There's a very clear trend on the rise for jumping on black cock, just like there is for competitions to see who can be the biggest whore and take the most v-cards.
I'm slavic masterrace btw.
>I'm slavic masterrace btw.
Slavlife bestlife.
poor white women are not marriage material
Fetish flings are different than marriages, dates, and relationships.
>im slav
Yeah, Jamal, you are half mongol and shieeet? Fuck off, monkey.
All women I know hates black man, includes black women.
Yes they are Lithuanian. Go find a religious one with morals and not your partying "burn-out-young" women.
>I'm slavic masterrace btw.
Trudat. But this is a thread about "want," not "what kind of couples work best."
I see a fair bit of mw/af, but actually asian-asian has been one of the more visible family-oriented pairing trends on the rise lately I'd have to say.
Keep telling yourself that white boi
Money>everything else
also white women reeks of feminism
When it comes to Slavs, you have a pretty good chance of some Khazar admixture along with other things. But outside of a few oddballs, my entire extended family going back for generations has been Catholic and white-on-white action.
>implying that you even having this image saved doesn't prove his point more than yours
How many asians do you know? Sounds like a comprehensive theory.
Sorry, only Baltic countries can be master race.
What if I told you I'm a quarter Balt?
Your entire argument falls apart as soon as you realize that the white women you're talking about are the ones corrupted by degeneracy and demoralization. Religious white women will and forever will be superior. Not to mention you won't destroy your heritage in one generation if you race mix.
>According to this article asian men only marry white women if they're rich.
No, you fuckin retard. According to the article, Asian men who are richer marry Asian women. AMAF however, make less income than AMWF, because the white female earns more than the Asian female, but the male Asian in the AMAF makes more than the Asian male in the AMWF.
"Asian men who actually do end up marrying white women, in fact, earn less in median income than Asian men who marry Asian women (Figure 2), confirming that, when given the choice, economically well off Asian men will tend to choose Asian women."
Here's the simple answer: most well-to-do Asian girls, even the Westernized ones, aren't infected with western entitlement and feminism. Yea you get stragglers here and there who's a yellow-copy of your degenerate, liberal, white whores, but most of them are culturally closer to your women from the 1950s.
White women dont want Asian men. Thats the truth. Asian beta incels are trying to deny reality. They hate themselves and their race so much.
They are truly the lesser race.
t. Korean
I'm speaking only for myself, admittedly, but I don't get mad when I see an Asian man with a white woman. There are two reasons for that.
*I do not expect them to breed.
*Asian guys have to be really high-status to get white women, so even at a glance you can generally respect it. The guy looks handsome and sorted.
This makes it different to other more typical kinds of race-mixing. eg.
*Untermensch white guy uses race card to get average Asian gf.
*White girl refuses to stop being morbidly obese so she gets a brown boyfriend.
The most enraging kind of race-mixing?
*Stunning redhead with inexplicable brown boyfriend.
That's what I said my angry korean friend. In case you failed your english grammar class, the "they're" in "asian men only marry white women if they're rich" refers to the white women.
Don't know. I'm not an Asian man.
Because jews are really rare in Asia. They don't have any influences to racemix.
Cumskin, Asian men are basically guaranteed a white woman. If you talk to any asian male, they're usually already taken by white women. Meanwhile, white bois are left alone and turn into sissies. Here's some fap material for you.
I how much money over a million dollars her boyfriend has.
Dude, the "they" in "they're" can refer to the Asian men, the white women, or both. It's called ambiguous pronoun. How dare you lecture me about grammar.
Why does she let her boyfriend in the stream? Or even let the viewers know he exists? It has to cut into profit somewhat.
East Asian myself and know a lot of relatives in a majority asian population. I even know of a relative who married a blonde women. His hapa daughters go to Harvard. The uncertainty thing doesn't apply to everything of course though like medicine. But financial planning is one of them of which family is apart of.
Think which areas of the US do Asians mostly populate. The West Coast states. Now look up these states political affiliations. Liberal to the point where even white are majority liberal. Most of these good white women are hidden in the religious areas/churches. Asians (in the west) generally don't put a heavy emphasis on Christianity or Church. The shitty liberal women are what they see first and live with not the mid-western religious ones.
i love how these incels use the same pics and rare cases ff interracial relationships as if it proves any point whatsoever but completely sweep real facts under the rug,
Like I said you are truly the lesser race. You hate your phenotypes and race so much you want to be with people you find more superior. I ask white women Sup Forums related questions all the time and they always say they would never marry an Asian guy. There is nothing rare or unique about you,
>these legs
LOL. What height of that pigmeu? 5'3? And yes, only asian men can compete with withe men.
They might not be as common, but one Asian feminist is as bad as 10,000 white feminists who tend to be milquetoast. Think about mattress girl, BAMN lady, and the nuts in S. Korea.
Also, in my experience, even young Korean Christian girls tend to be more leftist than the average white girl. Religion can't even help them it seems. They don't have enough respect for either Korean or American culture to channel religion correctly and end up becoming crypto-commies.
There is no upgrade.
>implying you look anything like that
The rule is closest antecedent. You are unnecessarily angry at someone who is agreeing with you.
Because most Asian men are normal (At least romantically) and only want their own women.
That's not a natural physique you fucking moron. Any race looks like that with roids (except maybe niggers). Weak white manlets with lots of money are known to use tren and other shit to get big.
>The rule is closest antecedent
If that's true, I shouldn't have called you a fucking retard, and I apologize.
But is that right though? I don't recall of such rule.
You're right in a way, but still wrong. By that I mean that could be a technically correct choice in a choose the best answer type of question that would be inccorect. That's the kind of ambiguity writing classes were supposed to beat out of you.
It's a discordant sort of self-hatred. Blacks that have had really bad experiences with other blacks tend to hate blacks in general. There's also an ironic loyalty to kinsmen ship despite the irrational hatred.
I think it's how it goes with most races. I mean, we're men, so we'll find attractive girls of any races beautiful but marriage is a whole different matter.
I've seen a lot of 10/10 white girls, IRL and online and I find them very attractive, but never do I get that stomach-dropping, stomach-churning lust feeling from them, as opposed to the girls of my people who are my type.
Think we're just more attracted to people of our own culture, appearance, and familiarity. We respond to compatibility.
They still have writing classes?
Lol it's not even a matter of finance and wealth.
It's simple preference. Most white women are not attracted to an Asian male, even though this is rapidly changing despite how much it bothers the beta whites of Sup Forums, if you have an ounce of alpha in you at all, you wouldn't give a fuck about this rare coupling.
Another thing to consider is most Asian men just feel sorry for themselves and have succumbed to the perpetuated stereotype of Asian men all these years, and consequently accepted it, hence the majority have no confidence in even entertaining the idea of dating a white woman.
So unless you're pic related, you have shit chances, outside of the anomaly of "Rich Asian guy with white girl", which again, is an anomaly.
The countries with the smallest dicks are all Asian. Get mad chink, I've cucked an Asian and fucked his Cambodian, felt good man.
Fuck the niggers, I dont give a shit for those monkeys.
>I don't give a shit for those monkeys
>Implying the ambiguity isn't on purpose to get people to click through.
There is such a rule. However you're right that it's ambiguous as the other guy says.
>all brazilians are niggers
My italian famiily only mixed with natives, chimpanzoo.
Lineage isn't the #1 priority to many white men. Many white men put personality and femininity as their #1 criterion. It doesn't surprise me that white male/asian female mixing is the most common type because of this.
I'd conjecture that these asian men with white women have similar deviations in what they consider #1 in a woman.
>My italian famiily only mixed with natives
>mixed with the natives
You jealous, mayate? Only cry, shitskin nigger.
>white women
Only niggers are stupid enough to do this.
White women have big feet.
Zipperheads don’t like that.
>there are writers that sit on Sup Forums all day and write click bait articles tailored for us
go away
I live in sydney, there are heaps of chinks here. For every white woman-asian man couple I see, there are probably 6-10 asian woman-white man couples in releative numbers that I see.
Asian man-white woman couples are quite taboo as well, they’ll usually get a few subtle stares from people in public, because obviously its very rare.
Have blasians there yet? Somehow there are full-grown ones around already and I don't entirely recall having seen blasian couples IRL.
Titty streamers aren't smart, they think their tits will solve all problems
I don't which one is worse, the LARPing brazilianmutt or the 56% amerimutt telling others who's white.
>According to this article asian men only marry white women if they're rich
Seems more like education levels correlating with income, no? Then factor in multitude of cultural reasons for these dating/marriage patterns.