Post /ourguys/
Pic related, one of our guys.
Post /ourguys/
Pic related, one of our guys.
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This guy killed millions of ruskies. Is he ourguy?
thlath pol thlath
Check out Jonathan Bowden's speeches on youtube if you haven't. Some of the best stuff out there.
He came back
Maybe he never left
what the fuck am i looking at here exactly
he's shilling a movie they think conservatives are an easy draw for
what in the fuck is this
I dont know but its very satisfying
My thoughts exactly
why isnt anybody knocking this fuck out? is this come kind of cult or something?
What's the story behind this?
not human, monkey man
another monkey man
is this a photo shop? why is his skull so tiny? real whites have elongated skulls, with a sizeable back of head.
disgusting convert
This thread is shit.
>Fucking white knight shows up without knowing the story
Back to faggit please
>a jew ranting about noggers
I'll bet you think hes never said anything about your ethnic group either
>no trey gowdy
Is that a real quote?
all talk for the c-span cams
no results
problem is he never does shit.
all talk no walk.
Ok, we get it. You don't like women because you're an ugly loser. Doesn't justify this assumed Muslims actions.
Wood is a piece of trash no different from Weinstein. We should drag him through the mud like the rest of em.
Also, Tucker Carlson.
found sauce
apparently its muslims and the white lady looked at a married man
>father was a liberalizer
>Alexander III resents his father over his father's marital infidelity, and also for being a liberalizer
>authors a manifesto decreeing that his father's liberalization efforts will be reversed, and that he will rule as an absolute autocrat
>takes revenge on Nihilists, anarchists, and communists for trying to spread dissent in Russia
>tries to create an alliance between Russia, Austria, and Germany, to oppose the Anglo and France
>supports and maintains strict religious morality
Nicholas II would be /ourguy/ too if he were better at his job.
What's going on big guy?
Beats his 19 year old gf. Fucked a young looking ts. Got fired for being racist. Collects Nazi memorabilia. And guest host on infowars
Kike. No. Not getting away with it anymore.
i really wish we had enough know-how and experience to put together local campaigns for Sup Forumsacks. i fuckin swear all i need is a good tag and i can win a councilman seat. fuckin free media, straight out of trump's playbook.
something like "councilman user: because, fuck it why not?"
not yet, but he will be the most prolific hero in history soon
he likes barely legals
but so far they have been legal
he's not some rapey gatekeeper producer
and he hasn't been fundraising for corrupt politicians
also, women are probably attracted to him since he has charisma and isn't some whiny bitch like weinstein in that recording
based Brother Nathaniel
Nigger detected.
just cause a nigger takes a pitcure with the president does not make him less of a nigger
>put $800 on +5.5 rounds
>floyd keeps the fight going like the good defensive fighter he is
We can all be victims
FUCK yes. One of the best follows on Twiiter ever.
Oooh a piece of candy. Ooooh a piece of candy. Ooooh a piece of candy.
>Israel first
Kys ptg / t_d shill
pretty triggered that I didn't think of that bet
Keep piping this, user. I am ready and available. Fuck it. Why not? There are others, too. Grass roots and brass roots.
you dont realize how close i was to putting it all on all 12 rounds finishing
based georgian
This is his picture dumb ass!
ill see you all at my debates, one day
nah he's covering for his sellout friends
Shoo shoo retarded flu
Le forced meme man. Don't see his appeal personally.
the legend
andy kaufman wannabe
This is a faggot
"Imagine having to take the 7 Train to the ballpark looking like you're riding through Beirut next to some kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS, right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time, right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing... The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country?"
Based Clapton