So ALLAHU AKBAR in NYC tonight is a permanent resident and has been living here since 2010 with a wife and 3 kids.
So how does le vetting meme help here? The guy even looks white, if he shaves that beard off he could pass as an average slav easily.
Then we have Omar Mateen (Orlando shooter), i.e. an actual citizen and all his guns are legal.
And then you have Steve Paddock (Vegas shooter) just an average white guy who's not even muslim, with a fuckton of guns so are you going to EXTREME VET every gun owner?
So what is the point of EXTREME VETTING? Other than outright spying on every single internet connection 24/7 and hauling people in just for looking at the wrong shit, how can you stop terror with VETTING?
Can someone tell me the point of extreme vetting?
The only extreme vetting there should be is to determine if you're a muslim or not. If you are you can't come in. DHS should also be deporting all Muslims in the country right now, citizens or not.
The NICS background check IS more stringent than immigration
>citizen or not
Nice joke, steven paddock wasn't a muslim , 59 dead, it'll take about 10 more truck attacks to match that, so who would you deport given that you're willing to deport citizens?
>The guy even looks white, if he shaves that beard off he could pass as an average slav easily.
el goblino
Do you let inside every single person who rings your doorbell, or do you decide who to let in and who not to let in?
>So ALLAHU AKBAR in NYC tonight is a permanent resident and has been living here since 2010 with a wife and 3 kids.
was allowed due to an immigration program named "diversity"
There was no reason to ever allow him in the country. The USA does not need immigrants unless they are highly skilled as in economic brain drain.
News covers Mueller investigation all Monday night, all Tuesday afternoon, Trump is about to fucking implode over it. And then out of the motherfuckin blue, here comes a Muslim.
They were like ffffuuck ok we need to do something quick. Shit. Shit. Ok, it’s gotta be big. Like, 9/11 Sandy Hook level shit. But this time let’s make it retarded kids. They’ll talk about that for at least a week. Ok we’re gonna need some guns. Anybody got an AK? No? How about a hand gun... How about something that looks like a gun...You have an airsoft gun? Sure that’ll do. Now we just need a guy with a beard. Preferably dirty and poor looking. Somebody call Joe from the homeless shelter tell him to meet us at Home Depot.
>So how does le vetting meme help here?
you just end up turning away more people, lower total numbers = lower risk, also that faggot would not have done that if he didn't know his wife would have welfare to help raise those young bomblets
It's simple. We ban all muslims.
This. Anything short of an outright Muslim ban is ignorance.
vetting was never what we really wanted. we want shit skins all deported
No shit
They can fester in their incest cesspool back in sandland
You're right OP. We neex to stop accepting all immigrants and send all non-whites to mexico.
Most of the problem we have is because people refuse to face obvious but unpleasant realities. Islam is a death cult. People are not equal. Niggers and abbos are not people. Shit like that. The list is long. In math, very basic properties and basic axioms are sued as building blocks for much further reaching conclusions. If your axioms are shit, your conclusions are shit. We are struggling with advanced insanity, where basically understood truths are wishes, not actual truths. The results are disastrous. If you pretend Islam is just a religion, you have this conundrum. If you say Islam is a death cult, the conundrum goes away and the solution is obvious.
So your position is only worry about the first guy and don't worry about the others?
A vetting criteria of "foreigners" doesn't catch the second two cases.
A vetting criteria of "muslims" doesn't cover the third attack (deadliest shooting in us history btw) or faggots like McVeigh or Lanza (yes i know didn't happen just bear with me).
A vetting criteria of "owns guns" doesn't cover those with illegal guns or those who use trucks
Seems like there's no vetting criteria short of "everyone" that can cover all the bases..
why are leftists always embracing the "distraction" conspiracy meme?
The vetting is to slow down the flow of the refugees into the us so we are not overrun by a welfare state forcing us further into debt.
Lol that's because it's too late to vet, unless you're willing to kick out all Muslim, even citizens, it is too late now.
Well since we are talking about uncomfortable truths, there's another: that whites (primarily leftists) are out there doing this shit too. The guy who shot up Scalise's baseball game or the Mandalay bay shooter. Trump offers VETTING for the muslims but what does he offer for these cases? They can kill me just as dead as allahu akbar does
Look, when logic leaves, all kinds of insane shit comes out. The whole country is fucking insane if you ask me. You can't operate on lies and get anywhere. You take reason away and you are left with shit.
The point is to keep terrorists out, and to keep people that are likely associated with terrorists out. That's the point of vetting. That you are too stupid to understand this is really impressive.
there is not a single fucking reason why should be letting ANYONE in for ANY reason, much less having to fucking vet them.
Seriously what's the issue here? Close the door, fuck off we're full. If the government wants workers then support procreation among it's citizens - instead they lock up all their citizen's children in "schools" for upwards of 20 years where they eventually turn out depressed, hopeless and broken - questioning whether or not they should have children in their 30's
>ending your post with a snarky insult
Pure autism.
If you do something that is ultimately ineffective at solving the problem, couldn't your efforts be called pointless?
If your son shits on your couch you don't kick him out. You scold his behavior. If a guest shits on your couch you kick them out. Why should we keep our doors open to ANY non-native demographic that is statistically a net negative on safety, our values and human rights?
So essentially your position is "ignore the homegrown terrorists" ?
You don't think we can start a more comprehensive vetting program for domestic protection as well?
My position is that freedom isn't without a cost. All we can do is try to improve the morals of our society, opposed to creating more unstable people due to single parent homes. These shootings are tragic but let's be honest, rare, when it comes to the native populace. You can't stop everything without full control over people's lives.
This isn't about scale or unrelated issues or anything else. What reason do we have to not ban Muslims when it is clear that their little book tells them to kill and conquer the infidel?
Do you consider jews non-native even though they were among the first explorers and colonists?