Seriously, why are Floridians so violent?

Other urls found in this thread:


Except they found a letter saying he did it in allegiance to ISIS so Keith (((Olbermann))) is a retard as usual


bath salts


Trump kicking the shit out of Olbermann gif when? Jesus fuck, do I hate this guy.

>Keith Olbermann
Imaging how angry you could make him with sweetieposting with a pro trump angle.

Someone please gas KEITH “CRYBABY” OLBERMANN already

Olbermann is homosexual isn't he?

someone shoop olbermann's head

Keith got no teeth



Olbermann is the most annoying and rhetorically ineffectual basement dweller in America

it proofs, that muslims never cahnge, much less ever integrate.

sunshine laws

florida man used to just do funny, insane pranks. prank time is, evidently, over

It was a Russian


Keith Olbermann can't take democracy very well, he thinks he is taking part of some real resistance or some shit


I'm confused here; he clearly mentions ISIS both in the Middle East AND other parts of the world. He says ISIS should not be allowed on American soil. The terrorist literally said himself that he was doing it FOR ISIS.

So how the fuck is Trump in the wrong here? Even if you're the biggest FUCK DRUMPF person in the world I can't understand the hoops you'd have to jump through to say Trump is wrong in this scenario.


Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people


The absolute state of liberals. Uzbekistan is like 5 percent Russian. It is a majority Muslim nation, and Trump never said anything about country of origin in the first place. Get a brain Morans.

What does that even mean? He is still a Muslim who follows Muhammad teachings.

The fucking Jews thought they could make a russian terrorist false flag in order to blame Putin because of Mueller.


>Sunni Islam is the dominant religion in Uzbekistan consisting 93% of the population of the country except for 1% of Shia Muslims mostly living on the territory of Bukhara and Samarkand. Christianity is the other religion with most followers having its both streams: Orthodox (4%) and Catholicism (%3)

What's his fucking point?

>hurr durr Russia!
>hurr durr, he's not even Arab, bigot!

...still a fucking muslim though, innit he?

Shills be shillings

Have you seen his hair?

Drumpf did this to distract


I know this is you ironically shitposting but the author of that tweet has no idea what the soviet afghan conflict was over, they were trying to prevent our CIA backed "freedom fighting mujihadeen" from overlapping Afghanistan into their Muslim territories, Uzbekistan namely being one of them as it shares a goddamn border.
I hate how fucking historically inept American politics are capable of being.


>He was from FLORIDA

>Keith Olbermann unironically thinks this is better

Both these retards are racists and implying ISIS is only middle Easterners.

Trump nowhere said the suspect was from the middle east. He said he was Isis (which is not a nationality) and mentioned they must defeat them everywhere in the middle east and elsewhere.

>no they are this and not that, stupid Blumpf.
Keep in mind this shit is coming from people who describe Muslims as "asian" when they pull this shit in other countries

They all need to hang, desu.

TIL Uzbekistan is in Florida.


b/c liberals are absolutely atrocious at logic
once they had bad arguments, now they can barely understand arguments
even if trump hadn't said "and elsewhere" they'd still be wrong since 'defeating isis in the middle east' doesn't imply saipov himself was actually from the middle east

also i had a crazy thought...just where is the athiest community that was so vocal during the bush years when it comes to jihad i wonder?

When are we launching a campaign against idiot fuckstain Keith? Christ I hate him.


Florida man here, getting drunk on Halloween. Where am I being violent this time?

Last I checked I was elbow deep in a gator's asshole trying to get my keys.

The left is on Alex jones crazy level. This is funny.


Where they are like 75% Muslim. The muzz shouted aloha snackbar while killing people. Do these people even try?

>Calling a Muslim a Russian kek

Just say Mossad, ISIS is just another Mossad front.


Wake up every day surrounded by spics and nigs and gators with a summer that lasts 10 months of the year, and then tell me how you're not going to be on the trigger 24/7

>He's from Uzbekistan, which means he's Russian

She's making a real good case for an expansion of the ban list.

I'd settle for a blanket ban of any cunt dumb enough to think you can see a star through a crescent moon.


Non-existent, because all internet atheism movements are explicitly anti-Christian only and are driven exclusively by Jews.


These guys literally worship the USSR, you would think they would understand at least some basic shit of how it was organized and what the demographics of its member states were.

Do you think this is an effective shill technique?

>The absolute state of shilling


Not only is this guy's reasoning completely fucked, but he's also objectively wrong. Uzbekistan was part of the Soviet Union, but it was never part of Russia.

Communism is at fault for this.


Country in Central Asia
Uzbekistan is a Central Asian nation and former Soviet republic. It's known for its mosques, mausoleums and other sites linked to the Silk Road,


>Ummm excuse me sweetie drumpfy poo, but he was from FLORIDA (Uzbekistan) (Russia) and since FLORIDA is a former Spanish colony that means he was a SPANIARD. Checkmate Blart!

Try living here bud.

Red Pill yourself on the Intermarium, These fucking morons have no idea about Russia...


Kind of implied in the "istan". The liberals setting themselves up with saying it was once a part of a different Russia is amazing.

Was social media the biggest mistake of the 21st century?

I have never realized how many fucking brainlets exist on this planet until the introduction of this plague

this guy would love go to war against russia


While we're at it...

Syria is a Russian ally too. Shouldn't we keep Syrians out too?

Doesn't that kind of comment normaly gets you suspended from Twitter?


this is clearly a bait
but i don't care, also what the fuck is wrong with those colors

Well, I guess that's that. Looks like I'm with her now

Sydney looks like a cunt

seems they forget he wanted to ban all Muslims and they flipped their shit over it

do the US a favor and nuke every large city asap.


Take it away, South America!

take these guys for example
arguing that uzbekistan isn't included in the travel ban isn't an argument that we shouldn't have a travel ban...it's an argument that we need MORE of a travel ban b/c the current model isn't thorough enough
for some reason they only see arguments in the moment, they can't project...they see 'trump is wrong' and point out how trump is wrong while ignoring how the argument they're making fits into the debate as a whole

this isn't limited to politics...i had a weird runin on Sup Forums...someone said that the audience knowing more about han solo than quigon jinn was evidence that the original sw were better than the prequels...i said that screentime could have played a role since we get to know han over three movies while we only get 45 min to know quigon...some guy timed it and said that i was overestimating the amount of screentime the audience gets to know quigon so i was wrong...i kept trying to explain that quigonn having less screentime that i was saying actually bolsters my argument, that me being wrong about my premise made my conclusion even stronger...he seemed legitimately confused

RIP central america


Kill everyone with an IQ

Poland was a part of Russia. Just saying.

we soviet era now?

He LIVED in Florida. He is FROM Uzbekistan.

Kieth is absolute fucking cancer.


yeah, it was rhetorical
it just hit me like a ton of bricks
these guys were like rockstars during the bush years b/c he was such a strong christian...but now? not a peep when people are actually dying
im looking at some athiest sites now...its all christ shit

Someone please do this.


we are the strongest race
failure to recognize our Floridian supremacy has dire consequences as nyc discovered earlier today


why has keith oldman not been banned by twitter for harassment

>twitter handle is @excusesarelies
>makes excuses to let more sandniggers into the country

Why are there so many people that want ISIS fighters to be allowed back into their country?

is this the left's form of overreaching theories

so is Keith getting twitter suspended like roger stone?

>He's from Canada, which means he's from the United States!

>send him from Uzbekistan 6 years before an investigation started to distract from that investigation

Putin's playing the real 43d chess here

Putin set this up back when he was in the KGB and Uzbekistan was part of the USSR.

Also, James Comey is a GRU double agent.

Leftist media gets a check by shitting on anything the president says.

Trump makes a correct and general statement without referencing an event and gets all of the media to signal boost a reasonable tweet.

You were never going to convert the retards, but you can get even your haters to share the messages you want people to see.

I mean, there was even a guy on MSNBC this afternoon that said ISIS has a foothold in Uzbekistan.