Who else is ready for November 4th?
Nov 4th
I'll be at home, working on the biggest emergency communications drill in America since 2010.
lonely in the sheets
shotgun-totting, nigger-head-busting, siw-lynching, liberal-stabbing, kike-crushing freak on the streets
Go to bed CIA
Not You larpfag, if would wrestle that faggoty 12 ga from your weak feminine hands and proceed to beat you to death with it.
More than likely it will be mostly nothing.
We may get a few newspaper boxes set on fire, but nothing major.
Because they made it nation-wide, they diluted their strength.
For example... they plan something in one city, then all of them show up and it's a big crowd in a small place.
But this way they're spread out so far that they will simply be a few people in each city, which will be nothing.
And we know that the antifa types are only trouble-makers when they are in groups.
He seems to be against Antifa.
>Assuming I only have a shotgun.
I hope you boys are lifting heavy objects for prep. Nov 4th is where we separate the wheat from the chaff. Whatever it takes, we're all gonna make it
>stuttering in fucking text form
Are you legitimately autistic?
I ain't no filthy fucking kike
I still honestly think the 4th is just false flag to distract us from an actual attack on Trump on the 5th of November.
CIA niggers need to fuck off
what are we doing on the 4th? qrd me, bro. i've been studying for finals all week. have no idea what's going on
Every time there is a world changing event there is always a drill running in that day.....wtf
tell me more about this drill, user
Im not CIA, I smoke too much weed for that
Just let the leftists go on the street an make fools of themselves stay home idiot
Not enough time to explain. FBI are already knocking down my door. It's too late to prepare! leave for the woods user. Stay there and hope we saved enough of the world for you to come back to
yeah and that is just a psyops about the invasion on the 6th of nov
I don't plan on doing anything unless threatened. I'm merely prepared to defend myself
Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part.
“This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.
During the exercise, a designated DOD Headquarters entity will request county-by-county status reports for the 3,143 US counties and county equivalents, in order to gain situational awareness and to determine the extent of impact of the scenario. Army and Air Force MARS organizations will work in conjunction with the Amateur Radio community, primarily on the 60-meter interoperability channels as well as on HF NVIS frequencies and local VHF and UHF, non-Internet linked Amateur Radio repeaters.
Again this year, a military station on the east coast and the Fort Huachuca, Arizona, HF station will conduct a high-power broadcast on 60-meter channel 1 (5330.5 kHz) on Saturday from 0300 to 0315 UTC. New this year will be an informational broadcast on Sunday, on 13,483.5 kHz USB from 1600 to 1615 UTC. Amateur Radio operators should monitor these broadcasts for more information about the exercise and how they can participate in this communications exercise, English said.
“We want to continue building on the outstanding cooperative working relationship with the ARRL and the Amateur Radio community,” English said. “We want to expand the use of the 60-meter interop channels between the military and amateur community for emergency communications, and we hope the Amateur Radio community will give us some good feedback on the use of both the 5-MHz interop and the new...
13-MHz broadcast channels as a means of information dissemination during a very bad day scenario.
I’ve got enough to arm several people, unfortunately I have no friends where I just moved.
Where might that be, user?
Friendly reminder that anarchists aren’t all limpwristed faggots.
Go away FBI.
What the fuck are you talking about.
These guys are definitely limp wristed faggots who have never actually been shot at before. As soon as the bullets start cracking over their heads they're most likely going to run.
Welp, regardless, we will know soon.
Likely a nothing burger, but rp-larping is fun
It's their Molotov skills one must fear. youtube.com
(They can't make a proper Finnish Molotov with storm matches)
wait, so you're saying leave now? like, right now? where the fuck is the woods?
I have been training for three weeks now at my local coffee shop in advanced anti-fascist karate. Better hope I don't come knocking, brownshirt.
>anarchists in Seattle protesting
>world changing event
Pick one
>interrupting your enemy when he's making a mistake
Did you retard fucks learned nothing from CWCville?
Buy stock in trash can companies.
thank you
Hi CIAnigger. I too can't wait to remove communists. White power. Heil Trump. Tulsi 2020
First one I've been able to join since getting certified in ARES and RACES. I've been looking forward to it for weeks.
hope it's everything you've imagined, user
Also rope companies
I was a paramedic for years and went through all the fucking FEMA courses to become an Emergency Manager (I'm even certified to command and coordinate local disaster response in the even of a fucking nuclear strike). Got injured badly a few years back fell into a funk, got into Ham and have enjoyed doing SKYWARN for the last few years so ARES and RACES were the next steps.
Kinda makes me feel useful again.
12g, 44 magnum or 5.56 nato?
Fuck you CIA
November 4th is fake, stop being retarded.
IN Self defense of home I am referring to
>12 Gauge
Home defense. "Point & Click" home defense.
>44 Magnum
Great in a Ruger Deerfield for brush hunting
>5.56 NATO
Surplus ammo, interoperability with US army supplies
>7.62 Russian
Will break an engine block. Ironically, every Yankee should have a rifle chambered for this in their collection.
>7mm RemMag
The GOAT round. Bolt action only. Snipe for 300 yards, one shot, one kill.
Haha stevens 320 pump. Nice Chinese made shotty.
Given that nothing is going to happen... I am.
Give radios to all shooting ranges/gun clubs across America so all 2nd Amendment supporters can communicate with national songs n shit
For home defense, a 12 Gauge pump. You need to be EXTRA conscious of your backstop as a missed bullet will go into your kid's room or your neighbor's house.
My "round formula" is: a round of 0/0 buck as the first shot (good scatter on an open choke, likely to hit target if you aim in that direction vaguely), followed by another round of 0/0, third round... If needed, is a 1 ounce slug to stop the threat if the 0/0 fails (along with the pants shitting sound of a pump racking a round).
7.62 is not necessary for American. It also will not go through engine block
I want them to chimp out, redpill all the fence sitter normies, and have Trump declare martial law once it gets out of hand. He can then dispatch this Marine Corps to kill the commies (as I watch on livestream) and try the alphabet niggers under a military tribunal (he can have them hanged).
Worst case scenario, nothing happens.
Best case scenario, the commies are killed and the traitors are hanged. Win win.
I've cracked a Dodge V-6 with a 7.62R. A 5.56 or .223 will not do that.
>using buckshot in home defense
fuck off, just use birdshot
>lel, birdshot is not strong nough you know?
ya, im sure someone who gets shot with birdshot will be able to just shrug it off.
I got my 12g shotty ready to go, Tapco'd SKS, 22LR and a .308 all ready to go. If actual major happening, I can probably carry two + ammo, I'm thinking 12 gauge and SKS.
7.62x39 won't go through an engine block. 7.62x69 might, but why not have a .308 then?
>snipe for 300 yards
>implying you aren't accurate with 5.56 out to 400+ with open sights
> using a slug ever in home defence
You fucking idiot, you'll penetrate through the entire house and maybe your neighbours
What is going on on the 4th and why are there so many threads about it.
>implying you aren't accurate with 5.56 out to 400+ with open sights
> not accurate to 600+
It's like you're not even trying
Hi buzzfeed
I'll be busy contributing to society on the 4th of November while working my tri-weekly 24 hour shift at the hospital.
kek I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Not been to Sup Forums recently, what is happening Nov. 4th?
I don't like birdshot for anything other than clays because of the scatter when you're using an open choke to accommodate slugs.
7.62R will crack an engine block.
Pic related.
400 yards with 5.56 is tumbling range. 300 yards with 7mm RemMag CoreLok is "And Boom Goes the Dynamite" range.
In the end, anons, we all have our own caliber preferences. I'm just giving mine. (I'm also drunk on Speyside.)
Did I not say you need to be extra conscious of your backstop?
but slugs dont ruin chokes
Just get to your nearest militia group or wooded area or find your local /k/ommandos and prepare to shoot bolshe-fags...
Ill be hitting em from behind their lines... Or is there not going to be war with antifa? Praying there is so i can go white american ghurkha-wannabe on their asses
I have my popcorn stocks maxed out and some fine Georgian brandy coming down from the hills to watch any reasonably entertaining sperging. Other than that, I give no fucks. Seriously, the whole world is nothing but out of control larping retards. I take pictures of snowniggers larping as very slow invaders, planting fences on 'muh administrative boundary line', for a living. FFS, the UN and EU are larping as if monitoring is doing anything about the nothing. So, this likely nothing happening non-happening is just another faggotty cosplay for fat fucks to run around and act angry about their 56%ness. I'll see you deluded, fat fuck non-happening aficionados after you accidentally exercise in your larpy-ass fantasy world. Make Uh... 'Murrica Great Uh... Gehn". Seriously, if you think anything is happening, you're too fucking dumb to bother over.
try it and youll find a 12gauge slug between your eyes only after i chop off and force you to eat your own testicles
> Amer*cunt
> National Sociast
False. It is part of the Larp. Go cosplay your bullshit somewhere less informed, stupid.
Why are youding this hi "xxx" faggotry in every thread?
The 3 inch Magnums I fired through a full choke on my Mossy 500 did. I admit, aftermarket barrel, but it ruined the choke.
Kek. What a fag.
not you
>ya, im sure someone who gets shot with birdshot will be able to just shrug it off.
unless its from 5 inches away then yes.
well you had shit luck to get a non cylindric choke, those are the most popular because its not really restrictive
You could try to be like that guy on /k/ who tried hunting with homemade napalm rounds too dude
i said shrug it off, not be killed
you shoot anyone with bird shot they are gonna get knocked out the fight. you think anyone is gonna fight back if you spray them?
Haha, I wish, but I'm probably gonna die. It's been good.
Try harder, brah. But it's a good start.
Sup, nigger. How are things in the tranny capital of South America?
I got shot in the fucking face once during a hunting trip, the only thing that kept me from crossing the river and shooting the prick what done it was my buddy keeping a grip on my belt so I wouldn't tumble down the hill in a blind rage.
You want to stop a threat, use buckshot, you dumb fuck.
suuuuurrrreeeee that fucking happened
>tumble down the hill
>cross the river
it also sounds like the range is at least 80 - 100 feet away if your bullshit story is true. i dont have 80 feet hallways.
>you had shit luck
I get that often. Widowed when my wife was killed in the line of duty, severely injured in the line of duty later and can barely walk anymore, had a barrel get plugged and exploded on a 1911 (friend gave me reloads he made for free) and it reduced my right eye's vision by 50%, and I got a parking ticket today for being 19 feet from a hydrant.
Get a shotgun and a case of XX-Buck. That will take care of 90% of your offensive or defensive needs. Get a semi-auto .308 for intermediate/long range and .45 or .357 Mag for close range. This 3-gun collection will do anyone just fine. Of course, if you want a 5-gun....or a 15-Gun collection, then you can dial in for various scenarios.
Like Antifa coming out to the country and wearing their black larp costumes when they make their way down my private drive.
I have an axe handle. That's about it though.
I took a .357 mag to the shin and all it did was render me unable to walk never even slowed me shooting back and thats 1000x stronger than bird shot.For self defence only an idiot used anything short of 00 buck in a shotgun.
it wont happen but i wish it would.
I wish you would nigger
I'll be scraping and painting the exterior of my sister's house in a small quiet town.