There are attacks in Europa, North America, Africa, Asia, Australia... but not in South America.
Is it because they aren't involved in the middle eastern wars?
There are attacks in Europa, North America, Africa, Asia, Australia... but not in South America.
Is it because they aren't involved in the middle eastern wars?
the entire place is already shit without islamic terror
They don't bend immigration policy for muzzies
Not even Muslims want to go to South America.
we don't matter
also this
it's because muslims don't live there
you're forgetting poland and iceland
That argument is not valid. Africa is more shittier than south america and muslims are there.
We already have muslims here, but they have money, or made money here so they keep their suicide relatives out
1) South America is irrelevant
2) They dont have any Muslims
3) They dont invade Muslim countries
4) They dont have any Muslims
It's just because there are no muslins there.
The most famous case is Carlos Slim , his father come to mexico from the Lebanon
We've never had an Islamic terrorist attack, in fact our country only has 3 mosques.
We aren't anti-muslim, we are just fortunate that were far enough away from muslims that it's not worth coming here.
Someone post the brazilian isis pasta
>American education
South America's shady underbelly is already full of cartels that would ruthlessly murder anyone that tried to muscle in
lmao. SA is irrelevant. Besides they would just be compared to the cartels, and instantly become CIA hot points.
Lebanese are usually ok, you'll see if you ever get pakis or north africans
The work is already done here for now, we already are "multicultural", the places where non-whites are majority like my country already have a low iq majority to vote left and keep welfare inverting human natural selection and fucking up the place even more
The places where whites are majority, are currently under socialism semi-socialism like Argentina and Uruguay, so, also under control
The corruption problem is so big here, that unless revolutions take place, as soon as any country tries to democratically solve for real it's problems all parts can be bought, which is way easier than to plan mass immigration...
Europe and North America will become like this shit hole if you guys let (((they))) win
somebody else will fix this place
any migrants get killed by local thugs
there are hoardes already there and over the next decades theyll bring family
withing 25 years there will be terror regularly at least on the north island
just look at the aussies
New zealand if starya goes to shit can I come over after school?.
Because you wouldn't notice a muzzie sperging out when the locals already behead one another and drive into crowds on an hourly basis.
press F to pay respects
We imported a couple of families from Syria and some of the guantanamo prisoners. We even gave them land to work and goats to fuck. But they just want to leave.
And it probably wastn't the economy that made them flee. We're not THAT bad in that aspect.
My theory is that we bored them to death.
Multiracial ok but not multicultural, in Brasil the nogs, whites or pardos mostly share the same culture and religion.
Narcos, guerrillas and corrupts are 1000x worse.
Why would anyone travel ~10,000 miles to move to a country just as poor as the one they came from? No, they seek (((asylum))) in White nations because we pay for them to exist, and naturally anytime you have large groups of muslims in an area, terrorism inevitably follows.
t. amerimutt
It was what I meant, just used the wrong word
Honestly this. The cartels would show terrorist groups a level of personalized violence they’ve rarely came up against, considering most of their enemies have followed the Geneva Conventions like it was the word of God.
the lebanese are the "jews" of SA. They control like all of the big money operations. Pretty sure I had a professor in college tell me that 75% of the brazilian stock market for top companies were owned by maronite lebonese christians.
pretty sure almost every country south of the border has a higher HDI, GDP, PPP, GDP per capita than every middle eastern country maybe except Turkey
Because South America is off limits so there can be a place to settle once the world goes to shit.
*blocks your path*
there is at least a million muslims in argentina alone
>everyone votes for socialism
>but mestizos are particulary responsible for this
really activates my neurons
>we bored them to death
more like we degenerated them
i know two muslim girls and they are literal hores and their parents no longer give a fuck
I wasn't mocking your country just that guy, I know there was an official residence but that guy is just hillariouss and boring. Maybe they were invited to his house and they got bored there showing how mukica killed some chickens.
Yes. All the tall tales you hear about Jews being greedy, cheap, clannish rip-off artists? Yeah, that's actually the Lebanese.
Coz they're not white.
This guy knows.
Thank god Argentinians got a president that's not a jew... oh fuck.
yep Mujica was the worst president in our history
Don't bother with that gallego bruto. They will try to immigrate here again soon. The Bolivians of Europe.
Don't forget about them south American nazis
They are in south America
too far, just go to the USA if you’re willing to cross the ocean.
Also, our cartels are unbelievably violent and wouldn’t allow pedo muslism rivals around.
btw, in 2016 we had more than 60.000 murders.
You're so cucked you can get accused of rape for looking at girl
Brazil has good natural dangers. People here fear what they have always feared: murder, rape, zica, dengue, malaria and hunger
In america anyone can get accused of being a white male, which is professional and personal homicide.
>b-but brazil is more dangerous than syria, muh murder rates, muh liveleak
Cherrypicked footage from specific murder districts in Brazil is no proof of anything and has to stop. You can be safe in Brazil than anywhere else in the world. All you have to do is to avoid: beaches, favelas, city cneters, crowded tourist sights, public parks, empty streets, jammed traffic, tunnels, bus stops, public squares and specific murder areas that are known by everyone.
Neither is Sweden but they're fucked with terrorist attacks. South America just doesn't have Muslims.
Here in Argentina there actually was a really big terrorist attack (amia bombing) but they killed Jews so it does not matter
Yeah it's ridic how fat we are but hey we can feed all of our people at least.
We have a rich person's disease as a nation. Brazil deals with peasant issues.
Fuck off we're full
They don't have countries that are highly significant in geopolitics, and it's not physically connected to the birthplace of Islam.
It's the literal antithesis of where a Muslim would want to live
-pork products galore
-alcohol rampant
-half naked women
-dogs everywhere
-music blasted everywhere
Similar to the U.S., but Muslims only go to the U.S. because they offer them citizenship after they blow up their country. Also at least the U.S. has jobs + wealth going for it.
It is incredibly weird whenever I see a Muslim in south america. Most of the time its edgy converts, but sometimes you find people from the middle east. Usually after coming here they become less islamic
I don't know shit personally about the rich people of SA. I do know that both carlos slim and shakira are maronite Lebanese though. They are both very rich. With Carlos once being the richest man in the world.
>they become less islamic
yeah, they no longer kill their daughters for beeing hores in my personal expiriance
>there is at least a million muslims in argentina alone
Where do you get that silly number from, delusional amerindian?
3 mosques are you kidding? hamilton alone has 2
becouse we are racist and proud. We already hate everyone. There is no need for muslim to spread hate since it's most likely we kill them before they do anything.
Probably because they have well entrenched organized crime which would murder them for being competition, or just out of disgust.
Oops, looks like you forgot to either use or get off your proxy before attempting to troll. Or you forgot to change to a meme flag... or maybe you forgot that you took your meme flag off. Whatever happened you're still a fucking faggot.
>400,000 to 500,000 members
>at least a millon
tenía que ser el chavo del ocho!
Besides that. I've been in Argentina and I have never seen a muslim. That info doesn't seem accurate.
We are not bad, but unless you are an engineering or a doctor it is hard to raise the amount of kids this families had.
Besides, a lot of them had a good economical possition in their native countries before the conflict.
claramente dice que pew estima un millon
sus numeros se ven muy logicos en muchas otras cosas
discutirme por discutirme
pero por su puesto tenia que ser un euronegro
Because it is so much of a shit hole, nobody gives a fuck about them. It isn't white, it isn't western, it isn't significant in world politics, it also has never attacked the middle east. Muslims don't care, the only thing they'll eventually want to do is convert them to muslims once they've destroyed Europe and North America.
Nobody gives a shit.
>all this buttblasted american niggers
fun times
Honestly bro, come the 10th Crusade, you guys are probably going to have to be our reserve forces. Europe's not doing too well.
Because Uncle Sam already have their armed drug henchmen there ages ago.
And as you can see from how they behave, Uncle Sam don't like competition.
the collapse of europe is in my best interest
Not only this, but they have sizable arab communities dotted all over the continent. Chile iirc has the largest Palestinian diaspora outside of the middle east. albeit they are all Christian, but still.
we kill ourselves
>not mentioning Italy
Feels good being ignored, let's keep it that way.
Fuck off narco scum. Thread is about SA
Wew, she has my gf's hair and tits..
It's sad to see such degeneracy, whores like her. Should be beheaded before they spread their filth.
We crusaders and shit. Muzzies get the rope here.
Do you want to live in a world where Islam controls the entire Eastern hemisphere?
Fuck that man, they'll come for us next.
Maybe islam will be good for a decadent society like the european one.
It's a shit hole that already has an installed puppet government with a socialist system
They complained the "welfare" stipend given them wasn't enough. They left to go to the EU. They followed the money. The bigger the handout the more will come.
They'll blow up Rome for being Haram and idolatrous.
You can put your soyboys and uppity women in place without having to deal with goatfuckers raping your cultural heritage.
no, its not that
i think china ways are superior, for example they seem to be able to control their muslims
their rich are only rich because the ccp allows them to, increasingly unable to pull their dirty rich tricks and move their money abroad, a good thing if you ask me
and all corporations are at the service of the state, they seem to have no problem crushing their own oil industry for something better
we never did anything to any muslim country. we are a peaceful country
but if a muslim try to show their exploding skills here we would rip those people apart
so, without europe in the way they would be more likely to achieve global dominance
They have no idea at all! Ne Irmao? Abraço fraterno.
Because South America is already fractured and not a threat to the NWO - no need to destabilize them.
>400-500 thousand
>haha it’s a million
>Mexican intellectuals
And that is at best. Actual numbers are in the vicinity of 200.000 (like a small neighborhood of Londonistan), and below 0,4%. The jews outnumber them 4 to 1.
>peaceful country
Kek look at the favelas and you'll se the peace that our country holds
Agreed. but It's far less widespread in Arab communities. I know some Arab sluts, and it breaks my heart since I have some sand nigger blood in my veins. But It's in the nature of a woman to act this way when they aren't properly raised. I'm planning on travelling overseas sometime in the next few years to find a loyal submissive 8/10 waifu. I doubt I'll leave empty handed too.
Look at these south americans feeling proud of having degenerates guerrillas and cartels in hteir countries. They think they are strong because they have subhumans beheading people for drugs.
You're good man, I wish you good luck on that!