In the Alex Jones / Joe Rogan podcast, Alex Jones mentions something called the "sub transmission zone below the 3rd dimension" and it's "turned over to the most horrible things". I know this video prompted a lot of esotericism threads originally, but I'm interested in the science that Alex is claiming that this is from. Is there scientific evidence that there is a sub transmission zone where "horrible" things come from?
Alex Jones' Basic Gestalt
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Come on GUIZ
I don't know shit about physics or anything like that. Wish I could help. Bump for interest.
Science is a lie. Evidence is intuition.
>Prima materia
>Anima mundi
>Alchemical mercury
>The Unity of opposites
>Primordial Chaos
It's just lucifer, user
Want some more names?
>Ain Soph
>The Intermediary
Oh science I guess that would be the quantum foam, anything smaller than the scale of 1 planck length or time is pure indescribable chaos
Jones is covering up 911 truth so it's obvious he's controlled opposition.
Trying to make sense of Alex Jones' bullshit drunken ramblings? lol
I think there's a balance. Science isn't a lie because it has allowed us to do things that we couldn't before. However, I feel like we may have already reached the fringes of scientific knowledge as far as metaphysics and all that, and we're reaching a point of incomprehensible information. It is beyond our ability to understand with our current brains' rational abilities. But we are still connected to it and we can feel it.
That said, I still want to know what the scientific consensus on the source of evil is.
Ok, but what about the scientific part of it? I am very interested in ways that spirituality, esotericism, and different religions intersect with science.
Interesting, I'll look into it.
So it's torment on a soul to be placed their, as it's chaos as you described. I call this the 2nd dimension. Our bodies obviously don't go with us when we die just our soul or consciousness. Now, our bodies inhabit the 3rd dimension, and our soul inhabits the body. The soul isn't 3 dimensional like the body, I don't believe, I mean the fact is takes up a place without taking up space kind of shows this. But our soul obviously isn't 2 dimensional because it's torment to be placed in the 2nd dimension. Our souls are then 4th or higher dimensions projecting down into the 3rd? Is this a kind of torment?
Jones was just using scientific terminology to explain that the elites communicate with demons.
It's literally what he said, but if you say devil worship, demons, then people just automatically roll their eyes.
My guess is he's trying/was told not to come off as a Jesus freak.
Please tell me more. Is your opinion based on a lot of research, or what? I can't describe it, but I think I can "feel" evil and it's attempts to permeate my life.
I think demons are real, but not in the classical sense. However, they affect you all the same, and it's fascinating to me to think that we could possibly learn something scientific about this.
I want to know the specifics of the scientific terminology he was using, and if I am understanding him correctly in that he is claiming there there is at least some kind of potential evidence that "evil" is a real thing all around us?
The problem is at some point it will ultimately get metaphysical, and of course ever since the Enlightenment people like to shit on Metaphysics and say it's bullshit.
There is Evil out there, and there is Good. Religion is right in that this dimension is part of some kind of Cosmic war between the two.
Unfortunately, everything went to shit when we denied Evil objectively exists. Which is coincidentally what Evil would wants us to believe.
Well a cube is the shadow of the 3rd dimension being cast until the second, and there are shapes that are forth dimensional being cast to 2nd or 3rd. It doesn't look comfy. Also if something doesn't take up space it doesn't take up time and therefore should be immortal right? We have all the answers.
Also in regards to evil, I see this as positive and negative energy but not positive and negative charge though those obviously exist. Sometimes negative energy can be positive for instance we are negative but we are made in God's imagine huh? And if matter is energy manifest in our plane or dimension evil can take form.
dont forget Primus
the knowledge your looking for isnt scientific knowledge with exculpatory data, but theologicay knoledge with historical data (bible) as evidence.
>a comsic war between the two"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12
So I should read old metaphysical philosophy?
>It doesn't look comfy
What do you mean? Like, it is painful for the 4th dimensional being?
I respect what you believe, but I agree that it's beyond science and you have to feel it. I believe in a cosmic war between good and evil. But I don't see either of them as being the one I'm rooting for because it's just nature and not two "gods" with opinions and stuff. Besides, both sides are needed. Going to sleep is using "evil" energy. You have to rest between fighting degeneracy.
Well I'm not saying the higher dimensions are better, I should clarify I don't know if the highest dim is god (some say 12 dimensions) or if 1st dim is god. But the reason god sent a human back through pretty much every story, or some form of beast, is because it couldn't manifest in a way that it could be of use. Like a 2nd or 4th dim engine here or a 3rd dim engine in another.
We should contact Mike Cernovich. He's Alex Jones' right hand rabbi. He'd know about this sub transmission zone if Alex does. Someone ask him on twitter. Don't call him a jew, he hates that.
Nah bro, that's from Stranger Things.
The thing is, all entities exist in each dimension at the same time. There is only one existential dimension, which permeates all other dimensions. A 2d bug also exists in 3D, just one dimension is 0. The 2d bug also exists in the 12th dimension, just with many more 0s.
A God would have form in all dimensions simultaneously, but would also be fully expressed in each one. The highest dimension is that which only God is expressed, and I think this is what people have imagined the afterlife as. They often talk of 'ascending' and 'joining god', but really that means becoming a fully dimensional being, and literally becoming part of God.
I don't think so. How does the beetle take up space when the waspflys directly above it? How does the wasp take up time when the next day a grasshoppers arc intersects a point in space where the wasp was yesterday. It's not that simple man.
>the source of evil is
white men
itt retard amerisharts show us all the cost of prioritising military spending over education and healthcare
>demons are real
yes, see: Sup Forums
theres no 12 dimentions idiot
absolute bullshit even that is pseudoscience, pseudospirituality
Sup Forums went full retards,
the threads appear to be made by 14~18 year olds pieces of shit
i'm definitely tired of this shit
Just general quantum physics allows for all kinds of stuff like parallel universes etc. So the real question is if this is proven true then what is the practical application for us? I dont thimk there is any but I can think of one possibility.
Goddammit I was so close to your trips