In light of the recent truck attacks, is it time to implement common sense truck control measures such as background checks/psychiatric evaluations for truck purchases and banning mufflers on trucks?
In light of the recent truck attacks...
the people ran at the sound of exhaust. imagine the death toll if the vehicle had a muffler like republicans want
I think we should just outlaw all wheeled vehicles in order to keep us safe, I mean, if we just outlaw trucks they're just gonna start using cars next, then motorcycles, then bikes. It never ends until we completely ban these heinous weapons of mass destruction.
I think only white people whose families have been in the US for at least 50 years should be allowed to own trucks, or anything larger than a mini.
Why do civilians even need trucks? Trucks should only be for professionals desu senpai
Only allow autonomous vehicles then the crazy terrorist can't just get in and drive.
They have to hack in to control all the cars at once.
I'm ok with bolt action and flintlock trucks but nobody needsa semi/fully-automatic truck with a high capacity tank
There is no right to bear trucks in the constitution
This, we need common sense truck control, other wise we may have to ban trucks. Seriously i am being realy here. Debate me, prove to me that we don't need more background checks on truck drivers, or if it gets so bad an outright ban on trucks. Try to change my mind im waiting.
So much this. If you need a large truck for work, you can get CDL certified (and we should add extensive background checks for that). Deliveries/transport of large items can be handled by companies that do that. Otherwise, it's purely a recreational/lifestyle choice. Is our fun from the freedumb to own a truck worth stuff like truck attacks?
ban assault vehicles, think of the children!
it was her turn!
>literally triggered by reCAPTCHA asking me to identify more potential mass murdering VEHICLES!
need to end the renting loophole.
This, it jut makes ppl more fat, get rid of your death machines on wheels, in 50 years the euro's will have gotten rid of all vehicular death machines on wheels then we'll be behind them again on common sense laws.
Rent me starting at $19.99
He rented it at home despot
Just $19 for the first 4 hours
EXACTLY THIS, If ppl didn't have these fucking things then we'd know a lot better who the terrorist are. Literally try to refute this pro tip you can't.
Also need to place a common sense limit on truck top speeds. There is absolutely no need for a truck to be able to move faster than 25mph
some people actually leave their basement
America has a truck problem.
>can't afford a multi-ton vehicle to kill people with
>go to homedepot
>steal a $30 router bit
>return the $30 router bit for $30 credit
>use credit to rent a gigantic people crusher with a 400 mile range and 100 MPH operational ceiling
>mow down infidels
>total cost = $0
Ban trucks and they come at you in kia"s
Like, i said more truck background checks, if that man had to wait for a month to get his truck before being able to purchase it. Do you really think he would have gotten away with it? It's just like the waiting period for guns in the u.s you have to wait to purchase your firearm you can't just have it, or you might act on emotion. Maybe this man could have been stopped you don't know that.
Where in the constitution does it say you have the right to a truck?
I'm waiting Truck Freaks.
You know what they say about guys with big trucks.
(they are mass murderers)
Truck driver profiling
>implying this isn’t Agenda 21 to do away with human operated vehicles to limit movement especially out of cities
Cooling off period for renting a vehicle
No right to bear trucks
Just bear arms
people in cities have no reason to leave. they don't deserve vehicles, or permanent homes for that matter.
Vehicles should be registered and you should need a license to operate one. That's the only way to stop this.
This heavily, it's just a sad fact, we live in an age where heavy metal death machines can be used for terrorist means. Seriously think about the basic stuff like how easy it is to even get your basic license. We need more waiting periods and background checks, then this crap won't happen or will be severely limited, being serious btw.
your bike on the right
Auto breaking required in all vehicles.
You want to bet
My bet is before the end of the week there's a bill in Congress
what if we made vehicle operators purchase insurance to pay for the damage their vehicles cost?
We need smart trucks that only accelerate if the owner's fingerprint is on the wheel. We should limit their top speed to 20, no 10, miles per hour, and make sure they can't accelerate at a high rate. So maybe they can only do 0-10mph in like 30 seconds or something, so they can't surprise people. Plus, the steering wheel is just way too scary. We need to replace it with something like a straight bar, so it can't be gripped too easily for rapid turning.
Maybe we should allow 'featureless' cars to go 20mph, but you have to remove the engine to refuel them. That makes sense. That'll stop a madman from continuing to run people over once he's run out of gas.
your review isnt publicly visible, just tried to find it
I mean we have basic class C licenses but, honestly if you've ever gone through the process it's a joke there's no real extensive background check, they need to expand that in the wake of this new warfare from terrorist.
With that logic white men should have to pass stricter background/mental health checks if they want to buy a gun
as long as only white men are allowed to own guns then I would be fine with that.
That was a pretty good kill/wound count for such a small truck.
I've seen mass shootings with scary salt weapons do less.
is yours better?
I really feel that no one needs anything more than a model T. Anything more is just reckless
Why when it's only whites who abuse the right to own them
Nigs don't count because they obtain them illegally
Im on the edge with that one, i think you would limit ppl that really need it for work in the rural and suburban area's. But i would just start with expanding background checks, and seeing how that goes, and possibly a cooling period so like you purchase a truck from a dealer, then you wait say 5 months or varying. Same with renting you'd wait for like 3 weeks to months again depending.
Yes mandatory insurance!
It's time to ban stock bumpers because they allow vehicles to run over more people before being immobilized by damage
Now that I think about it, history is full of amazing societies that didn't have any cars AT ALL. Since we have examples of prior cultures that thrived just fine without cars, it's safe to say we could just mimic those societies and go without cars ourselves. I mean, how many car deaths have their been this year? And how many were there in, say, Louis the 14th's France? ZERO.
And everyone knows that if you own a car, you're 100x more likely to die in a car accident. It's just crazy. And most people who are killed with cars are actually killed in THEIR OWN CAR! Can you believe it?
Nobody needs a car. We should all ride buses driven by trained professionals who've been screened and trained in their safe use. It's a sick thought to think that it's a TRADITION for some people in this country to buy their kids cars at the age of 16. 16! I was barely smart enough to tie my own shoes, and people are giving their kids 2000lbs of deadly steel and glass at that age? Insane!
In a way you're right, the point of a car is to get you from point A to point B, not be a rolling death metal machine that can go up to speeds of 100mph if the driver so wishes. In a way you've got a point there.
A motor scooter for most and a special license with a background check and 6 months waiting period for the model t
>The Home Depot
>lets niggers return products that can't be resold because they were too dumb to read the package instructions
>every hire is a diversity hire
>celebrates holidays no one in the store celebrates otherwise
The cucks deserve the bad publicity.
it is. people bring their KTM's to me from around the country to modify, the world even. I have a six month waiting list. i work in my garage. it's cool though, your bike is cute. So is your lil truck
this solves the oracle problem
Home despot should have had auto breaking in all their trucks.
With a model T if you were to go to that system, you could actually losen the restrictions cause again it's a model T, not a gas guzzling racer we see on the roads these days. i would still go for waiting period and background check, but i would servery loosen them if we were to switch over to that model.
Yes actually. Pic related.
its not uncommon to modify KTM's. It's the only way they can keep up with a Yahmaha
Oh my god what about muslammaniacs who drive ambulance
whatchya gonna do brother, when the truck of peace comes for you?!?
Emergency, fire and rescue vehicles wouldn't need to be affected by any of this, they would most likely stay the same, the chances of an ambulance, or any other emergency vehicle being the cause of a terrorist act is is so low.
These can work. But only in certain area's but mostly in pack cities. Helpful but not a cure all, i'd still call for extensive background checks and waiting periods.
Yeah let's bollardize the entire country like England
bollards everywhere
someone isis theme song it pls
Enough is enough, trucks have to be limited. So many lives can be saved from stricter laws like weight limits and speed and what shape they are. #banassulttrucks
actually, i just change out some parts with ones I have stenciled. no one even notices.
This truck has an illegal fully automatic transmission
Why is her butt hanging down so low?
Her butt would have to be insanely fat which would make no sense considering she's so petite.
Truck with auto breaking
Muzzy: sees group of nuns
Muzzy: alla who hu
Truck: beep beep beep auto break engaged
Hahaha fuck you America. Laughing at the UK when it happens here, this is just the beginning for you. Isis has you in its sights! Beep beep
It's simple. We suspend the licenses of all shitskins.
You have to ask Sup Forums they seem to like her
>Her butt would have to be insanely fat which would make no sense
It's not enough. We need to ban anything capable of generating more than 1000 N. Many people will have to lose weight, and those still at the heavier end will have to be extremely careful when moving as to not generate such dangerous forces. Anything with a density greater than 2 g/mL should also be banned. Only way to be safe.
Oi, guv'nuh. Oim gonny have teh see yor ID for that comment.
>And that's the last we saw of Charlie for 15 years.
I know they do, why do you think they're coming for us, it's cause they know we've yet to implement common sense truck legislation, just like common sense gun control. It make sense it's why they've left you guys alone for so long now, they've taught you guys a lesson, you learned it now we got ours coming, but we might not make it, this country never pass's common sense laws.
My nigga
dirtbike>4 wheeler
They should have lights and horns too, so people can be alerted of the fast-approaching vehicle
you guys are like glock boys who make fun of HK owners because you can't afford one.
Now we're going to have to have a body cavity search to get a 2x4 home.
Instead of calling a false flag as usual why don't conservatives use these opportunities to campaign for national open carry, even in nigger areas, citing the ineffectiveness of those supposedly tasked with security in thwarting these situations. But asking bootlickers to diss their heroes could asking for too much and responsibility is always deferred to some higher level of management as usual.
When will leftists and people understand that everyone should be armed that is a lawful law abiding citizen? We are all the living law, and if some fuckhead deviates, you can at least defend yourself with the great equalizer: a gun.
8 people, what an inept cunt. why the fuck did it take a fucking white dude to get Americas high score
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
>Lives not Lorries!
I'm all for gun ownership but this strawman argument is annoying.
Trucks are not made with the intent to hurt or kill people. Guns are specifically made to hurt or kill people.
Because they're of cancerous pragmatist inclination and prefer to control firearms to keep the improperly raised children of gorilla people from shooting at each other instead of recognizing the ability to defend one's life as a moral right.
Your strawman is strawmanning. Guns are specifically designed to accurately propel chunks of metal at high speed.
"Knives are specifically made to stab or kill people". Go back to /sjw/
Bump. This is very important to me as a concerned progressive. We need truck control NOW.
Spears where made with the intent to huNt or kill people. If some tribal fuckwits halfway across the world can guard their cattle with a rusted AK while nude and covered in dung ash and cow urine so should I.
I laughed OP.
>Guns are specifically made to hurt or kill people
LOL guns kill reeeeeeeee HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>not Muslims
Good goys
You're new here aren't you?
That's just her loose asshole dangling