29 year old Tawhid Kabir
Flew in from Syria 2 weeks ago
Other urls found in this thread:
How the fuck did he enter the US where the US has a travel ban on Syria? This makes no fucking sense.
its crazy what a beard and some food can do
Think maybe Libya would want to coerce him into saying that to pressure Israel? All the sand niggers hate israel
Wrong. Israel hates all the sandniggers. It's obvious by the shills on this board they think of them as sub human. Kill yourself Chaim.
two years ago
>Tawhid Kabir
>literally "perfect unity," as in the oneness of God, and "big"
>adjectives follow in Arabic like in French
>he's a Big One
Well shit. Might as well kick the asshole out of the country, or better yet have him executed.
Crypto dub checked
Lain wants answers senpai.
Oh wow, didn't expect that at all. What a shocker. I am truly stunned. Cannot believe this one bit.
who is this? Are we talking about Manhattan truck of peace -- i thought that guy was uzbekistani
So msm is pretty much going to slide this story.
Trump should tweet it and mention travel ban.
Antifa = DNC = Jews = ISIS
They're all connected, Sup Forums. It's your job to connect the dots and meme it to normies.
happa sherpa sherpa, bal-akbhakhdana
You're a big one
If true, Dems confirmed to have blood on their hands after blocking the visa ban
Was Uzbekistan one of the countries?
Supreme Court is pro travel ban, they'll overrule it.
No. The countries were Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Best Korea, Sudan.
You really do have to be a full-tilt shitshow to get a travel ban put on you, we still let in people from Eritrea ffs
damn hes cute af
>Beep boop beep boop kike detected
Antifa creates environment for dnc agenda to flourish. The policy results in an environment where isis can flourish. Further resulting in an environment where Israel can flourish. Now how to meme, do we start with the nose or the mask?
This is not how our government works by the way. The Supreme Court can nullify laws that are carefully argued to cobtradict the Constitution. The Supreme Court, after deliberation. Not every single person who owns a black night gown, acting politically, as soon as a law they don't like is passed. I love these establishment retards trying to claim authority and reject the unlearned peasants, and meanwhile they think that they are in China, and the law is whatever they say it is today. Judges also have absolutely no standing whatsoever to dictate or oversee military policy.
syrian fighter
fake news shill
Literally who?
the truck driver in New York is Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov
who is this faggot
The fuck you on about.
The NYC guy wasn't syrian you mong, he's from Uzbekistan
Get fucked, you poor white trash piece of shit
this faggot looks like a indian not syrian at all, stop posting fake shit faggot
please find away to get sean hannity to see this. hell not stop talking about it if he does.
For us
quick rundown?
How do we stop ISIS?
Nice meme
Source: New york times
>Flew in from Syria 2 weeks ago
But I thought immigrants where better than normal Americans and Islam was a religion of peace.
Say it to their face, see what happens tough guy