which is worse nazism or communism??
Which is worse nazism or communism??
They are both equally bad.
well i would say both
take a guess
Communism killed more an failed more.
And always fails to achieve the desired Marxist result
nazisim duh!
Lurk moar, Nazis were the shit.
>communism failed more
Nazis failed faster and barely lasted half a century.
the jews user, the answer of the worst is always the jews.
who cares???
And it was only tried once. Meanwhile communism has been tried numerous times and has failed to achieve Karl Marx's dream evertime. Don't get me wrong I don't support either of them but Communism has had a worse track record.
Sage when you post, you fucking retards.
because the entire civilized world attacked it
obviously hitler's economy wouldn't have held up long anyway, but it provided a better quality of life to the average citizen than communism anywhere has
Communism, slightly, because it rejects the concept of the nation-state.
Nazism was never bad to begin with
but coming from one who uses a neocon meme flag unsurprising u would ask
Faggotry is a symptom of Communism.
They attacked it due to their international actions, which were informed by their fascism. Communism is the national equivalent of poisoning yourself. Fascism is the national equivalent of suicide by cop.
National radicalism>fascism>>national socialism>>>>>>>>>>>>>being a braindamaged veggie>communism
Communism. It starts with a bunch of useful idiots thinking they're going to get a stateless, classless society where the community owns the means of production and a super strong central government. They come in and take your property, and send your loved ones to a gulag, and then the super strong central government remains in power and the useful idiots get lined up and shot. After that, the central government oppresses the shit out of people because they don't act like blank slates to be rewritten, and you get told what to do with the property that was taken from you.
At least fascists let you keep your property and don't focus on making a classless society. Sure, they'll tell you what to do with it, but at least you get to keep it.
Also, even if you attribute every single death in WWII to Nazis, Commies still killed at least twice as many - and that's governments killing their own. Commies are murderous fucks when in power.
Communism cannot exist without some kind of massacre because no-one in there right mind would be willing to go along with this asside from the brainwashed proletariat
Communism killed the most people while Nazism killed the most Jews.
They're pretty much the same ideology except the Nazis were slightly more accepting of capitalism
>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%
>Winston Churchill exposes Jewish forces behind Communism
>Europa - The Last Battle
>In his book, Unnatural Deaths in the U.S.S.R.: 1928-1954, I.G. Dyadkin estimated that the USSR suffered 56 to 62 million "unnatural deaths" during that period, with 34 to 49 million directly linked to Stalin.
>In Europe A History, British historian Norman Davies counted 50 million killed between 1924-53, excluding wartime casualties.
>Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, a Soviet politician and historian, estimated 35 million deaths.
>In his acclaimed book The Great Terror: Stalins Purge of the Thirties, Anglo-American historian Robert Conquest said: We get a figure of 20 million dead [under Stalin], which is almost certainly too low and might require an increase of 50 percent or so.
>They're pretty much the same ideology except the Nazis were slightly more accepting of capitalism
Completely different ideologies, but the fascists did have slightly more economic freedom, yes.
Communism and capitalism both attacked nazism fully. Communism was given years to collapse on its own
The underlying Socialism is the main problem. Systemic amorality reinforced by Religion of the State, or belief that the State is the source of supreme authority, that simply being government justifies the actions, defies moral reason. Once the reasoning behind morality is broken, anything goes, as we see in every example of revolutionary Socialism.
Not all Marxism is State Socialism. In theory Marxism is supposed to end in an anarchist society without hierarchies. Marxism has problems other than totalitarian state necessary for state socialism.
Yup. Communism leads to fascism without the benefits of fascism. As long as you got rid of, or at least tempered the jingoism in fascism, it could work. That's not a society that I'd want to live in, but communism is worse.
Every attempt to achieve anything like Marxism has meant a great deal of stealing and murder, and resulted in record breaking catastrophe. Marx himself was a failure at everything he did, why anyone would take fiscal advise from a homeless man is beyond me.
theyre both the same
I'm not defending Marx, I'm saying Marxisms and Fascism have different core problems. Oversimplifying your opponents leads to laziness, and laziness leads to defeat.
communism without question. nazism, while imperfect, is the definition of based.
aids vs cancer
fuck your slide threat kike
>Nazism: genocides people not native to the country, so get the fuck out
>Communism: genocides literally everyone, so get the fuck out, oh wait, you're not allowed to leave.
Communism is way worse.
Communism, bye several million deaths excluding war.
Actually if we where to include war, that number would probably double.
I'm not judging Marx. I never read an unpleasant first hand critic of the man. Fact is he wasn't good with social relationships or money. That's not a condemnation, I'm not good with social relationships or money. Marx wasn't lazy, he sired children, taught lessons, and wrote a bunch. He was homeless his entire life, never owning property properly. He managed a few businesses with no success and lived off the charity of capitalists. The idea of Socialism fails not for it's laziness but for it's amorality and lack of common sense, taking financial advice from a homeless guy is a symptom not the cause. Both Nazism and Communism rely heavily on Mr. Marx money advice, Socialism, idiotically.
The idea that one race is superior than the rest.
Communism is a good theory. And that's it. It can be achieved in a fantasy land.
Going by this, Nazism is obviously bad.
They're both pretty bad and people who support Nazism and Communism must be castrated.
>Nazism was never bad to begin with
Cry harder, bitch capitalist. Even if 100 million number was true, it would still be too low.
>their international actions.
Here come the shills.
Look up germans in danzig 1933-39, hitler offered peace twice before 1942 but it was the western allies that wanted to kill more europeans.
They wanted what was taken from them to correct the balance of power in europe as it has been skewed. Also add to the fact that all the major powers were under the control of cabalists, with the soviet revolution funded by the same bankers in britain and in the usa.
They did what had to be done for the most part. They were not going to submit to the international cabal they were going to be independent of its systems, something every country must continue to try.
Politics of peace!
In the scope of academia, it's their religion. The only places that are immune to it on campus is the business, law, and STEM colleges, but even then you're forced to take general education classes.
nazism wasn't bad, for the people that matter
communism fucks everybody
>In the scope of academia, it's their religion
Did you get this from David Horowitz or the National Review?
First post worst post; what is wrong with you anti-western faggots?
There was really no choice other than to expand and make the friends they did so that they could feed and provide for their population through autarky instead of relying on cabalist controlled countries.
That's kind of a tough one but I would say they are almost equally bad. Since you ask that question it made me realize they are practically the same. Never thought that before. Communism might be just a little bit worse but they are really the same.
This, and it's called national socialism
Communism, but that's like saying AIDS is worse than cancer.
I got it from walking around my uni and attending the gen-eds. I had a 60 year old white guy ripping on white people through half the "modern" humanities class, and spending the other half making excuses for communism failing. My ethics professor was a fucking leaf that just whined about how much America sucks until I got fed up and offered to chain his ass to a rocket and fire it across the Great Lakes. My English professors responded to me complaining about how I couldn't test out by telling me to check my white privilege. General education is the only reason these liberal arts classes are even attended, and they're a fucking shitshow trying to sink their teeth into freshmen.
Even worse, those shitty posters about how minorities are "unconditionally loved here" are showing up even in the STEM colleges. I think that's the secretaries' fault.
Communists are democratic also.
This thread
That's a pretty good analogy, user.
>national socialism
Fed and provided for their own people while throwing out the groups of people they believed to be causing inefficiencies in their society, put people to work without dividing and taking from large businesses or land owners(cooperation between the state and businesses to use profits to benefit communities)
Terrorized their own people, forcefully take and divide businesses/farms which directly caused mass starvation, apartment owners forced to call completely innocent people every month a spy otherwise they would be shot, etc.
There is no comparison. You are a shill.
Communism because they build their authoritarian regimes through false promises of social equity, whereas Nazis tell the TRUTH about their motives.
>Denying the 100 deaths of communism/socialism from famine/purges/ and revolution.
Fucking kek. You have to do more double think to deny that shit than the Nazis do to have to say "hitler did nothing wrong."
>being this new
By scorecard of own citizens killed, Communism is worse.
But honestly, they are really similar. One plays upon people's delusions that they can live in a utopia. The other plays on people's delusions that something just about their skin color or nationality makes them superhuman.
t. 15 years old wolfenstein fan
Communism kills everybody. Nazism tends to be a bit more selective. I like it when some humans survive.
Communism since it won't fuck off already.
Shut up schlomo.
Communists believe that racial superiority, Darwinian Providence malarkey too. Socialists in Germany, Socialists in Eritrea, Socialists in Berkely are racial purists, like Stalin & Moa.
OP is
I mean... which regimes are responsible for the most deaths?
both equally bad
I like how shills always make you believe somehow the germans didn't appreciate the other races of the world. They only wanted to promote themselves within their own country just like most others at the time. There is nothing wrong with this. Only jews and cabalists have a problem with white countries sticking together with their own kind.
Every communist revolution is justified and every target of communists deserves it.
Democracy, national socialism and National Bolshevism are pretty damn good
If communists target the bourgeoisie then why did those bourgeois people fund communism?
Too much doublethink. It is literally a doctrine of tricking poor people to give even more than before to the veey few people running communist governments.
Are you talking about the German Empire trying to get the Russian Empire out of the war?
Communism. Even if we go by (((official))) body counts.
Western is Monarchy and fascism. Fuck off Jew
How is National Socialism bad?
Great things were achieved for Germany in a short time. Hitler lost the war by being a maniac and should never have fucked with Russia.
Removal of Jews from a society is key to success for any goyim
Same currency, different coin.
Debt spending that would horrify even Keynes, lowering the wages of the workers and making the rich elite richer isn't "achieving great things".
That was only at the very beginning with a small amount of money in comparison to the spending during the actual civil war after wwi. Guess who funded all the guns and ammo and things for the soviet and the white russian side. It has always been a game played by the same people.
White russian, yes. Soviet, no.
Infrastructure built by the Nazis still stands today.
Nazi technology has powered the US into stardom.
Pre-WW2 Germany was the star of the globe, hence the Olympics.
All it took was the removal of Jewish banking systems