Why are millennial women pursuing their careers over becoming a good stay at home mother?

Why are millennial women pursuing their careers over becoming a good stay at home mother?

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Lmao a woman working on vidya games. How long before she's blaming vidya for preventing her from finding a good man. Rofl. Oh wait she's probably a fag.

Because they have been brainwashed into thinking that they're competing against men

They wish they were men.

Because the media has lied to them, they think they can have kids later in life.

Ive been taking business classes for the last 2 years. Every female professor or older female returning to college either never had children of their own or were terrible mothers.

I know one black woman in her late 60s with a shaved head and wears blazer with shoulder pads who had kids but proudly says she didnt raise them. She says she paid the sitter to take care of them til they were old enough to take care of themselves.

Pretty much every woman in my college are terrible. and many of the guys i go to school with plan on waiting til they are in their mid 30s and then will marry a younger woman.

In the next 10-20 years we will have an absurd amount of childlessness women and whores with multiple kids from multiple men.

My main professor never had kids, she married a man in her late 40s and treated his kids like they were her own. I have to say though she is the best professor i have.

They are brain washed.

Because they want to be treated like a man, unless there is a draft card or they need workers in the mines, then its “I’m a powerless woman that needs help”

Because you can't travel across the world if you have to make sure the kids are fed and safe.
Because you can't save lots of money and retire early if you have to shell out thousands of dollars for education and healthcare for your spawn.
Because you can't go to parties or see new cultures or take months long adventures if you constantly have to work to support a family.
And it isn't temporary. It's a responsibility that lasts for the rest of your life.
How can you enjoy the world if you're stuck in the house?

Now watch. video games are going to start getting ruined. Women are going to push their fucking way into such an awesome industry and start fucking everything up with their retared points of view.

Video games have been male dominated since the beginning. They use to MAKE FUN of us for playing them. Now they just come walking in to fuck everything up?

Fucking A man.