Why are millennial women pursuing their careers over becoming a good stay at home mother?
Why are millennial women pursuing their careers over becoming a good stay at home mother?
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Lmao a woman working on vidya games. How long before she's blaming vidya for preventing her from finding a good man. Rofl. Oh wait she's probably a fag.
Because they have been brainwashed into thinking that they're competing against men
They wish they were men.
Because the media has lied to them, they think they can have kids later in life.
Ive been taking business classes for the last 2 years. Every female professor or older female returning to college either never had children of their own or were terrible mothers.
I know one black woman in her late 60s with a shaved head and wears blazer with shoulder pads who had kids but proudly says she didnt raise them. She says she paid the sitter to take care of them til they were old enough to take care of themselves.
Pretty much every woman in my college are terrible. and many of the guys i go to school with plan on waiting til they are in their mid 30s and then will marry a younger woman.
In the next 10-20 years we will have an absurd amount of childlessness women and whores with multiple kids from multiple men.
My main professor never had kids, she married a man in her late 40s and treated his kids like they were her own. I have to say though she is the best professor i have.
They are brain washed.
Because they want to be treated like a man, unless there is a draft card or they need workers in the mines, then its “I’m a powerless woman that needs help”
Because you can't travel across the world if you have to make sure the kids are fed and safe.
Because you can't save lots of money and retire early if you have to shell out thousands of dollars for education and healthcare for your spawn.
Because you can't go to parties or see new cultures or take months long adventures if you constantly have to work to support a family.
And it isn't temporary. It's a responsibility that lasts for the rest of your life.
How can you enjoy the world if you're stuck in the house?
Now watch. video games are going to start getting ruined. Women are going to push their fucking way into such an awesome industry and start fucking everything up with their retared points of view.
Video games have been male dominated since the beginning. They use to MAKE FUN of us for playing them. Now they just come walking in to fuck everything up?
Fucking A man.
Alot of lesbians go straight in their late 20s because they realize they cant have kids with another woman.
why does this faggot keep making these threads? why don't the mods & jannies delete them?
Because it impacts politics.
yeah right. this shit belongs in /bant/ and fuck off you cunt
would you submit yourself to lifelong complete financial reliance on a woman? no me neither and understandably women feel the same.
If you don't like it you don't need to post here.
you have been making these threads for a dozen months dude. its time to fuck off. you're worse than the canadian "do-it-yourself 3d printer movement is killing society" poster.
Is she still with maelk?
It's a mixture of things really. Of course it was all started by (((them))) but people are dumb enough to fall for it. Main thing is that women are expected NOT to be stay at home mothers anymore. It is not seen as a valid position for women to hold on it's own, you must have a job/career/outside home life. It's been denigrated as equal to being a slave for a man by the left and a lazy money sucking leech by alot of those the right. The things being a stay at home mother entails (a proper one not a lazy tv and microwave dinner one) such as cooking healthy meals, teaching their children, home care, sewing clothes, knitting blankets, growing food, taking care of her husband ect are just hobbies to people without kids so if that is all you do in life it's nothing to be proud of or respected in society for(as the main people that benefit from this is the womans family not society, societies benefit comes later once the children become proper functioning adults due to their parents raising them properly). A woman fulfilling her natural role in life is not considered an achievement, but instead a failure, you took the easy way out. Also women who do decide to go that path are put down by other scornful women who did not choose that so they have a much smaller support network of like minded women doing the same thing as them that they would have had in the past. You pretty much have to go it on your own with your family unless you can find like minded people, which gets depressing and lonely and makes the woman rely too much on her husband for that support she should be getting from other women.
They got memed hard.
As someone who makes vidya as a hobby, fuck women in this industry. They literally have no skills that warrant them having a job in this industry. Women are bad with technology, math, or any form of creativity
>Video games are going to start getting ruined
I have bad news for you user...
Your post is hilariously spot on, but from like 8 fucking years ago lol.
Because theyre stupid and deserve to die alone.
Their best hope will be to become a comfort woman for the soldiers on r&r from the mexican border war.
having no family, working long hours and growing old alone is empowering
Because they've been brainwashed to think working their asses off is superior to sitting at home all day goofing off with kids.
And they have to do it too.
For every woman who is shooting towards a high corporate position, there's 20 who work shit dishwashing and cleaning jobs.
Once women filtered into the workforce it doubled the workers. Halved the pay. Less demand, less pay.
Now they HAVE to work. Thanks to feminism.
That's not freedom. That's slavery.
But bitches are far too stupid to know better.
They don't listen to men anymore.
Or we'd explain things to them. As they require.
No one but an ant can read this.
why not,
Try clicking on it newfag.
Here's my gf's qualms
>childbirth is too demanding
>make minimum wage as a hair dresser
>not relying on the American taxpayer to support a family
Which isn't a terrible idea since raising kids while renting is unstable and irresponsible.
Your gf's qualms is that she's not sure if she's ready to settle down yet. With you.
When she is? She'll be fine having kids.
But she has no idea if she's gonna switch it up later or get someone " better " or what.
So she'll give excuses. But that's all they are.
it's kind of like MGTOW. they think they are making a conscious choice to go against their primal instincts and they think it's liberating and empowering.
lolno fag nobody wants to fuck you.
>mexican border war.
the retarded idea of the "Have it all" mentality feminism pushed onto them
Were already in our 30s. Far too old have kids now.
Why would we want to bring a child into an anti-white world nowadays anyways?
The population of men that can afford divorce has been hunted to near extinction.
Because they are not muslims.
>"Why do women do ____?"
The answer is because society told them to. Women do whatever is socially acceptable. Always. The reason women are likely to believe slut shaming or discouragement from entering a field, or whatever bullshit thing men can't fathom as being a real obstacle is holding them back, is because it is. Women submit to authority period. They were the best commies. The best Nazis, etc. There's a famous experiment where people we're led to believe they were shocking a man to death because an authority figure told them to. Most people did it. But that's because every female participant did it. Women do what they are told.
typical bean paste talking nonsense.
This girl is probably one of the main reasons anyone bothers watching Overwatch in the first place.
>overwatch esports team
The absolute state of gaming. Bring back base building in Tiberian Sun on dial up.
which girl doesn't want to live in LA? sunshine, palm trees and infinite opportunity to post envy-inducing social media pictures of lattes, ethnic food vans and the insinuation you're getting your pusy plowed by some married executive with medicated ED.
>Why would we want to bring a child into an anti-white world nowadays anyways?
lazy motherfucker.
Umm, sweetie, motherhood is oppression of womyn™ in today's society.
>The best Nazis, etc
They sure are.
My gf of 9 years (been with her since I was 15, want to get married and everything) is very iffy on whether or not she wants kids. She has a full time job that she intends to stay at for good, and has a bit of a reaction whenever I say I want kids. She's 23 right now. Will she grow out of this, lads? Am I fucked? I really love her..
Because most millennials don't make enough money to live off of one income anymore.
This, and drugs. Almost all of them are tripping balls on prescription "medicine" for depression, anxiety, or a general feeling of unease. And let's not forget birth control. Birth control for acne, better grades, and of course, not having children while they get fucked silly all through their 20's. It's absolutely disgusting what's being done to them.
Mostly because OP's penis is incredibly unattractive. No millennial woman wants to be anywhere near OP's weenie, which means they're instead finding more worthwhile ways of occupying themselves. Means that it sucks to be OP, though. I can only suggest a fleshlight to ease your pains.
I would like to join your church.
She doesn't love you
>ywn EVER get paid to do what you love
feels the worst
Has it occurred to any of you that having children fucking sucks? This isn't even the Jews fault kids are little retards that take all your money until they are in their 20s
Gonna be a lot of cat ladies a few decades from now.
you wont get anyone here to understand this. they unironically think we want this
She's fucking good at pretending, then. I think she's got ass burgers desu. She's extremely affectionate, to the point where it's almost irritating sometimes. I think she does love me, but is maybe too comfy as things are right now, and doesn't think anything should ever change. Having children has become very important to me only in the past couple of years.
while not all of this is true enough of it is that its pretty worrying.
Are we harassing her twitter/Instagram yet saying:
>why haven't you had kids yet
>ovaries drying up
>never will be a real women
cause if we rnt we need to start
I hate los angeles I wish someone would nuke us already living here is worse than death.
They got jewed into thinking they needed to fight to free themselves of the obligation to stay at home and raise their child to be good functional adults... but i guess thats what the state is or right
They can no longer rely on their husbands to earn decent money to support a whole household.
That and another women isn't gonna pay the rent for her in exchange for pussy access. I meet a ton of lesbians college who got married to rich white dudes like right after college when they lived a year in reality on their own dime. (Almost every time the old cuck thinks it's "hot" she was a lesbian).
because women went to work and fucked up the whole job market...
Overwatch is an absolute shit tier game. Most of these eleague games are.
Because there was a World War and women had to work. Because too many men have checked out of society.
>Because there was a World War and women had to work
no you historically illiterate fool. when the men came back from WW2 the women were happy to stop working because they had been working factory jobs. It was another decade and a half before women wanted back in, and that was the next generation.
Because you conditioned them to be that way.
Can we stop playing pretend with these dumb honeypots?
why do you faggots constantly spam this cuntface here?
You don't know what you're talking about. Women had to stay in the work force to account for the number of men lost.
Find me a woman who would prefer to be a wage slave rather than putter around the house.
>I'm an idiot and don't know what happened before that war, or before the one before that one.
women always worked you dumb nigger. we didn't "flood the market creating an artificial abundance" gender descrimination in the work place instead created an artificial scarcity.
you're already looking at two of them
If you think being a house putter is so fulfilling why are you not doing it?
And the men took home the cup in that war too didnt huh... would have been nice if they could have got their jobs back when they came home...
Really it was the outsourcing that killed it tho
>Find me a woman who would prefer to be a wage slave rather than putter around the house.
Literally millions of women rather work.
Funfact: Being a women makes you almost 1000% more likely to get hired in a major video game company.
He doesn't want me to quit working because I make more money.
no one talks about outsourcing here because they'd have to face the fact that trump doesn't give a shit about it and that they have less right to ree at women working than they want to believe.
That is such bull shit. Women don't want to raise children in a poor household.
I'm not jealous (I've made over a millions dollars in 8 years trucking & growing/selling weed), but who the fuck pays to watch others play? Including at camgirls and twitch folk?
I'm a oldfag (36), but this shit bewilders my mind. Don't they want to lift their trucks? expand their arsenal? Invest in property? Shit y'all. The only reason I'd be on the interwebs, is only by mobile. Who the fuck uses desktop? Shit boy, this liquid fire done flush my cheeks and warmed my breadbasket. Fuck it. If I keep think to hard about this, my brains will done turn in to hogshit.
Yeah that's my point. They'd rather work than be housewives while the husband works.
Partially the outsourcing. All I wanted to do from my teens was be a housewife and raise a bunch of kids but never found a single man who was down with that.
They would stop working in a heartbeat if their man could afford to support a household comfortably. I'm not attacking men. That is just the sad truth.
thats greed and shortsightedness, if they raise the kid right it doesnt matter if their poor cause the kid will be successful... bitches just want to be the center of attention
That's a lesbo, dawg.
in USA women had not worked in the factories in large numbers prior to ww2. Industrialization was very new. In ww1 USA wasn't mobilized to the extent that it needed a large force of female labor. during the civil war, the next war where the USA was fully mobilized, industrialization had not been completed and women worked in agrarian vacancies.
in agrarian society women worked constantly of course - for their husbands and children. women as independent workers is a very, very new thing in the USA.
this is why child-based welfare is the cancer of society, if you are poor, you shouldn't be having kids.
well unless you're not a tramendous fag i dont see how kids enter the equation here, and since you probably are a woman, asking you why there aren't any of these "smart superior men" who want to putter around all day is meaningless
>in eurogibberish it is possible to have a name with 5 consecutive consonants
the absolute state of european """"languages""""
It's just as much the husbands who want their wives to work so that they can be comfortable. We're looking at the effects of globalization and mass immigration.
Though women have been working in England since Victorian times. But WWII made it a must.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>but who the fuck pays to watch others play? Including at camgirls and twitch folk?
heres a legit vid on why asking this makes you a fucking autist who doesn't understand human behavior.
Part of the reason it's hard to afford is excessive consumerism, increasing prices, and stagnant wages. If those aren't an issue, I would love to have a wife who doesn't work and raises a great family. She wouldn't have to work but have the freedom to pursue what she wants.
Alas simpler times in the ole days.
^ was only a matter of time
Thanks for the two (You)'s
Poor means something different these days. Poor means you can't afford to give your kids a half decent education. Poor means you have to raise your kids amongst a bunch of degenerate families. We're not just talking about surviving on meat loaf and potatoes. Muh house only has four bedrooms.
My husband is ten years older than me and he's already said he's happy to stay home while I work.
Why slag Ronaldihno you fucking uncultured cunt. The man is an artist and a legend.
This so much, which as you say, causes a loss in a sense of community.
A big part of this is also the sad fact that it is very hard to pull off a married, single income, multiple child, home owning life in large parts of this country. I argue artificially so, going back to (((them)))
Wish I'd found you 15 years ago. See my post about what it means to be poor and raise a family. You can't do it without exposing them to degenerate cunts.
You got me thinking. Having the wife and husband work dissolves the community mothers formed in their local towns with each other and kids when they were housewives. Now everyone is at work all day and in front of a screen all night. Perhaps technology isn't the only reason the sense of community is decreasing. This doesn't apply for the unemployed who typically all live nearby each other in bad towns aka mini welfare states.
Yeah literally today I had a girl a few years younger than me tell me that the concept of love is outdated. Pure hedonism.
It takes a combination of education/hard work to make a good salary. If one in a couple can, then choosing a low cost of living area and saving around the house can go a long way.