(((They))) said this book is an anti-semite propaganda. What do you think?
Redpill me Sup Forums
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That book is Tsarist propaganda. It's just scapegoat. Jews were just easy targets.
It's literally controlled opposition and you guys fall for every time.
Like the almanac from Back to the Future 2.
>What do you think?
literally everything that was said in it has come true, ignore
Everything in that book has come true. Some call it a forgery, very interesting choice of words.
Prepare to be liberalised bois
It's hard to call it propaganda when it is all EXACTLY WHAT THEY FUCKING DO.
I look for a lot of books at my college and 90% of the ones I want to read aren't there.
I was lucky to find Nietzsche's book "Genealogy of Morals", literally haven't found anything else rightwing besides that and Platos Republic.
I been trying to find JFK books from before or around 45 but they've only got this book talking about all his quotes after 45'. Why England Slept is good for retorting against the RDF topic that he made automobile companies churn out tank engines and shit.
Germany was doing that for 6 years before people woke up to it. (unfortunately).
My environmental science teacher is a boomer and he says he hates both wings but he spews anti-white bullshit all the time.
I sent him a bunch of JFK files last friday and he didn't show up to class monday.
Wonder if it's because he lost power and slept in or if it's the truth getting to him.
INB4 It's the former
They say that to prevent people from even bothering to read it. If you actually read it, you will know that it is legit.
In fact, I'm sure they leaked it back then on purpose so that they could pre-emptively label it as anti-semitic propaganda and stop people from talking about it.
The Talmud is pretty crazy, and all of that is canon.
I haven’t read the protocols, but I need to.
How do I get my hands on the "Conquest of a Continent" by Madison Grant?
Heard Rockwell talk about it and I'm itching for it.
Rockwell was a legend and God rest his soul.
Him and pierce are my idols why can't I find anyone alive today who has the verbiage they had? The courage, the fucking balls my man. I try my best to emulate them but I'm not there yet. I'm sure I will be soon though I can feel it.
Henry Ford's take on it is all you need to know.
yeah but just like the bible people just go "it was a crazy book written thousands of years ago goy! we don't believe that stuff anymore! it's just a culture thing now!"
They've been doing this from the very beginning.
Aqquire and read a copy of David Dukes "Jewish Supremacy" and you'll begin to understand exactly what's going on in todays world. Its a thousand times more horrific than you could imagine.
Remember Sup Forums, A good education is the one thing no crook can steal from you.
And heres a copy of the protocols themselves so you can make up your own mind.
Knowledge is useful, but applied knowledge is power.
Any user who thinks the is a factual book is a fucking dumb fuck. they book was written as a way to draw hate for Jews in Russia. It was written because the Jews there had all the money. People do not understand the reason why we have all the money is very simple. Its because we are smart as fuck... Education is the most important aspect of our religion... Stop being butt-hurt.. start educating your kids and make your kids the most important thing.. do this and you will have money yourself,,,
I'd believe it was a hoax if if didn't explain so much of what is currently happening.
Knowing is half the battle.
Its actually a pre-Internet troll. Why it persists is because Jews pretty much are as coordinated and sneaky like the book suggests. Its not actual minutes from some sekrit Joo world domination conference if that's what you were wondering.
Every time I point this out on a thread about this book people flame me like I am some JIDF Jew apologist, some Zionist shill, etc etc
I agree, but the book itself is a sham
>everything described therein has either happened or is going to happen in the future
It's not real in the sense of there being an actual group of Jews who came up with that plan together. But it is an accurate description of what Jews actually do. It's not a hoax exactly, more like a form of propaganda designed to get people to notice the effects that the behavior of Jews has on society.
Ok so you know how in the original deus ex, they just threw in basically every 90s conspiracy and got a lot of shit right? It's still propaganda, but apply that logic to this book.
Pretty good answer. I doubt they leaked a manuscript detailing their nefarious plans.
You are all off because you are just a bunch of stupid Goys. If your culture or religion's main focus was Education and debate your culture/ religion would do just as well. But instead you believe one of two books that was a copy of the Torah but instead you have a Jew who was crucified than came back to life or a pedophile war monger...
It's just a silly hoax that by pure coincidence managed to perfectly predict the events of the next 100 years.
We should have beheaded that bitch ISIS style.
I'm a little curious. This will be my single reply to you.
Does it frighten you to see the goiym waking up en masse?
>tfw the rothschilds weren't even jewish 200 years ago
this book was my big redpill.
ironic that their method of debunking is calling it a forgery, a fraud. it's a book, how can it be either of those?
Fiction or non, who cares. without a doubt, it describes their gameplan perfectly.
Hitler made it required reading in Germany.
>waking up
there is nothing to wake up from... the world has blamed us for all of their problems. They have tried to destroy us since we became god chosen people.. Yet they have all FAILED!!!!!! Now that we can defend our self's it will defiantly not happen....
In my experience if someone tells me not to read a book(historical, political, religious), I read it anyway. Because most of the time there's truth in these books, and I am a grown man and can make decisions without outside help.
Read it for yourself and make your own mind up. It's a pretty short read.
It's just Deuteronomy 19-20 extrapolated. Human behavior isn't so complicated.
"You shall not charge interest on loans to your Israelite brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest."
"You may charge a foreigner interest, but you may not charge your brother interest, that the LORD YOUR GOD MAY BLESS YOU IN ALL THAT YOU UNDERTAKE IN THE LAND THAT YOU ARE ENTERING TO TAKE POSSESSION OF IT."
Rapacious, sure. But at least they are up front about it.
Yes, kike. Please continue to bask in your superiority complex. It will only endear more people to your cause.
Kike pretending the Jews were ever victims.
this coming from a french Canadian
f the kikes. Adam Weishaupt revised in and May 1, 1776 the Illuminati was re-booted and official. Listen to Myron C Fagan's 1967 speech.
>Conquest of a Continent" by Madison Grant
Here is the best Audio book with commentary
Lots of other interesting audio books here
this meme seems to be saying something else
how accurate is it nigger?
This book and series really nails that fact down.
The Great Jewish Mask is about a fascinating book published in 1936 which predicted the rise of the Jews and that they would get Israel. The writer had a very deep knowledge of the archaeological history of the Jews and he explained how and when they began their campaign of propaganda and lying throughout history. He calls this “The Mask” and he says that the Jews “assumed the Mask” in 400 BC.
The story is tells is utterly riveting and fascinating and he gives you the scientific clues to this. In the latter parts of the series (yet to be done), I’ll show you that he was right and that science has since proven him to be completely correct
Part 1 – The Great Jewish Mask
Part 2 – Jewish Forgery
Part 3 – The Ass in the Lion’s skin
Part 4 & 3 FREE PDF books!
The Book - americancrisis.us
they destroy our books
put their own in (bible as cattle feed, backfired)
they employ people to stealthily maligning Atlas Shrugged online (see reddit threads, and on here, and obama with his "i grew out of it" repeat of that message)
we need to stop the radical judaism
Henry Ford's The International Jew Audio Book
My Awakening (1998) - David Duke
the bible is history... in a sense.
>anti-semite propaganda
But it is by definition? Theres nothing wrong with it though, go read it.
>Jews had all the money
>Let’s sperg out on the Bolshevik Revolution anyway
Failed? lol your people were successfully wiped out many times in the past just not globally but now is the age of globalism and the next time it happens there will be no place to hide
It`s a book to support the "muh antisemites" narrative among the jewish sect.
Without the totally unimaginary antisemite they will soon crumble under the burden of internal conflicts.
if you are not a die-hard shill everything is anti-semitic propaganda! I've read it and there's nothing particularly anti-semitic, it's super Zionist supremacist, same as Talmud, only much less preachy, and more of an action plan, a technical document. reading it I got the "so that's why they're doing it" moments all the time
It is immaterial - the book is symptomatic of how Jews actually act and organise themselves in society.
>Lays out strategies on how to enslave the goyim
>Seize their property
>corrupt and destroy their insitutions
>Replace religion with (((science)))
>Remove monarchy and install (((democracy)))
>Take control of the banking system
>Take control over the media
>Place the goyim under heavy financial debt
>Bribe their politicans to ultimately serve the purpose of the chosen people
>Implying these things haven't already happened
Well if ((((they))) say it's fake then who am I to suggest otherwise.
sure because you have to be really smart to steal, bribe and murder
Not only (((((they)))) but every valuable credited historian.
But whatever makes you sleep, virgins.
conference like this one?
it's too elaborate to be sham, if it was a sham it would be Tolkien grade sham written in months, shams don't usually exceed J K Rowling quality shit.
The biggest red pill about it is that the kikes claim it to be a forgery instead of outright being antisemitic lies. Why's that a red pill? Forgeries are merely unauthorized copies of a legitimate work...
Never believe a jew even more when they say they're not religious, those are the worst !
the legend says it was stolen from one of the big heads from Zionist congress, not leaked, so it was intended for very limited group of people, not general Zionist audience, as any major secretive institution they operate on need-to-know basis... it even refers to pawn Zionists as "our little brothers" so they are just a little bit better situated than ordinary goys
But why though?
why what?
why jews do stuff written in protocols?
because they are evil probably
No, what is their end game?
nah... they're not "evil", they are gullible, they say whatever their rabbi told them to say, they are taught from the get go that everyone hates them so they develop fierce defensive mechanisms fast, and as soon as they are told something they don't agree with they yell anti-semite... same thing they taught niggers... when they hear something they don't like they yell racism no matter what
endgame is global domination, one world order
>book from 100 years ago outlines what jews are actively doing in every place they inhabit
imagine moi shock
everything listed has actually come to fruition
how do you explain the fact that theyve been exiled from over 100 countries in 2000 years?
all of these random places throughout history just happened to get extremely antisemetic and use jews as whipping boys?
I wish that I knew, they seem to have an ingrained hatred of the west, it's people and everything western civilization is built on.
Can you tell us about the Pootocols?
It's real.
Jews are obvious. Grow up Bucko
Found the jew
protocols are a forgery. the real ones are in israel.
That is what the toilet witch protects
Tell us more about this toilet witch
>They have tried to destroy us since we became god chosen people..
just because? out of spite? or envy? no other rational reason?
>since we became god chosen people..
when did that happen?
>god chosen people..
which one?
no, it was "plagiarized", which is bad and totally means that it has no scope in reality