Sup Forums made me become a liberal

Sooo i lurked in Sup Forums in the past few months, and i have to say, i am shocked at how vile the right wing actually is.

I've seen people here regularly call for genocide of minorities, i've seen people here bashing the poor and saying that we should not care about the weakest people in our society. i've seen how right-wingers always try to win arguments by lying and trying to deceive the other side into your position.

Everything liberals said about the right wing base was true. you guys are disgusting


post ur tits

You mean, hard-right? A lot of us here don't usually associate race with politics.

FPBP. If you can't see past muh morals your only only role in politics is being a data point.

You've seen reality. Right-wing is what the "normal world" considers pure evil.

Troll bait, or already this stupid and bought into a satire meme board?

This. Sup Forums is full of neckbeards unaware of their own hypocracy.

They want to ban muslims from coming to the US; when the US' violence is the reason they are coming in the first place.

They want gun ownership legalised across the US; but they wouldn't allow guns into their own home.

They claim the Holocaust was a conspiracy; while simultaneously being thankful that Hitler killed the Jews.

They don't support abortion; but they do support the mass murder of black women by denying them healthcare.

They claim to be against globalism; but support tax cuts for billionaires which empowers these "globalists."

They claim to support free speech, but if a Muslim says "Allahu Akbar" Sup Forums wants him hanged.

You are all a bunch of fucking fools. Get out, get a girlfriend, and live a little bit, instead of wasting your lives away.

i concur

And also, I'd prefer you to use the term >marxist instead of >liberal because liberalism is traditionally a Centre-right ideology promoting free market and liberty.

Fuck off faggot

Who could possibly be behind this post?

You are the one who is so blinded by your philosophical view of subjective morality, that you do not understand morality can in practice be treated in an objective manner since almost all humans base their morality on empathy.

The world you guys want to create is a world without empathy, and such a world would be nothing less than a dystopian hell.


Remember, you're here forever, and you'll be one of us soon enough.


Pol has a lot of very immature baby men.

Lurk more user. Most of us went throught these phases too, until we truly became redpilled.

>They want gun ownership legalised across the US; but they wouldn't allow guns into their own home.
Atleast make the bait believable.

HURR ">spacing" is not an argument you strawmanning pieces of filth. All you sycophants do is "greentext" because you want to virtue signal to everyone else on this pathetic board that you fit it. Well, guess what, you do fit it. You're all losers, neckbeard nobodies.

>i've seen how right-wingers always try to win arguments by lying and trying to deceive the other side into your position.
Oh fuck off idiot.

Real Sup Forums are libs. These identity politic fucks have been flooding in from Infowars and ATS for years.

Maybe instead of taking propaganda pills, you should look at reality for what it really is.

It's really pathetic how you guys created a culture that glorifies the consumption of propaganda - which is what your "Red Pill" actually means

I came here to 'know thy enemy'. Soon enough I became that which I hated. Now I have to perpetually bite my tongue.


stopped reading right there. get back to the_cuckold and stay there (you) nigger

prolly you're not white

I see no need to dignify reddit posters with a better response until they see the need to acclimate to this board's culture

Congrats blueballs, why don't you join your friends over at reddit?

Sooo i lurked in Sup Forums in the past few months, and i have to say, i am shocked at how FUCKING BASED the right wing actually is.

I've seen people here regularly call for genocide of minorities, i've seen people here bashing the poor and saying that we should not care about the weakest people in our society. i've seen how right-wingers always try to win arguments by lying and trying to deceive the other side into your position.

Everything liberals said about the right wing base was true. you guys are FUCKING BASED

Keep me posted. Bye, nigger.

back 2 reddit

t. r/politics talking about virtue signalling

>real Sup Forums are libs
are you retarded?

>the USA is responsible for the unstable middle east.
The middle east has literally never been stable

>Sooo i lurked in Sup Forums in the past few months
Bitch you're just getting started on this fucking journey and there are only two possible destinations at the end, a sissy chastity cage or going full fucking Nazi.

The choice is yours of course, but my money is on you becoming one of us because most of us started out just like you.

nothing wrong with propaganda, if it's correct


Weak subversive psyop, leftyfag.
FYI, stay the fuck in your city/college town, boy. No soyboys welcome here, estrogenigger.

My high IQ made me become a liberal.

You must have been reading it backwards. That’s not how this works. Sup Forums is not a manga.

Me too user.
How hypocritical that Sup Forums is obsessed with IQ differences - but ignores the fact that people with a high IQ are LEFTISTS!

why are you antifa faggots so bad at subversion? this thread sucks

no one ever goes from right to left. only from left to right. wonder why that is?

Eeeey, welcome to the liberal side. You can still have fun hanging around here, though. It’s great watching them make themselves miserable by hyper focusing on things they have no control over instead of working on their own happiness and satisfaction, calling it the redpill; and then eventually depress themselves and act all surprised that a constant stream of negativity has lead to them feeling like shit. You’ll love it.


So your on team pedo

>subjectives can be treated in an objective manner
feelz before realz amirite?


Did that high IQ make your words come off as faggotry?

>christcucks were right about the slippery slope
I owe my grandparents an apology.

According to modern liberals, having "empathy" implies bending over and letting Tyrone fuck you in the ass because muh colonialism or whatever retarded excuses.

Yeah, and maybe lurking in huffpo will make you into a tranny fagot. Have fun being liberal douche

go back to eating a dick faggot

so, you got an A in women's studies too? (so did I)

If you can't decipher the context and types of posters, you need to lurk more. You're not getting it yet. But it's ok user. Pol is satire, it's a board of peace.

Just ask and you shall receive.

>tfw I agree
>tfw dat ID name tho
Pic 4 U, Strayanigger.
>keep calm, smoke meth

>Sup Forums made me become a liberal
Sure thing liar. At least we don't lie.

post your tits or a sharpie in the pooper you newfaggot.

>people with a high IQ are LEFTISTS
It says so on Buzzfeed and Huffpo so it MUST be true.

So get your ass back to your safe space, Sally. Go cry to your liberal arts friends and use adult coloring books to heal, faggot.


>taking memes literally
>not realizing we must press the limits of free speech to ensure there is always a place for it
kill yourself. this board is called politically incorrect. its not a place for god damn kikes pussies and retards who can't handle jokes about kikes pussies and retards. The fact the world has made a political movement IRL based on dumb shit we post from our basements with cheeto fingers is just icing on our meme cake.

This thread isn't worth the effort, but your naïveté needs to be exposed.

The world we want is one where every culture thrive son it's own. Every race, ethnicity and culture should have it's own home. To learn about others we can travel and experience these unique and valuable cultures using jet planes Whites build.

The lefts ideology is the one without empathy. It entails the destruction of all culture for the sake of what has become dogmatic ideology.

apparently you learned nothing

That Pepe is looking at you

>Coming to Sup Forums and not getting redpilled

Nice try

At the end of the day, it boils down to how much power you want for yourself, and how much you're willing to be a cuck.

If you want to be a total cuck, go lib-left. If you want total power, got NatSoc.

You are and always were Reddit.

Now return to Reddit, where your faggot ass belongs.

If someone doesn't push from the farthest of the Right, the compromise will be too far to the Left. Also SAGE because OP is a lying kike.




>implying we wanted you

Bad bait. The nice thing about pol and internet in generall (exclusing tumbler etc) is that people can express their opinions and you dont have to aggree with others, best opinions in the end will stay while bad ones die out over time (feminism poll numbers).

Also on serious note, i think its time to stop with this left and right bullshit. Who the hell still thinks 1 word can be used to categorize your political views? I mean current left and right typical positions varies alot from country to country and they keep changing positions as well. We need alot more words and nuance even to just generalize political views.

If you are defending left or right because its your team, then you are mentally impaired. Rational people think every position trough invividually and are able to discuss with other views and change their minds if given good case for that.

Friendly reminder to sage all faggot crybaby threads.

You have to go back

why are you still here? kick rocks faggot


>doesn't know how to greentext properly
Go back.

> i've seen people here bashing the poor and saying that we should not care about the weakest people in our society

I grew up incredibly poor, like rolling quarters for groceries poor with my family, and worked hard and am now upper middle class. There's no "tale of me overcoming adversity" because I'm white. Luckily I got into university before someone like me could be denied a seat because of my skin color, even though I grew up poorer than many of the minorities applying.
Liberals don't give a fuck if I'm poor because I'm white. So fuck you, fuck your attempts to white guilt me, and fuck the entitled shitskins that think I should pay for their kids, I should give up a seat in school, I should give up an executive position at my company when those same assholes wouldn't do the same for me or even their own people.

I owe you nothing. Fuck off.

ru gay mate

>since almost all humans base their morality on empathy.
you couldnt be more wrong
go to 3rd world countries and take a look.
you are judging from a 1st world perspective

your terrible shilling is a disgrace to the hard earned reputation of Australian's shitposting on this board.

ok see u tomorrow

And you are a pathetic loser. The best part of you ran down your mother’s ass. Thank God you are going to be joining the other pathetic losers. Enjoy your BBC.


who is bringing all these normies?

You have to go back

Nice projection lefty cunt

underrated or underratest?

There is literally nothing wrong with genocide

fine well i guess if you want to be a faggot who burns coal thats your life choice. who are we to stop you from going to hell like the nigger faggot you are. many of "you people" end up there and im sure you will be content in the flames of hell being butt fucked by other nigger faggots

stale pasta

Liberals, in the U.S. at least are glorified socialists, some not even glorified and just socialist (barney sandals) others are straight up commies. You're not a liberal, you're a right grabbing scumbag. The opposite of a liberal.

At the end of the day: Pic Related

If you want to take my money to fund what ever bullshit you want, then you should be put up against the wall and shot, just like any common street mugger. So fuck you, subhuman.

>Y-You guys are mean so nothing you say is true

This, show us your bobs

Nice slide thread, faggot.

In all fields, gentlemen.

How the fuck is morality universal when whats good for you is bad for me?

You want to be a parasite and make me pay for it. That's not universal morality. Stupid nigger faggot.

Maybe if you want to arrange a symbiotic relationship you can live.

>3 posts by this ID
>3 posts by this ID
The shills are catching on

Remember to put "sage" in the options tab while posting in shill threads

you're out of your mind
Sup Forums is formerly, and still to an extent, the containment board for Sup Forums

yeah pol is too nightmarish, people on here really need to step the fuck outside.

Ok thanks, now fuck off.

I'm sorry mate, did I take my private apache cross the big pond to fire at sand niggers doing their usual sand nigger things? I do not fuckn think so. If an emu attacks your home, you do not invite the emu into your home.

Holohoax is a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean I don't wish there really had been 6 gorillion, enhanced by skin lampshades.

Abortion happens to be one of those necessary evils at the moment. I don't want to pay for some irresponsible slut or nigger's child through welfare. Abortions are cheaper than welfare.

"Allahu Ackbar" = religion of peace, definitely

For fuck sakes can you at least try?