
>"user, I'm glad you decided to come. I want to help you. Can you tell me where your hatred of women comes from?"

Other urls found in this thread:

At birth I was circumcised, I think that's when it all began..

hmmmmm... From women?

I love women. Feminists are women. Now, let me show you to my huey...

Seems to me that Sup Forums just holds women to actual standards. Thats much more than can be said for the rest of western society where flagrant degeneracy is applauded. Sometimes true love comes in the form of tough love.

Hillary Clinton

I don’t hate women.In fact I’ve never talked to one bedsides my mother.

by dating them and having a mother

You can love women but hey so be disappointed in their behaviors. Love the dinner, hate the sun



>Can you tell me where your hatred of women comes from?

Look in the Mirror

*aren't women

Nice tits

You're one.
You fucking know.

Because my mom wouldnt suck my dick as a kid.

It comes from women that wear fucking pantsuits.


cunts outnumber women
ponder on that for a bit

We might as well turn the thread into one of these. Doesn't matter.
Plz my "nice guys" folder is a little light.

>another psychologizing Jew cohencidentally peddling another psychological theory that pozzes whites

>Can you tell me where your hatred of women comes from?"
one time I attempted to make contact with a woman and the prostitute saw my face and refused my money

Can we start this discussion with the size or your jewnose or skip to the fact that you still look like a man with make up on. I mean mascara is potent shit, but I just don't think it's saving you at this point.

-My litany.....

-Now vee may perhaps to begin, yes?

Observation of women

Ad hominem for beneath you, user.

I want to have sex with a therapist

Not when it comes to superficial shit like make up, because it is exactly that. Superficial the same way Ad Hominem shame is.

I love women. I really love their sexuality. I have loved women for nonsexual reasons, too.

But you can't stare at and visualize a good personality around my cock.

It''s not that I hate women, it's just that I hate disingenuous cunts. And women are all disingenuous cunts, so I have to hate them all for that. That's all there is to it, really.

One of the reasons


Because they are civilization cancer.

It comes from...Your mom.




If you really wanted to help me, you wouldn't call me a hater.

So why don't you tell me what "help" means to you.