>homegrown white shooter takes down 58 people in vegas
>isis sandnigger kills 8 playing IRL GTA
even our terrorists are genetically superior
Homegrown white shooter takes down 58 people in vegas
Samuel Jackson
Connor Wilson
this dude was only 5' 6" lmfao wasnt the vegas dude like 6' 4" or something
Michael Gomez
Manlet genocide when?
Alexander Miller
Genocide of menlets, or manlets genociding?
Matthew Robinson
Guy looks like a CIA/Mossad false flag kike
Juan Martinez
Chad shooter, virgin truck terrorist
Owen Richardson
Aaron Ross
6' 4" Shooting a gun into a crowd.
5' 6" Driving a truck onto a bike trail.
What the fuck does their size have to do with it? Nothing. Because they used machines to do the dirty work for them.
Caleb Martin
wrong guy senpai
Andrew Clark
What was Paddock's political objective?