Does Sup Forums believe in reincarnation?

Does Sup Forums believe in reincarnation?

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Fuck no.

Yes. All jews will reincarnate into a grain of sand in the Gobi desert for eternity.

I don't care if they do or not. Reincarnation is a provable fact. (Ask, or you're a newthreadfag)

No, if reincarnation were real then Jews would cease to exist as all their souls got downgraded to rat-status. Unless good rats get elevated to Jew status?

sure this is a Sup Forums thread deferentially belongs on fucking Sup Forums

Hell yeah mofo. You do what you want after you die. Sadly most people are too brain dead to take action with their lives. So they'll probably end up in a long period of darkness until they are motivated to either relive their life, live someone else's life, or (least likely) return to homeworld.

Chill out brother

I will never fucking post on Sup Forums again on oct 31ist. Everyone is in ME instead of YOU mode. fuck Sup Forums on holloween. So pissed.

Checked and kek'd


proof then you huge faggot.
>oh hay guys, i happen to know how to live forever, but i cant tell you xDDDD

shit thread shit mods. take this shit to /x/

Not that I'm reborn into this world but I wouldn't be surprised if my spirit becomes a part of a larger whole of another one in a different world/universe/existence

You accuse me of not answering when the OP expresses no fallow thorugh.

so because the op didnt answer, you dont have to? confirmed for retarded. and obviously you dont have proof of reincarnation because its not real, i just wanted to see you link to some nutcase website as your proof but looks like you cant even do that

gtfo fag

I did in my last life, not this one though.

Dr. Ian Stevenson

so one single guy claims all these children have past lives, and no one else has ever found the same thing. im skeptical

I can prove it's real, but you are worried that religion is true if reincarnation is real. Plus you sound like a shit poster.

Common sense proof: Before you were born, what were you? You answer: I didn't exist, and when I do, I will cease to exist.

But, if you didn't exist before you were born, what difference is there between that state before birth, and the state after death? Because there is no difference, you will again be reborn.

Sorry I fucked up, I mean 'when I die' not 'when I do.'

I love that movie. Sadly very underrated, though.

Which movie please. Is it the one with the guy who plays Wolverine? forgot his name. I saw that film and I loved it.

How would I know whether or not people reincarnate?

Also, there's no belief in reincarnation. It's a fact, but not the way most people think.

The same atoms that make up your body right now once belonged to trees or other animals, or air, rock, etc.

If you mean reincarnation of consciousness then that's very unlikely. And people remembering alleged previous lives doesn't mean anything. Our brain can produce false memories. Our brain, although very complex, is also very faulty. (Visual, auditory illusions etc.)


Saw it. 8.5 outta 10. Respect for giving me the link and liking the movie. You might want to check out these two films if you like that one.

Film one. Samsara. (The Asian film, not the American one)
Film two: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. (Also an asian film)

Yes but if you're unconscious for an near infinite amount of time, don't you think the atoms will find a way to reorganize into a structure that will be identical to your previous consciousness?

Before Christianity, native European religion also postulated a form of reincarnation. It is not just a "belief," but accepted as a fact of life for a very large portion of the world.

The evidence is quite compelling, particularly the correlations of birthmarks to the wounds of previous persons.

The question for me is not "Is reincarnation real?" but "Is reincarnation true in all cases?" If we reincarnate, why don't we all remember our previous lives?

You'll notice in reincarnation cases, generally the children who claim to remember a past life (and the genuine cases, i.e, not hysteria or psychosis, are almost always children) tend to have had some unusual or extraordinary circumstances surrounding their alleged previous death. The implication being that if there hadn't been, they wouldn't be talking about it and would forget like everyone else. It's a fascinating subject.

No problem. I don't think I've watched those. Thanks for the recommendation, buddy.

It's not impossible, but very VERY unlikely.

"Three monkeys hitting keys at random on typewriters for an infinite amount of time will almost surely produce Hamlet."


I don't know. I hope so, I'd like to have a fresh start at some point. I'm already burned out at 18.

I remember when I was young I'd have vivid memories of random things that didn't happen - in completely different places and scenarios. Not deja vu but the other similar word.

consciousness does not die, it simply changes from time to time, you wont be "you" anymore but the consciousness that constitutes your existence will persist. There is also some decent anecdotal evidence of reincarnation regarding children having knowledge of local historical events, also the Tibetan practice of selecting the next Lama is interesting and while not scientifically verifiable lends credence to the idea of reincarnation. It also should be pointed out that most cultures throughout the world ended up believing in one form or another of reincarnation so it is likely something humans living in a state of nature know to be intuitively true.

>I can prove it's real, but you are worried that religion is true if reincarnation is real. Plus you sound like a shit poster.
>Common sense proof: Before you were born, what were you? You answer: I didn't exist, and when I do, I will cease to exist.
>But, if you didn't exist before you were born, what difference is there between that state before birth, and the state after death? Because there is no difference, you will again be reborn.

I respect your reply, but you speak in beliefs. Beliefts can lead to truth, but you need to understand the basic proof of reincarnation that I posted above:

Before you were born, what were you? You answer: I didn't exist, and when I die, I will cease to exist.

But, if you didn't exist before you were born, what difference is there between that state of non-existence before birth, and the state of non-existence after death? There is no difference, therfore it is granted that you will again be reborn.

Are you sure you’re replying to the right person?

Either way I’d add before I was born if reincarnation is true I’d have been someone else, the fact I don’t remember it disproves nothing. Do you remember being born? No but you know it happened. We should also be clear about what is meant by “you”, not the ego but rather the self in the Jungian sense of the word is reincarnated, the totality of the being moves on and develops until it is capable of transcending this reality. At least that’s what I think is going on, but who the fuck knows.

Nope. This life is all you get, and if you fail at it or don't use it well that's your fault. Does it suck? Yes. Suck it up.

I was trying to reply to you but I clicked wrong, fuck.

I get what you're saying though. * rubs chin *

I had the same thing happen to me.

Your next life is gonna suck with an attitude like this.


yes and no
I believe that you exist, and I exist because we must exist, have always existed, and will always exist. Our consciousness, the essence of it is the same one conscious event experienced by individual bodies (avatars)

before the big bang, I believe that we were all one lump of concentrated energy, and when it had the big bang, all matter separated from it's singularity. I am a part of you, you are a part of me, and we are all one universe with the illusion of individuality.

when I die, I live on as whatever else is out there. I am the universe and the universe is me. The personality construct that is me now will die, disappear and whatever I become will never have known that this avatar of me has existed. This will continue for eternity.

>This will continue for eternity
Or, I might add, until someone discovers immortality and atomic reconstruction of the universe since the known universe is in atomic decay, and will not last forever in it's current form

No, its nonsense.
If everything reincarnated where do new souls come from.

Yes because I feel that only consciousness it's fundamental,I don't have the data to prove this; however it's a spiritual philosophy that seems to work for me.

Reincarnation definitely exists, but there is nothing special about it. Mostly has to do with the quantum preservation of information.

Souls is a very loaded word, but it's a very logical question, I sometimes ponder: that what's outside of consciousness?

Yes. It's the only logical conclusion.

I'd swap logical for practical conclusion, however it's all just semantics.

lol that's not so bad

No, fuck off Varg

Is it because you're thick?

When I went to school, earth had about 5.5 billion people. We now have over 7 billion.
Where do the extra souls come from?

Everyone playing Mortal Empires? Ty for reminder user I have a jungle to conquer.

Look up NASA physicist Tom Campbell on YouTube,or go to: my. big. toe forum com. He has a scientific mode/theory on this subject, you might find interesting.

I say it half jokingly, but I'm mostly serious as my life is mediocre at best, working at Walmart for the past 12 years, and too old to get my life together without having to face a trove of age bias/discrimination along the way

Atomic decay?

Okay, science 101:
Matter and antimatter can not be created nor destroyed. It simply exists. The material world we see today is clusters of matter and antimatter in gas, liquid and solid form. If an object is 'destroyed'- for example you blow up a building, it still exists as rubble.

Even after the eventual heat death of the universe, matter and antimatter will still exist. Also, according to Graham's Number, after the heat death of the universe there is a likelyhood that at some point eons afterwards, the same conditions that ushered in the big bang could very well occur again. In fact, the "big bang" has probably happened an infinite amount of times (probably eons a and eons apart).

But I do believe you're right on one point, if humans last long enough, scientists in the distant future may be able to master atomic reconstruction.

There are potentially infinite souls. Particularly if they exist outside of time.
Not to mention, there's only a few strong souls on the planet. Think of autists, or niggers. Of course, soul strength doesn't correlate with earth prowess, but it's an interesting starting point at least.
The end goal is for everyone to become like Jesus. There's some interesting things I've read about how Jesus was the reincarnation of Adam and many other minor biblical characters.

It's real ...just look at chertoff and Lenin