Islam, Christianity and atheism are like rock-paper-scissors. Atheism beats Christianity but loses against Islam. To beat Islam you need Christianity, which is lost in Europe. That's why western civilization will be gone by the end of this century.
Western Civilization is losing because of atheism
Other urls found in this thread:
Interesting Religious Pokemon.
Clearly the situation in Burma indicates Muslims also have a weakness to Buddhists.
It's losing because of low fertility rates and pathological altruism. Atheism would be fine if we could find a way to raise atheist fertility rates and get more atheists to be white nationalists.
Somewhat relevant:
you can only pick one
I've long stopped thinking about religion in terms of "well, this is obviously some bullshit, let's just get rid of it." Religions are memes that cannot be exorcised from the general population, so it's beneficial to at least go with the one that promotes the correct values regardless of the mystical fluff attached. I wish more atheists/agnostics would consider them this way.
>To beat Islam you need Christianity
No you don't. Buddhists are BTFOing mudslimes in Myanmar.
>The most conservative religion acting like the time period in which their religion takes place
>Hurr durr the answer is to act like barbarians from a time period even older.
Theism not even once.
cuckianity sucks muslim toes.
Atheism is objectively Jewish.
It was invented as part of the grand Marxist Jewish rejection of Judaism. (A direct rejection of Judaism still being Jewish just in the opposite direction)
Over the past 70 years, the Jews have done everything they can infiltrate Secularism with Atheism such that modern people think they are the same thing.
It's the exact same thing they did with infiltrating Liberalism with Socialism.
The Jews take over the Goy's mind by first co-opting his identity.
>not even a mention of Judaism
based Buddhist giving those muzzie fucks a taste of their own medicine. They are true heroes
Religion is important for putting rules together with spirituality.
Atheism, while my "belief," is not good anymore. It's become a lefty religion. It almost always leads to nihilism and scientism.
That being said, no, you do not need Christianity to beat Islam. In fact, I'd go so far to blame Christianity for the rise of Islam.
>inb4 muh crusades
The crusades did almost nothing. They didn't defend Europe from muslim invaders, they were a way of getting money for the Catholic church, which itself is just a business. All Christianity did was cause war between pagan europeans. The altruism in the west that's so prevalent comes from christianity. This wanting to help the poor rapefugees and niggers it comes from your religion.
Catalans are the fucking leafs of Europe i swear
Stop being such a tard and read some Scheler. Altruism was a concept created by Auguste Comte to replace Christian compassion, it subverted the churches and gave rise to the 'religion of humanity' that's prevalent in the world. This is anti-Christian through and through
You're close, user. Western Civilization is losing because of Marxism, which atheists have no problem with, for the most part.
>Atheism is objectively Jewish.
I would agree with this, overall. Atheism, in the dictionary sense of the word, doesn't have to be Jewish, but if you look at the actual way atheism is promoted and presented, it's simply another flavor of the Jews' eternal hatred for Christians. We almost never see atheists denigrate Judism, and only infrequently go after Islam, the way they go after Christianity.
So hey, I think we've figured it out. It's not atheism that's destroying Western Civilization, specifically. It's the Jews! Surprise, surprise!
Western cucks can't into proper militant atheism nor true religious devotion, into the garbage heap of history you go, godspeed.
>Clearly the situation in Burma indicates Muslims also have a weakness to Buddhists.
Clearly, the situation in Burma indicates than when you sufficiently piss off Buddhists, they will fucking exterminate your asses. Once they've reached their Go point, once that line is crossed, there's no more talk. You grab what you can carry and GTFO, or it's dirt nap time.
Practical folks, those Buddhists. I think Christians, if not burdened with (((bullshit ideals))), usually behave the same way. At least, they have throughout most of history.
The west is not dying due to mass conversions to atheism (in a materialistic sense they can be a useful minority, like Jews except they are less likely to screw you over) it is dying due to a destruction of morals and rampant materialism, this is all happening due to (in a sense) too much individualism, people simply just don't care about starting a family or securing a future for their relatives and relative's descendants. They want to eat or fuck, not help their fellow countryman out of charity (the only reason they give to charity is to improve their social status or make themselves feel good) or raise children without behavioural problems. All of these problems do partly stem from atheism (hyper individualism), modern/decayed capitalism (materialism) and globalism (muh caring for starving Africans that will procede to make more starving Africans, you know since the average birth rate among sub Saharan africans is 5.6)
Pretty much this
To make nationalists of any religious type belief you just have to look at the religion through a preservationist lens (R=religion) just tell them that if X happens then R will be destroyed
Atheism doesn't "lose" against Islam and it doesn't "win" against Christianity.
The culture of the powerful decides which wins. That culture is currently Progressivism, basically a corrupted sect of Christianity that believes Christians must suffer most for the sins of their fathers.
That's why beliefs are praised in the mainstream to the extent they attack Christians.
For sure. All those myths about warrior monks certainly didn't come out of nowhere. Much respect to these bro-tier Bodhisattvas
You win the only possible correct answer post. You're prize? Knowing that everyone else in the world is dumber than you are and will never agree with you in large enough numbers to have a positive effect
oh and thats why all the cuckery is pushed by christians.
>That culture is currently Progressivism, basically a corrupted sect of Christianity
Uhhhhh...(pic related)
Progressivism is Marxism, which most certainly is not Christianity of any sort. It's a bunch of (((outright lies))), designed to guilt-trip Christians into surrendering their entire civilization to jealous, parasitic (((interlopers))).
>oh and thats why all the cuckery is pushed by christians.
Christians who've been brainwashed by Zionism, the Scofield Bible, etc.
SJWism is founded is Christian Universalism, christians were the original abolitionists because we are all the same, all children of god. Whenever you see a family with two little daughters and two adopted African teenagers who are obviously sexually abusing their own little kids, they're hardcore virtue signaling christcucks
Our Christians aren't real, it's better that they get removed.
Only a tiny fraction of them practice any of the Christian tenants.
>atheism beats Christianity
>actually believing this
I am a radical athiest in the sense that I like to get in the face of Muslims when they start saying anything positive about Islam and shit on them using their own Quran and Hadith. Im a big dude, so when manlet ahmed throws a punch it is a great opportunity to beat one of those subversive fuckers to the point of serious injury. I have beaten up multiple Muslims and one of them actually ended up being charged with battery against me.
Meanwhile christcucks turn the other cheek and what not and continue to elect cuckstian democrats like merkel.
If you arent an athiest you have a serious mental hindrance to your ability to be constantly serving the betterment of our society and of course, humanity as a whole (the white race especially ofc).
This man plus some sort of national syndicalism/ third way system would be GOAT desu.
>If you arent an athiest you have a serious mental hindrance
Seriously, dude. Get over yourself. And no, I'm not interested in discussing the matter with you, not when you prattle on like this.
Why are so many atheists even worse than the bible-beating Christians? SMDH
>muh no true scotsmen
Athiesm is just a piece of the puzzle. Im still tryinf to put the rest in place, such as giving up unhealthy foods and time-wasting hobbies. Im trying to be in a position where if I need to give everything for my people I can, and so should everyone.
Okay, fair points. However, the bulk of what's fucking up Western Civilization today is Cultural Marxism. And you are aware that Marx sent Lincoln a congrats letter on his re-election, correct? (Point being, Marx was around and spewing his bullshit back then.) It all is sort of tied together, from what I've seen.
>being afraid of atheicucks
Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,
Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.
The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.
This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.
Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:
t. Ahmed commending his brothers for converting shit-eating Africans
Why is Sup Forums unaware that agnostics exist? Half of secular people aren't atheists.
t. agnostic supportive of Christianity
>implying that it's no true Scotsman to say that people who eschew most of Christian faith aren't christians
Let's face it; Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.
Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.
Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"
Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit
And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad
>it's beneficial to at least go with the one that promotes the correct values
None then?
I suppose "Don't kill" makes no sense for a beaner
>Atheism beats Christianity
You'd have to give me 100 good reasons why I should beat the shit out of a Christian instead of a Muslim. I may be Atheist but Christians are my friends.
All religions command you not to kill. Also all religions command you to kill. In The Bible you can read that you should kill certain people, and also that it's okay to rape an pillage. While the Quran you can find suras telling you that killing is wrong; what's your point? If you're looking for a religion that promotes "the correct values", that religion doesn't exist; it's just that you picked a random religion and decided to ignore the inconvenient bits. Now go prep the bull that fucks your wife's son.
>Atheism loses against Islam
You just don't understand concept of atheism right
Well, I'll agree about focusing on the essential. But don't automatically equate religion with spirituality. Most can't have one without the other, but some can. I'm one of them.
And anyway, this is, in a societal sense, very true. Humanity as a whole tends to go off the rails without a spiritual foundation, if not an outright organized religion. There's an old saying: "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." Meaning, the masses need an authority higher than any human, or they tend to get led astray by the shittiest of humans. All you have to do is examine the actual history of godless communism to see this principle in brutal action.
If you're cool without it, great, but save your aggression for those fools who are openly harming others. Atheism is, strictly speaking, a religion, since it insists, without possibility of proving, that a God/Higher Power/etc. is not possible. That belief is a faith in and of itself.
Those who do not know are called agnostics. Those who do not care are called apatheists. Neither of those could properly be called a belief or faith system; unlike both theism and atheism.
Brain-dead nigger!
honestly, i wouldn't sexually identify as a christian if scientists could actually explain realistically how world came to be. Woo-hoo space is expanding and seems to be moving further from a singular point, must have been a big explosion, yeah seems plausible, but that still doesn't explain how explosion came to be, and therefor how the world came to be. Evolution? Could be possible but i'm not buying it until they prove it actually scientifically. It is pseudoscience and nobody has witnessed evolution on bigger organisms that bacteria, rather only devolution, and really doesn't make sense how random mutations would refine, even with infinite amount of time, to even somewhat useful bodyparts and not just useless limps with deadly concecuenses.
witches before bitches.
I'm glad that people are finally waking up from the truth. Hell, if even fucking Dawkins recognized that without Christianity Europe is doomed, then anyone can.
*to the truth
They won't write atheist tape in the news nigger
Christianity is a joke, you retarded fucking pleb. It ranks along Judaism and Islam as being the most indoctrinated, backwards, inane set of beliefs ever.
>muh sandnigger messiah
>I am not into sports
Well fuck you! Thats a type of sport isnt it!
this is a UN analysis if I ever heard one.
You're retarded m8
"The west lost God, and then they lost themselves."
God can go fuck himself for creating niggers and Jews.
>to beat Islam you need Christianity
What you need isn't a skydaddy to tell you it's okay to go kill mudslimes, what you need is a leader who isn't bound by the will of the dumb pacifistic weaklings that current society produces
this guy gets it
here OP take some redpill
Not true. Some of the most Redpilled nations are atheist like Japan and China.
The main problem is Women. This is a copy-paste from a previous thread:
>Study: the more women there are in a certain college discipline, the more politically correct it becomes.
A study found that the most politically correct college disciplines are Psychology, Sociology and English.
The least politically correct college disciplines are Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Finance. Thus, the more women there are in a certain area, the more politically correct and liberal it becomes.
Psychology is 75 percent female, while Engineering is 75 percent male.
Another study found that women are more politically correct than men.
In other words, there is correlation between the level of female influence in society and the liberalisation of that society. Some people are wondering why are we so different today than the society in the 50s. Or why is western society more culturally different than some non-western societies?
The answer is: women. As female influence exploded in the 70s and women entered the labour force and politics en masse, they caused society to become more liberal and more politically correct.
Women change culture and the more you increase the influence of women, the more you change the culture of that society in a certain direction. Or vice versa. Men also change culture. The more male influence you have, the more a culture will move to the right. Men cause more conservative and more right wing societies - such as muslim societies or the US from the 50s. The Jews didnt have to do much, they just had to liberate women and society would naturally follow the path of destructive political correctness and cultural Marxism.
(OP) #
This is how the correlation works: the more women there are in an area, or the more female influence you have, the more liberalism and PC you get.
Sweden: Highest level of feminisation = highest level of liberalism and PC.
USA, 2017: High level of female influence = high level of liberalism and PC.
East Asia (Japan, S. Korea, China), Eastern Europe: Medium level of female influence = medium level of liberalism and PC.
USA 1950: Low level of female influence = low level of liberalism and PC.
Muslim socieites: Lowest level of female influence = lowest level of liberalism and PC.
The correlation is too hard to ignore.
The free female is a slave to Political correctness and liberalism, and it would be impossible to destroy globalism and cultural Marxism without curtailing female rights, even we sent every Jew to Israel.
checked and true.
Jesus never said not to defend you family or friends faggot.
clearly the situation in burma show buddhists are savages who contribute nothing to civilization and were at least lucky to have the muslims act as a buffer between us and the mongol hordes of the orient
Jews want to destroy the Church.
If you oppose the Catholic Church, you are a slave of the Jew.
Keep fighting the Church, goyim. Heheheh
were they?
what do unbiased historians say?
The absolute state of paganism
Join paganism, white man.
there is no religion more pathetic that cuckstanity
>To beat Islam you need Christianity
Took you long enough to get here from your discord group. Usually you guys are quicker when posting on here.
join us white man. paganism is the real way.
"Thor give me strength!!!"
*fat rolls jiggle*
are you schizophrenic? all religions are dumb but i only know of one that tells me to accept it when someone spits in my face
Damn you're fucking stupid
Paganism is dead. Your new age bullshit wrapped in eceleb appeal is the weakest position since College educated Marxism.