A man rented a Home Depot truck to run people over in Manhattan, at what point do we start having a conversation about truck control?
A man rented a Home Depot truck to run people over in Manhattan...
trucks don't kill, people do
do you think he paid the $15 damage liability waiver?
>Literally another (((Jesus Campos)))
I hope so
Maybe its time to implement a background check.
That’s why I always pay it...
We need to get rid of the truck rental loophole!!
look at these faggots pretending to look busy
Why do people need trucks anyway? To deliver goods from A to B? But you don't need that anyway, just call the canoe crew and they will help you out
Truck or treat, motherfuckers!!
Yeah. Where does Hillary stand on the truck control issue
Any word on whether the truck was an automatic or just a semi? It's way too easy to get an automatic truck, and I've got an extra-long semi here myself right now.
They let you rent fuckin trucks now? I couldnt even rent a little lawn compactor thst you fill with water without like 3 forms of ID and a fucking passport. But theyll rent trucks to muslims. FUCK
and #SensibleTruckRentalLawsNow
people shouldn't be allowed to drive, period.
it's fucking insane
a bunch of monkeys going 80mph down the road in 2 ton metal machines powered by oil and explosions
who the fuck thought this was a good idea
urbanization is a fucking disgrace
this is a low key underrated gets thread
Clearly the way forward is open carry of anti-tank rifles for civilians.
It continues...
I’m writing to my congressman to push for legislation for background checks on renting Home Depot trucks. Or just stopping the import of muzzies. One oughta prevent this.
if even a SINGLE live can be saved by banning trucks, that it is inhumane not to do so!
Any democrat fag here who feel guiltiy or do you just cover your eyes/ears and hope for the best?
This isn't Brazil.
Protect white women from trucks.
Imagine this:
>be you
>need a gun
>need a gun with military grade hardware and accessories
>can not afford a gun
>go to walmart
>fill out a form
>get a machine gun assault rifle to use for the day
why do we allow this with trucks?
oh sweet! Home Depot got some free publicity
Why do trucks need 500 mile high capacity fuel tanks?
>that tooth decay
Don’t you mean automatic vs manual? No one needs vehicles that shift gears with one press of gas pedal.
I would rather we have a discussion about islam control first.
Menards is small time. It was definitely Lowe's.
i've been saying ban all assault trucks since 1915
Imagine this:
>Be head of Home Depot rental department
>Trying really hard just to provide for your family
>Allow your trucks to be rented cheap, and easily
>Work out deals with Ford
>Get all locations trucks
>Get all locations parking for the trucks
>Come home from a hard day's work
>Turn on TV to see some Muslim used your hard work to murder your countrymen
>Realize this will be really bad for business, and your bosses are going to be upset
I wonder how the person who gave him the keys to the truck is feeling right now.
Menaards is the tits. I love that store. I come from the day where lumber supply houses were everywhere. Before Home Depot. I used to be able to walk up to a counter, order my lumber, drive around back and load it directly into my truck. Home Depot became a thing, and has very low prices, now I have to walk into the store, load my lumber on a cart, wheel that fucker out to my truck, unload it off the cart, and load it into my truck. Menards is a Godsend. They also have more stuff.
Haha yea just like how Ryder Truck went under after the Oklahoma City bombing back in the day!
>to run people over in Manhattan
I saw Smokey and the Bandit on its opening premier at Radio City Music Hall.
we saw it when we traveled to NYC to give Kurt Waldheim our Humanitarian of the Year award from my Jr HS study club.. he's second from left.
Overall I like Menards better, but I prefer Home Depot's interior aesthetic. Lowe's is KMart tier.
deserved you
Lowe's is constantly cleaner, less crowded, has better lumber, but is higher priced, and has crappier tool brands.
After seeing all the liberals claiming that this man was from Florida, pic related was just so beautiful to learn. Trump wins again.
We need to ban public prayer.
Than Home Depot* Menards still beats them both, but has less locations. And I can like grab all my shopping while grabbing items for work from Menards. I like being able to grab my shower supplies, cat litter, and a frozen pizza at the same time I'm grabbing a bunch of lumber for work.
>this is a low key underrated gets thread
It feels like a "mock the other side for how stupid they are" thread.
ehhh, i dunno about the lumber situation there at lowes. less lumber moves through their stores, so they don't get the best. Also, their kobalt wrenches are actually really good. They are made in taiwan and Ave has consistently shown they can hold their own with snaps and mac.
Lowes is a good place to finish a project, lights, hardware, etc....but Homeless Despot is the best place to build a project
Part of the Agenda 21 (sustainable development act) from the United Nations, (Now Agenda 30), was removing all vehicles from public use, so it fits their "no vehicles" narrative as well.
Maybe Home Depot is better than Lowe's for the reasons you stated, but it's still worse than Menards.
Can I get a high velocity blurb about what is known so far? Have the named the shit skin?
(((they))) will push for driverless vehicles so they can restrict our travel
Also, I do own a full set of kobalt sockets and wrenches. I have not been disappointed yet. It did kill me to buy Taiwan made hand tools, but they were just so fucking cheap.
i've never seen a menards, so i can't argue. i prefer ACE, anyway, but their stores arguably suck. they're just so comfy.
I'm sure there will also be an increase in (((traffic incidents))) of people who speak against the narrative
Where can I read agenda 30? Is it updated or just renamed?
Can we just ban trucks already? Seriously. Its common sense at this point.
taiwan is better than China, qc wise, and also precision. i repair machining equipment for sheckles. been all over china and taiwan fixing their junk. i always buy kobalt for travel tools.
I forgot all about that angle. Fugg
I bet there was a muffler on that truck. We need to ban mufflers.
>its harder to buy a 7lb gun than it is to rent a 2 ton truck.
>it even comes with gas.
We need comprehensive rental truck background checks
this. when are we going to close the home depot loophole?
what type of country do we live in where any bearded arab mudshit can walk into a home depot and get a truck of peace for $19.99? with zero background check?
We need to ban those Fully Automatic transmissions!!! Please think of the children.
chechen or uzbek truck of peace on bike path in NYC
You have to appreciate the muslims for using trucks, because it avoids the left's annoying anti-gun whining, which takes the focus away from the attack itself.
10-day waiting period too.
Religion of peace confirmed?
Imagine this.
>buy machete at home depot
>rent truck
>jump out of disabled home depot truck
>start hacking people up
>not shot because muh gun laws
>chop up some more people until police arrive
Imagine if the people could have heard it coming.
Holy shit yes.
>at what point do we start having a conversation about truck control?
When they start driving trucks off the 32nd floor of Vegas Hotels
I would like to mention that when I said tools in my post, I was really meaning power tools. Like, you can't buy Milwaukee at Lowe's shit like that. I do like Porter Cable though. And Home Depot carries a lot of DeWalt, and they're shit. But I think that Home Depot has Makita, and they have some really nice stuff too. I love my Makita Hypoid saw, and could not see myself using anything else. That and the fact that I've had it for many decades, and it has not needed anything. But as far as drills go, I always go with Milwaukee. My compound miter saw is also Milwaukee. But my air compressor is a Porter, but I had to buy that in a pinch because my Emglow took a dive (Because I dropped it on it's head) so I just needed something one day. I have not been disappointed in the Porter compressor.
it's pretty much the same thing but has had an extensive overhaul via energy platforms and carbon taxation implementation. It's more openly anti human in the sense that "muh mother earph" takes precedent over every facet of human life, openly stating that they don't want human beings anywhere but in the over crowded shit hole cities al la Judge Dredd style etc etc etc. Basically austerity for the world in the name of sustainability. Very Soviet style incrementalism.
>"yep it's a truck"
>"hey jim it says "rent me starting at $19" that's a KILLER price! haha"
>"god damn it greg"
I like Ace, but their prices are too fucking high.
Full snackbar
why not just ban muslims, and keep our trucks?
At no point u retard cunt
Yeah even CNN, NYC mayor admitted it at one point. They announced it pretty early on (within hours of it happening). A cell phone video was posted where you could see he had a huge muslim beard.
>oh no, i am not mooslim!
>oh ok
Everyone should be forced to drive this.
Much better service at Ace too. And they sell ammo. Not out for display, you have to ask for it. At least the ones where I live do.
We tried that. Libshits had a tantrum.
Fantastic, I first saw this while hate reading jezebel and all the "please be white please be white" posts were hilarious
yeah, it's like Big R. I go to ACE because I like the old guys that work there and mine has a Whiteside router bit display that likes to steal my money. I'll gladly pay more for white people who know what they are talking about.
>allowing people to drive their own cars, like a terrorist
Self-driving AI electric transportation pods
Think of the children
Just saw this pass by in Seoul as reading this timeline.
I just see a more concealable murder car.
Also worth mentioning, he was shot in the leg so he's alive.
It's that Iittle truck in op pic it's barely even a truck
Why not just get a motorcycle?