Soy Boy

Which one of you created this viral marketing campaign? Good job. You got it picked up and now you initiated the media coverage phase. When will you be launching the #ProudSoyBoy campaign to encourage people to purchase your product and post selfies to twitter and instgram?

Other urls found in this thread:{ac23497d-f1ed-4278-bbd2-92bb1e552e3a}/generational-decline-in-testosterone-levels-observed

how can leftist/femenists even come back from soy boy?

At least cuck can be deflected, but this shit cuts deep into who they actually are, not accusations

#ProudSoyBoy shoving my dragon dildo into my wife's son's butthole

It was one of the TRS goys who made it up. Jeho Delarey or Eli Mosley or one of those JV TRS goys.

Bugman is better

And it is just pure (((coincidence))) that it is the name of a company that makes soy based food products?

Well considering it is derogatory probably not good way to get brand awareness.

Soyboys are the picture of sickness.

You don't get it do you? This has been done before. You neg your customer base, then tell them to show how proud they are of their status and get them to buy your shit and post pictures online of it. Just wait, I give is 6 six weeks before this happens. The media coverage just started so they need some time to spread the message.

I think soyboy or soiboy has been a derogatory term used on /fit/ against skinyfat nu-males for quiet a while now.

What about soygoy?


SoyBoy the
OyToy enslaves the
PoyGoy to fulfill the

This is subtle, and great. Saved.


good one

And it's so fucking funny in addition to being accurate

>"Like, there's nothing wrong with being feminine, sweetheart"

On the site, says they started in 1977, couple of old farts promoting vegan lifestyle.

My dog is named Sawyer, We call him SoyBoy

It's SoyGoy.
Use the proper term.

Milhouse is not a meme, but if you really want it to be so, "nobody uses soyboy outside of Sup Forums" is forceable.

>Used to drink soy but stopped a few years ago
>Can't grow body hair

we've had this thread before, you niggers got debunked.

Fuck you.

I have some retinal tearings so the doc said I shouldn't lift or my eye balls would explode if you know what I mean...

But I don't want to be a estrogenized soyboi, are there other activities to raise test without making my eyes fall off?

Is it bad that I drink soymilk with my protein powder?
Does it balance it out?
What should I be drinking with my protein powder instead?
Should I go ask /fit/ instead?

-concerned soymilk drinker

I'll pass

Drink almondmilk, way better. the limit for soy is 50+ servings. or if you're not a poorfag, pic related. the patrician drink

Fuck you brown shill

Good one.

I tried that, tasted like shit, natural cow milk is better.


I don't know, you tell me.

No such thing as bad press. You learn anything from Trump?

>you fags meme this
>left starts buying it out of spite
>record sales for the company
good job dummies

>mfw you realise we are now the Jews.

>our enemies neuter and weaken themselves

>woo we killed the white race!

I heard drinking men's sperm raises your T levels. Try it.

holy shit I was genuinely considering buying some of this stuff at some point

just got banned in canada but still. I'll stick to red meats.


Jews are why I can't get a girlfriend.

>Fuck you brown shill
>no argument in sight

Ok, mr. 56%


Race traitors aren't white.

Honestly cuck, bugman, soy boy, all are good. All hit the leftist on a very existential level they can't really come back from. They just engage in more coccooning and die inside a little more.

lol leg day on number 3
saved that for fit

Who cares. Within 20 years all new children being born will be mine anyway


thats all 5 people ever who happened to get stronk from plants i bet

>Vans shirt
I'm guessing he's like those sluts who wear Thrasher shirts, both having never so much as looked at a skateboard (but he probably has a faggy longboard) in their lives.

100% roids and other gear

Delet this, that's too close to home.

No, because it has "man". It implies maturity. Not a good insult.

I originally came up with the term soyboy. I just lacked the autism to turn it into a meme.

Are steroids plant based?

100% faggy gymbro's

Here is a pity (you)


have you came out to your mom yet?

>tfw I used to eat Soyboy ravioli when I first went vegan almost 20 years ago

Thank god I gave that whole thing up.

I've been a veg for almost 30 years and have been working out for even longer. I look just like the dude on the right. You don't need disgusting meat. Stick to weed. Live long and prosper. Peace out.

So like, every bodybuilder ever.


this doesn't include people who aren't public figures, of which there are many

yes, they usually come from soy or yams

>t. DYEL faggot

The white race is the sharpened edge of a knife. Only the strongest should survive.

Just drink milk you colossal fucking faggots.

Milk is for babies.

Hey Mrroonganoonga, milk is for fucking calves and niggerfaggots who haven't grown up yet.

how can cuck be deflected? Not that soy boy isn't a bad insult, but I still think there's just something incredibly wholesome in calling someone a cuck. It's so satisfying.

not that it is*

You can say that again.

The government is putting soy in all foods so men become feminized and more accepting of leftist ideology


Almond milk or water.
Don't risk drinking milk, the science is still coming in on it's longterm physiological effects.See:

>natural estrogen content in cows milk seems to be handled by adult mice without consequence
>Physiological changes (increased female traits, increased estrogen) occur when milk containing 1000x the naturally occurring estrogen content was consumed by the adult mice

Things to consider:

- This study was on adult mice, there is no research yet on how young developing mice would react to such a setup
- Mice endocrine systems differ from human's; humans could be more or less sensitive to dietary hormone ingestion, we don't know
- 1000x was an arbitrary amount, not the minimum required estrogen content to induce a physiological change. They tested 100x the natural levels as well and saw no change, meaning the fault line falls somewhere between 100-1000 times for mice. Again, this is likely different for humans, but whether the tolerance is higher or lower is not known.
- This only looked at milk, consider all the other sources of estrogen-like compounds that can find their way into your diet
- The age at which young girls hit puberty and start developing has been getting lower and lower for the past few decades
- Male test levels (and sperm count) have been in decline for several decades as well{ac23497d-f1ed-4278-bbd2-92bb1e552e3a}/generational-decline-in-testosterone-levels-observed

Given all this,I don't think it is wise to keep drinking milk. In general I'm doing my best to stay away from any products where there is even a sneaking suspicion as to whether it fucks with your hormones or not.

I don't love animals so I'll still enjoy their charred flesh mmmmm

>He thinks it's about the animals

There will be no liveable land for white people if this consumption trend continues, specially with population projections

Is this new? First time I've heard it since the 1990s.

Soy boy goes back to the 1980s or 1990s. Back in the day liberals were made fun of for eating granola and tofu.

You'd call a lefty or a vegetarian a granola or tofu.

If this is a long con marketing move on their behalf, then my hat is off to them & kudos - they deserve to take more shekels from the dumb bugmen desu

>transvestites, homosexuals and other freaks
>contributing white race in first place
stop huffing syrup

the ones that require a long explanation are always the best.


genius we should go with this

>There will be no liveable land for white people if this consumption trend continues, specially with population projections
Agenda 21 nonsense, there's plenty of land for whites, especially if we remove the people who don't belong from our countries. Didn't watch the vid tho. Peace.

>Didn't watch the vid tho

not surprising considering the flag. also, hint: it's ont about lebensraum, it's about arable land.