I'm a total shut in but I just went out today and I had an unbelievably bad time because all of my friends that I haven't seen in months just come off as these emotionally stale people and nothing like the cool guys I hang out with on Sup Forums
Anything I say I couldn't get a proper reaction other than what feels like some pre-thought reply. It made me realize that they aren't the only ones like this. Almost everyone out there it's like their minds are just blank and they can't think real thoughts. They refuse to step out of this pre-made image that they have of themselves and be the genuine person inside.
It's almost as if all anyone is doing is just playing an act.
Maybe I'm just autistic but I actually feel like everyone just wants to play a character and be seen a certain way rather than just living in the moment.
Am I making any sense here?
Is society mindless?
Yes you're right. Modern people are mind controlled slaves.
Yes, most people aren't introspective and pretty much believe what they're trained to believe.
>I'm a total shut in but I just went out today and I had an unbelievably bad time because all of my friends that I haven't seen in months just come off as these emotionally stale people and nothing like the cool guys I hang out with on Sup Forums
You're a social retard incapable of relating to real-life people.
Tipping your fedora about how everybody else is just a sheeple is a sad attempt at damage control.
>cool guys I hang out with on Sup Forums
We're losers, user. Literal losers. Human beings designed to be social. Even if society is blue polled as fuck.
I've stopped hanging out with my friends from highschool for this very reason.
also this desu
I have no friends and my only "skill" is arguing about poitics.
Society sucks, trying to fit in with normies is a a waste of time. Go find redpilled friends, user. Shitposting IRL is a transcendental experience.
Better get back to the ignorant state you were in, or face being lonely like me. You find out life is about being fake and everyone walks around acting some character and not themselves.
You want a job, you better fake a personality and fake interest, you want friends, you better fake replies, fake being interested in the same things they are interested in.
Fuck, even when you go to get dating advice, its just advice to pretend to be someone you are not.
This is why I have no friends and am lonely, I refuse to act out a character and fake my way through life.
>Almost everyone out there it's like their minds are just blank and they can't think real thoughts
Just imagine if simulation theory were true and all these people were just philosophical zombies that were just shitty NPCs.
>has the internet
so are you a retard, a pussy, or autistic?
Dude I feel you. I think I'm autistic myself, I just wish I was autistic enough to enjoy autistic friends. I'm not on that level of autismal and it sucks.
After years of research as well as soul searching, I genuinely believe a lack of faith in God is playing a large part in what you describe. Nothing else checks as many boxes.
Fucking this. Go find or create a couple friends and walk around like gods among these fagot meat heaps.
You are, but this is telling me that you suck at making arguments.
If you're going to be an autist and start up a discussion about politics, you have to be prepared to argue, aka, write a script and practice it, not to repeat it by heart the day you talk, but so that you have some idea about how to argue with these people.
Start with basic facts and simple demonstrations / examples / metaphors. Things like the JQ can only be addressed with massive amounts of evidence (such as the one provided here, on Sup Forums), mainly due to the taboo associated with it and engrained into the skulls of every white child alive.
Start simple, and let them walk the path from disgruntled normie (that you've created with your arguments) to something more. Someone willing to understand what the ills of society really are.
The average IQ of 100 is basically retarded.
I remember doing a mensa meetup and I did a session researching into logic questions that the "average" person gets wrong. It was an absolute eye opener. The average person can barely even understand basic if-then-else logic if a "not" is also added in and falls for false dichotomy traps 50% of the time.
We literally live in idiocracy.
The fact that most people are profoundly clueless is something that all geniuses are aware of but most of us will never publicly admit.
>Am I making any sense here?
You're making sense but that's because I'm autistic too.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like I can read minds because I know what the other person is going to say before they say it. But its just because their responses are so predictable. Almost like they are just preprogrammed.
I overcame my social ineptness to some degree by putting on a fake act or character that I powered through the shame and fear with for my speech class. I find that the act starts to become part of your character the more you easily do it.
The IQ gap before communication breaks down is 20. I have 140 iq. Literally can't have conversations with most people in a natural fashion. Bumping into someone I don't have to translate for is always exciting. So used to it, I forget what it's like until I bump into another bright person. Lots of people are smarter than me, and I feel bad for them.
You're making sense. Its like we're on the other side of the river, watching these strange hollow creatures going about their business on the other side. Semi realted: anyone have that Goebbels quote about being depressed?
Mindless, compared to what? Seems like you are overthinking other people and not enjoying yourself. Think about your day to day existence. Is it really so intelligent, or are you just going through the motions?
Sounds like you hung out with people in their early 20s
Normal people with social life just aren't as interested in self-loathing, hating everything, or discussing the social and moral implications of their foreskin.
You just have to realize you think people here are interesting because their upset like you, more relatable.
If you want to understand what is interesting about people in real life you can't come here so often.
We are the new breed of superior men, above culture, above the petty needs and frailties of posturing apes.
Goddamn I hate translating so much. I'm in the same boat. One wrong word when talking to an average person and they are permanently confused. Attempting to clarify my explanations just make them even more confused. I often just have to give up and let people believe whatever false beliefs they want.
No, but i have this one.
Found it. Sup Forums is basically where you come to wake up to the nightmare you had thought was a dream.
>1 post.
Okay, which investment bank are you?
IQ 135 here. I find IQ is important but nothing trumps good instinct. I find more common ground with middling IQ Hotep niggers who display good instincts than I do with gullible, preachy 120 IQ shitlibs and religious zealots.
I'm not even saying I'm intelligent all that I'm saying is that I feel like the only person who IS enjoying myself
I was trying to have fun while everyone else just wanted to act depressed. Basically the opposite of what you said. Depression is trendy. People want to act like a bitchy SJW.
>Nothing is wrong if I ignore it.
Well how about that. I guess if we just keep tolerating kids being sexualized and pumped full of hormones because they're "really girls" it'll fix itself. Just like Islam will unfuck itself. Just like the left will unfuck itself. Tolerance can be a vice, and in the modern world it most often is.
listen to this guy he is right.
>The average person can barely even understand basic if-then-else logic if a "not" is also added in and falls for false dichotomy traps 50% of the time.
Very interesting. Do you know where I could find more such info?
Go back to r9k, blogger.
basic gestalt:
>most people dont care about you, they want to use you
>you should worry about yourself and bettering yourself
>if you act weak people will step on you
>most appearances are fake/dishonest
just be yourself and dont let others take advantage of you.
yeah i don't really class them as people or alive anymore
Yea, normalfags are only livestock for the corporations.
Well what if I want some of that GMO ass for myself?
you become part of that livestock. Undercover chicken.
From what you said here and in op, it sounds more like sensory overload, that everything seemed fresh and new and energetic while those who have been exposed to it for a while are tired of it. I know what you mean, though. May be autism on your end, but people do tend to be relatively low-energy, especially when high-energy is seen as "cringy" or "noobish" and can have irl punishments with shit like psycho-actives, "mood-enhancers".
Or undercover cock.
You care too much about how other people feel, act, and think. Stop being such a collectivist. Worry about yourself and your enjoyment.
yeah, you'll slowly come to grips with the fact that 98% of the "humans" you meet are empty vessels and there are very few real souls out there left.
Does anyone else feel like theyre too smart for real life people?
Social media has convinced everyone they're a celebrity and given normies new levels of self-importance. Having an image and maintaining it seems like the most important thing to them
You are witnessing 320 million people holding each other hostage. It can be quite unsettling.
Yupp, look at pol for a case study. People just like to fit in. That is why this place is filled with random extremist shit no one actually believes in.
Remember: you're a part of the society.
Yeah pretty much. We only notice because we've become accustomed to rapid fire exchange of information and memes from multiple sources at once. Our dopamine system needs it. That combined with the inane bullshit normies talk about mean that the world out there offers us almost nothing.
Professionally tested at 152; everyone is retarded including me. We are being controlled by something that has actual intelligence; they just awarded me a large amount of "good boy points" for approaching something they consider sentience. But I am still so fucking retarded it hurts, I look upon their mighty works and despair.
>cool guys
>Sup Forums
i have some bad news for you
Good point
Yearly reminder that people aren't meant to be around other people. And it hurts to be around them. Yet society has to function like this in order to survive.
>Talk about sports unironically
>If interested in a nerd hobby, only talk about the most well know and common derivative works
>Avoid any discussion of philosophy or politics, or when pushed drops the discussion entirely for non confrontation
>Focuses on keeping up a mood rather than any natural conversation on a topic
>Put social cohesion or appearance thereof above any underlying problem even within their own family and loved ones.
I think if you reach a certain level of lack of introspection you basically turn into an automaton jerked around by mass media only woken up from your stupor if your money source dries up, once in the money troth they tend to go back to aimless living.
>Sup Forums
>free of posturing
Holy kek, no. So many people come here to act like versions of themselves they can't sell in real life.
>when OP thinks he's being profound but really just lacks self awareness of how maladjusted his behaviour is
I am a free thinker. I look around at the unthinking masses of sheep and chuckle internally. All these drones reliant and dependant on functioning like robots of society, the scared small brained masses who consume television and movies, music and drugs, sex havers the lot of them. My compatriots disgust me as they function for no other purpose than to be livestock for corporations. They consume, buy, breed and die. A life like this is no life at all. *intelligent stress sigh*
Professionally tested 172. I'm in this weird social/spiritual limbo where I understand that 99% of the population isn't able to spot basic patterns or use three step reasoning, but i'm not smart enough to do anything about it.
It's like we're all on a plane together and most people are watching the movie instead of the incredible world beneath their feet. But I don't know how the land the goddamned plane. I want to be a stupid animal or have some method of controlling stupid animals. Being a literate slave is has got to be worse than both.
Hello fellow ricks. I just made a character sheet for my real life person. Observe!
Strength 5
Perception 10!
Endurance 5
Charisma 5
Intelligence 10!
Agility 5
Luck 5
Fellow ricks i ask you to now make stats which accurately reflect your fellow real life person as well. No holding back all honesty here.
You feel solipsistic because others in the real world don't have that same sense of warped humor and straight truth (and massive stupidity) that Sup Forums exudes.
In other words, in here you are exposed to every idea possible from each corner of the earth. You become used to the idea of communists, nazis, flat-earthers, pagans, conspiricies etc. These ideas battle it out, and you witness before you. And since you aren't really communicating face-to-face, you may more likely be unguarded, and easily have your perceptions shifted while watching the truth rise to the top. That's a culture you get used to; the culture of iron being reforged.
Out there, everyone is exposed. After all, you put on clothes to protect yourself from the weather. So naturally, you put on a face, a mask, or don a personality to deal with other people; just like we have since the dawn of man as we had to in order to preserve our community. Therefore presenting your ideas out there in the cold world, where real people can be hurt at the suggestion that their world view is completely false can have real consequences. Thus, people don't want to hear it. And more likely, they don't even know that there is something else to hear at all.
I don't blame them. I have a saying. Can't blame a dog for being a dog. Same goes for normies. You can't blame normies for being normies. They simply aren't equipped for high-order thinking. Rather, they don't have a sort of wisdom to carry the life through.
If you want to have any sense of enjoyment in your life, don't judge against yourself. Let them be who they are, where they're at, and judge them according to their own self-worth.
Be careful with that thought process. It could lead you into making false assumptions about other people.
I once had a shut-in NEET friend thought that he could predict everyone's thoughts and actions, but he's wrong many times and forgot the many times that was wrong despite discovering the fact that he was wrong. He used the few times he was right as evidence that he's always right with his "mind-reading". He doesn't use past behavior to predict future behavior in way one would expect. He would focus on a few events then use that to generalize the person's behavior while completely ignoring counter-evidence. Other times, he would judge people based on "similar" behaviors exhibited by other people while completely ignoring context.
I would kill to be a 120 IQ asshole who thinks he understands it all. I've yet to find a single fucking answer in this reality, only nested and multiplying questions.
On that note, where are you at spiritually? I'm functionally Christian, but non-dogmatic scripturalist.
> Can't blame a dog for being a dog. Same goes for normies.
I've got an almost identical saying"You're not angry at a dog for having fur"
Hey man thats algood. When i move back home we can pretend we knew each other in highschool.
yes and did everyone you meet speak only about sportsball, tv, the weather, or easily identified (((news)))? this place has a surprisingly firm grip on reality.
Use thay skill then! Dont let it go to waste. Practice everything that is hard for you, and especially go out of your way to work at skills you hate. Its the only way we can grow bud, one day we will come into our place.
Is he epileptic? I've had similar experiences, including reaching out to a 1 post on a strong whim that they really needed a bro. It was a run of the mill "sky daddies aren't real" comment in a Christian thread. Two recent deaths and a job lost that week.
It's a rare state of mind though, not something I can control; it's not superpowers, just heightened intuition and parallel thinking.
>Am I making any sense here?
Projections, projections, projections.
Social ineptness is a flaw - the biggest flaw a person may have, because all power of a human grows from his influence and coercion of others.
>everyone just wants to play a character and be seen a certain way rather than just living in the moment
Why either-or? Why not both? People play a character that is beneficial for their interest, and live their lives utilising the benefits that they managed to acquire, while you sperg out autistically.
Or maybe they've hidden their power levels very well. What's the point of them showing their true selves if it only comes off as being "weird"?
I've got nothing, and not for a lack of trying. The order changed pretty quickly as I hit some age milestones.
Catholic Private School → Le Militant Atheist → Nihilist → Eastern Amalgamation → Western Amalgamation → Christian As A Moral Code, no belief in God
I don't have a good answer user. I can feel some kind of spirituality and want more, but belief in a literal intelligent creator is too far removed from what I can tell to be true. What do you think?
OP you need to open your eyes more. this place isn't any different. If you want a deeper meaningful relationship with your friends odds are you will have to push yourself into their personal zone and see if they will let you or kick you out.
>You're not angry at a dog for having fur"
I'mma use that from now on.
This. My highschool friends just stare at me when I crack jokes now. My Uni friends get the jokes, and throw some back my way. Talking freely in public with friends is one of the best feelings you can have.
It's a solid analogy I think. It works anytime someone is pissed off at reality.
"Fucking whore women, right?"
"Fucking normies"
"Autistic screeching"
"Reality sucks sometimes, understand it, accept it, work around it, you're not angry at a dog for having fur, why is X any different?"
I think there is something to commune with and ways to do so. I've found my way. How did you come to hate God a second time?
I thought this was reality until I realized it's not that no one knows, it's that I didn't know that people know.
Most people know but don't really want to talk about it because of fear of getting shunned or they don't want to focus on that reality.
The reason we worry that most people don't know or don't care is because our society is so accustomed to this way of thinking "if it wasn't reported on "credible" news outlets it didn't happen."
Fuck. I dont know what my IQ is, only done those fucking stupid online tests and get 130ish mostly. I feel the same way dude. Its a strange feeling to know you are more intelligent then many others around you, yet smart enough to realise how fucking dumb you actually are.
Amen brother
lots of threads to hide
oh im sorry i mean...,.. SEEMS LIKE SOME TREADS TO HIDE RIGHT GUYS?!
get a fucking hobby
I don't hate the idea, it's just too broad and varied. God is too personal for me to agree with. I do believe something is there though. Like religious people in the same position as me find there ways back to faith or never fall from it despite critical thought. Historical theologians and astrological scholars are good examples of applied critical thinking and the maintaining of faith. Those people have an antenna I do not, or operate on a frequency I am only getting static on. I'm a spiritual brainlet, I don't experience the specific phenomena that leads to definite spirituality. I don't hate God, but he might hate me.
No, he's not epileptic. It's just tha he's a not a very bright person. His intuitive thinking is often used negatively. I think the main reason he sees people the way he does is because he's very insecure about himself so he subconsciously tries to look for faults in other people in order make himself feel better. He wasn't good at anything, not even video games (his only hobby). The people that he looked up to are the rebellious people and ironically people with power. He hates authority figures (teachers, parents, etc.), but at the same time wants to be an authority figure (like Steve Jobs). Not surprising, he also distrusts people and often likes to criticize other people while not accepting any criticism himself despite professing that he's "humble" and willing to accept criticism. How could such a person have an objective view of other people?
This never stops being true. Einstein probably thought he was a dumb fuck compared to Pythagoras. It works this way all the way down to us dumb fucks that are just a blip smarter than the drones.
The only connection I have with a real person is my gf. We dont talk about media or politics, we dont go out drinking or have any other friends. We both have been fucked over by our friends and families, cant see society for anything ither than it is. Its just all a game, and the only way to be happy is not to play. We have talked about how the ideal life would be in an uninhabited island with just me and her, and the resources we need to live. The comfort and love of another person is the only thing that can set you free.
Theyre just shitty friends. There are more normies than not, and some happen to be real down to earth cool people.
Spend more time outside.
The comfort and love of your self, and principle. That is all that is loyal. Your self, and principle. Don't ever put your well being on the shoulders of another person, they won't take care of it.
P.S. You're in for a major upset when you realize she will never, by virtue, love you the same way you love her.
Yeah. Even bright people can be rendered useless with toxic ideology. Hell, it's not even the ideology. There are filthy commies I can enjoy talking to. I guess instinct is the right word or...authenticity maybe.
Check out "the mouse Utopia" experiment, the UNABOMBER manifesto, and Anomie.
Its not like our relationship is one sided. There is so much faith and love we have in each other. I know it seems like bullshit, but both of us really matter to each other. I dont think its worth detailing personal storys, but its very different from anyone in my life. I realized meeting him I never truly loved until then.
If it went sour Im fine with it, before her I wanted to kill myself, if it comes back around I have no problem checking out. Of course, not that I would ever tell anyone that.
start attending political events, speak at them
Do you meditate anymore?
Professionally tested 214 here. I'm taking nootropics from amazon daily until I get smart enough to understand pickle rick meme.
I misread the situation. Thought he might have had something like that, then just assumed he was a superhero.
I'm not trying to shoot you down user, I just know from experience. There are fundamental differences between men and women that have been recorded since pigment hit the walls of caves.
Women don't love men, they need them, she's not yours, it's just your turn. Enjoy her while you've got her, but don't be surprised when she swings branches when the better offer comes along. It's just in their nature.