/wg/ - White General - Laserjet Edition

previous thread PROOF OF CONCEPT:
A harmless message like this has already caused a massive media shitstorm before:

Print out posters saying “It’s ok to be white” (Pic-Related) NOTE: USE EITHER OP IMAGE IN PREVIOUS GENERAL, OR PDF IN THE LINK BELOW
TONIGHT post the fliers EVERYWHERE possible. Only universities seems like alt-right money.
Car windshields, bulletins, posts, walls, ect.

>Wear a costume, it's halloween! Show some spirit and discuise your self ;)
>Simplistic design, no excessive use of font or text decoration
>JIDF is NOT happy about this, ignore shills.
>Make sure it says 'Okay', not 'Ok'
>THIS IS NOT HATE. We are doing this for the pure reaction from the left, to one simple statement. This will reveal them as hypocrites to all normies, in the boldest manner imaginable.

>Glue Spray?(Vandalism, thoughts? Personally not what I want)
>Ductape due to it's stick-to-all surface nature and easy to rip
>Staple-gun to snap to posts and bulletin boards

If you get into any trouble, DO NOT TALK. Speak to a lawyer. Start posting Halloween night/Nov. 1st morning. Do not go out on the 4th if antifa is chimping out. Stay safe and be smart!

Stay frosty, and good luck!


Other urls found in this thread:


>all these watermarking faggots
>all these meme variants
You cunts cannot link this with the huwhite supremist circle of the internet you dumb fucks. It's okay to be white is an unassailable phrase in a vacuum, and this is why they're trying to fucking hard to attach ANYTHING to it. Do NOT fall for this, it's Jewish Judo.


Do not say a fucking word further, and this chain has no weak links. It will force them to show their hand openly and earnestly, the same way they did during gamergate, and the same way (((they))) do every day on twitter when they tell you to have less children while you import some brown people who hate you so they can have a compliant workforce.

By the way, it is working:

Do not forget rules 1 and 2 lads.


Stop posting these, you’re preaching to the choir you nignog

faggot shill detected.

OP needs to include a giant blatant warning at the front of the post

Bump it up until the morning rises then bump it some more.






Remember the Rules desu.

>BLM is about more than just "black lives matter"!
>There's absolutely nothing more to the phrase "it's ok to be white", don't Google about who put them up and why :^)

I've done my part.

Good luck anons.

White? We're past that at this point. We need to be saying it's okay to be a healthy able bodied male and it's okay to be lauded and praised for being one. We should also be campaigning for more government services and social support for healthy able bodied males.

>Be Black
>Starting to believe politics regardless of side, race and creed is starting to completely ruin everything because rational people are drowned out by radical jackasses who can't see the big picture.
>Other boards are flooded with anons shitposting or blaming Sup Forums, tumblr and reddit instead of owning up to the fact that a lot of boards being eroded by derailing bait, pointless wars, and unfunny forced memes.
>Never really go on Sup Forums but decided to go anyway.
>See this thread and the previous one.
Man, sifting through the crap really does pay off.

It's okay to be white.


Now that leftypol fags have started watermarking it might be a good idea to do the same. Not watermarking the actual flyers but pictures online so that when googled will lead somewhere else. Watermark online pics with SPLS or some shit.



Lmao ur male fragility is so sad

cheers my negroe

Every once in a while, there comes along a true gem. Doesn't seem like they're as common as before, but always worth wading the ocean of piss to find.

t. sjw
Let's see how stable your feminine strength is without masculine support.

I've done my part. Put up 20 of them. Walking away I saw muzzies flipping shit in front of low income housing where I had put a few fliers. Doing more tomorrow.

watermark fags get out REEEEEEEE

Black user gets it.


who could possibly be behind these posts

>Muh strength

Are u gonna cry?

le based black man

I'm a chink willing to aid in your cause.
I guess I'm a bit late to the halloween party but how can I help moving forward?

Just put up the original, non-watermarked posters

from the faggit thread:
>well yeah of course capitalism victimizes everyone BUT THATS NOT THE POINT
>fuck you duuuuuuude
come on buzzfeed get the journos on this massive two-scoop already

>It's juvenile, but these are the kinds of petty imbecilities that are symbolic of feelings of fragility and frailty present in mainstream society

>This was not directed at me, I don’t need people to tell me it's okay to be white. It’s okay to be human, and this is just bullshit,


>mfw hometown news first to report

OP here, Signing off. someone please take the nightwatch for next thread.

open up the link in the OP, and print the PDF as it says. Don't grab anything with a watermark that links back to Sup Forums

Guys what happens if they see this thread?

First McDavid dresses as Trump, now this.
Kek bless Edmonton.
Day of rake, postponed, leaf.
Well done.

nothing. the message remains the same. It is okay to be white. The media reporting on this innocuous phrase is the endgame.

Th-There’s hope for humanity.

That is not the plan, stick to the plan.

>but actually your whole argument breaks down because of, like (clap emoji) maybe (clap emoji) slavery? (clap emoji)
>yeah like, furreal huwhite pepo like, benefit from the system and like colonialism and shit

>tfw it's raining outside and all your posters are getting soaked

Like said, put up the originals or worst case scenario handwritten ones on blank paper with no other identifying marks desu. The whole point is to make it as innocuous as possible.

It's working cucks people are starting to notice

They already did.


Just fuck already. Christ

It's not raining EVERYWHERE we are.

Doesn't matter. Normies will never know it came from here just the fact that the MSM is saying the phrase is racist or wrong.

Shit like this is honestly why I cannot use Reddit beyond random specific vidya subreddits that I only lurk occasionally. Why delete controversial opinions instead of letting other people form their own reactions to them? You only ever see the "LOL UR DUM" replies and not the initial argument.

This is brilliant.
Option 1 for the (((media))), the certain course they will take:
Ignore it while hundreds of thousands read the message and say, yeah that's right.

option 2:
Play along and go into full on hate whitey mode. Again, this is a win.

Well designed, bravo!
These are the campaigns that win.
Remember this a a template for further action.

What's the link to the discord?



your numbers indicate kek appreciates your sacrifice. doing the good work user, even if some of them don't make it.

My printer literally just fucking broke. Guess I'm not doing this tonight.


I was talking about myself in the 2nd person

Be careful brother. Tomorrow might be too late/soon. This worked due to the element of surprise. The commies will be on high alert starting tomorrow morning. If you are going to post again wait till the heat dies down to ensure you don't get caught.

I would recommend Thanksgiving as the next day. That is the prime white guilt holiday, what better time to put up "It's Okay to be white"?

fuck the fence sitting alt lite T_D cucks

1. Ignore "Negro Hate Thread Hur Hur"s besides the racial incensitivity they're just slides
2. You're here forever. Get /comfy/

no need for a discord. no need to assemble. Sup Forums is best when we are spread out like this. Everything you need is in the OP

when kek speaks, I listen

post in bus shelters, transit centers, campus' and sheltered areas. Easy. It's snowing in my area but most of my posters will survive

"I want you to love who you are. Don't apologize for being white." = racist, white supremacist, nazi, etc etc etc.

Replace white with black, gay, jewish, muslim, etc and it's applauded. I hate that existing without white guilt and self hatred makes me an evil bigot somehow.

Shill you’re done the damage is to great to recover from.

Hoping this doesn't happen to me. All mine are in really high traffic spots, but also all outside.

"I want you to love who you are. Don't apologize for being white." = racist, white supremacist, nazi, etc.

Replace white with black, gay, jewish, muslim, etc and it's applauded. I hate that existing without white guilt and self hatred makes me an evil bigot somehow.

Wirklich macht den denken

If you've got a sharpie or a pen you can still do it

i just left around 50 pages around my city.

Taped 10, and wheat pasted 5 in low traffic areas.

POISON THE WELL. Take every photo that faggot watermarked and make copies of the same pic with the watermark of several different sites.
If they want to play this game, we will make it backfire.



Libs, SJWs and the ((Media)) always double down.

Always. They are going to lose their collective shit. They will talk more about these posters than the 8 that died in NYC to a jihadi today.

They will say it is proof that White Supremacy is rampant and widespread through networks of hate and patriarchy.

This will redpill thousands.

It has begun.

Based Canada Bro, good to see you.
It's me from the threads a few days ago.
I'm actually a VAnon so thanks for the dank may may regarding my retarded state and THANKS SO MUCH for keeping these threads alive.






>Doesn't understand how propaganda works
3/8, I like your passion, but this is meant to appeal to the fence-sitters, and invoke a perceived UNREASONABLE reaction from the left, according to the fence-sitters.

I'm willing to bet you're actually from leftypol with this shit.

r8 or h8, excuse the shitty editing skills


I guess. My printer can still print blue, just not black or red, so I can print them and then trace over them...

Alright, thank you.




Any bets on how many times we'll hear 'evil whitey terrorizing poor minorities with posters' in the coming days?

>it is Okay to be white

>it is Okay



There are shills afoot. learn to recognize them. that one was blatant as fuck.


Love your heritage.
Love your traditions.
Honor your ancestors.

no need to trace mate
just write the words like the templates with sharpie. its what i did.


Make watermarks that lead to the ADL website, conflating white with Jew and we can't lose. Any media opposing it will be anti-semitic.

Thats what i was saying. I think marking their pics with SPLC would be hilarious

But I can't center for shit.

I already put 40 of pic related up

The smarter leftists realize this too, but they're still trapped by it, and they're outnumbered by ones who drank the whole pitcher of kool-aid desu.

Sure you did, buddy

OP(s): Keep threads updated with news articles and reactions. I want to see tweets and articles.

>Do not forget rules 1 and 2 lads.
>spiders index IT'S
WHITE posted in every thread
Fuck off. Everyone knows it's us.



Clean it up, I dig the message.

who cares, do it if you want. its about spreading the message, no need to make it perfect as long as you use the same words and formatting.