Went to a black barber shop today. Was sorta comfy. Anyone else have ok experiences from time to time with blacks?
Went to a black barber shop today. Was sorta comfy. Anyone else have ok experiences from time to time with blacks?
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Old black people, 65+, always have comfy personalities where I am from. I will ask to help an old broad or old bro out trying to load something big or heavy at the grocers or hardware store. Always way more delited fod the hand than a white boomer.
>Inb4 niggur lover or bullshit leftypol. You niggers know I am right
Had an elderly black gentleman in a store once, when I was picking up some charcoal to fire up my smoker and fix some ribs, tell me to try a brand of lump charcoal called Royal Oak. "Forget that Kingsford crap, you want real good BBQ, you need lump charcoal."
I bet they shaved a big cock into the back of your hair, OP. Did they give you a mirror to see the back? If they didn't, you know you're fucked.
yea they did show me, used a straight razor and all.
My wife's son is black. The world of wonders that boy introduces me to.
Stop supporting black businesses
hahahahahahahahahahah nice try shill
White guy goes to black barber shop for crew cut, comes out with dreads. Many such cases!
On one hand it's always good to see DeJon or Jamal making an honest living. On the other hand a lot of Black [anything] is all kinds of hate whitey.
I work with a 70/30 black to everything else ratio. Surprisingly, the blacks are mostly chill and are fully aware that they're at fault for their own failings by glamorizing gang culture and encouraging taking government handouts.
At the same time, they still have the knee-jerk reaction that Republicans are the devil and will go on a long tirade about how Obama was the best president ever, even after I get them to agree he did a lot of dumb shit.
Two steps forward, one step back with them.
Yea its weird, i work with a bunch, who will say they will never set foot in ghetto areas. Hate gun control laws etc... But will go on how great Bongo was and how bad Trump is.
i agree. older caribbean women are nice too, very appreciative people and not in a leech way either, they also offer to help with stuff. im "racist" but have good relationships with my black neighbors and can get along with blacks no problem.
They're both based and shit.
One day I'm in a black metro pcs store with terrible service and one trick ass hoe with a snarky remark and another time I have a friendly chat with a Haitian uber driver after getting good service from an old black lady at a supermarket
It's almost like .. Some people are different ... Woah
Black people are tight, dude. I have no beefs with them. My favorite experience was when some black ladies brought a shitton of homemade fried chicken to my track meet. Fucking amazing senpai.
Here in Spain we get some Africans.
In the big cities they are shit. But in small cities like mine, where they don't create ghettos, they are fucking nice.
Everyone in the town know, like and respect them. Some hardworking folks. They come to the local bars, talk with everyone, try to integrate..
The problem is with the first generation of kids. They get "westernized" and wanna look like the fucking American niggers they see in tv and become fucking waste.
Black men's testosterone plummets after 40. Those old comfy negroes would have behaved very differently when they were young bucks.
Fucking kek
All the time. Don't buy the Jewish tricks trying to divide us. There are plenty of dumbass white folks that I want nothing to do with, the same as black folks
The older generations are generally pretty down-to-earth. I've never had a problem with them. The young ones are hit and miss.
I agree tons of white niggers near me who are worthless.
If integration means sleeping with white girls, you should be against this integration.
It's almost like (((someone))) has convinced them to love Democrats and hate Republicans...
I like working with blacks because the bar is set extremely low for productivity. Shit... just showing up to work on time lands you a promotion.
>giving niggers money
When I was a kid every year in december an old priest with a long beard would come to the schools and day care center, he'd have some niggers with him who'd throw candy around for everyone. We also got presents. Was a pretty great time, made me like black people.
Blacks respect common sense racism far more than "white allies", shit like tosh.0 they eat up. You just gotta be confident and happy, NEVER show fear to a nigger, it's a sign of weakness and they will chimp out on you like a pack of wild animals.
>Old black people, 65+, always have comfy personalities where I am from
This is true. Old black men are cool and the women always love you if you're a cute young white man.
Its weird though, if you sit down and talk with them on issues, like taxes, gun laws, self defense gay marriage etc... they come off as conservative. But will never vote for a Repub
Sure I know a lot of Blacks that are cool as hell.
Does that mean I want to live in Africa, or Detroit?
Do most black barbershops do styled hair cuts for white guy hair? Or is it all fades basically?
they will do what you want, just nothing with scissors. tons of straight razors and various clippers
> (You)
>Its weird though, if you sit down and talk with them on issues, like taxes, gun laws, self defense gay marriage etc... they come off as conservative. But will never vote for a Repub
they also trim my beard, and eyebrows with a straight razor. usually 15 bucks plus hair cut and i give a 5 dollar tip
Yea that's what I figured. I tried once because a friend worked there and I'd rather have a friend cut my hair, but he basically said he didn't really know how to use the scissors for straight hair.
>I work with a 70/30 black to everything else ratio. Surprisingly, the blacks are mostly chill and are fully aware that they're at fault for their own failings by glamorizing gang culture and encouraging taking government handouts.
I worked at a place like this and the black people were pretty open about it yeah. I can even remember one of the black girls telling md they need to hire more whites like me because none of the niggers want to work.
>Some hardworking folks
I think this might just be because it's Spain, and the only people lazier than blacks are the Spanish.
we need more Johannesburg ghoul threads
i'm out for an hour
when i come back and i want one
pics vids
I wen to one called KINGS. They were polite and turned me away
I don't know about that. Maybe on some issues, but I could easily see Blacks (and Hispanics) being talked into giving up the 1st and 2nd Amendment.
All they would have to be told is that Racist Whites hide behind those 2 Amendments, and it's be a done deal.
story ???
You fucking shill. Cunt off!
If you talk to blacks about the 2a and being able to defend there homes and themselves they are really anti gun control The only ones who arent are the pimp dem leaders who blame all the gun crime in shitty areas on all gun owners. And dont blame the criminal element
But yes get the right person to talk to a low iq nog or spic and yes they could be convinced to turn both of those rights over
>went shopping at a super walmart
>some le 52% face making a ruckus trying to steal shit and getting caught
>starts making a big scene
>police were called
>blacks pulling out phones and laughing
I'll admit I chuckled at the brownie too
We are having a legit discussions. of course a faggot bong will try to disrupt it.
>get stationed in San Diego
>be massive warhammer 40k faggot
>find out about a game store
>hit it up
>walk in
>4 out of 5 people in there are black
>my paradigm has shifted
>start a conversation with some of them
>they're all huge 40k faggots too
>we all get along and shoot the shit
>genuinely have a good time
Black nerds are the fucking best.
Some of my coworkers are black and we're becoming good friends. Just really chill working class people who don't differ much from me culturally. The problem with niggers is culture, not skin color.
Mah nigga!
I either know you or your fucking doppelganger.
Were you stationed there too?
I love you.
No, but I know a couple of guys who were in the Marines who were stationed there and were really into WH40k
No. I want them to remove themselves from nigger culture. If I discriminate against them then they will only be honest when they blame whitey.
Jesus beta wtf you doing on Sup Forums?
Yeah, there were a few marines but most were navy and college kids
Do you live in the PNW?
Here's the thing about niggers that I don't mind. They're easy as fuck to read. If there's a nigger that about to nog, then it's written all over him, so you just avoid him, but if you see that they're relaxed/friendly they outwardly look like it. I can't fucking stand the college aged mulattoes. These are the scourge of niggers. They're just white enough that they think they can just approach you with a smile, but just black enough to blame you for some bullshit and scream oppression.
I've never heard a nigger say the word "oppression" only half white uppity fucks.
Haven't been to a black before. Usually I go to an old geman guy
Oh yeah, sounds like a Dutch Christmas with Santa Claus and his Black Petes
black barbers are chill, especially the ones from Africa, its the thugs who suck
I have never talked to someone darker than a frenchman. In fact, I have never talked to a frenchman
most white liberal faggots encourage and give them ammo to nog out
But... but... cultural apropriashun
That's what happens when you turn race into a political party. If you're not Dem, and you're a person of color, then you're a race traitor.
I wish the right would be less racist and realize they need to show PoC that the Dems use them and nothing more.
I got to jam and hangout back at the hotel with these 2 guys. We got talking at their performance and they could tell I knew my blues. Offered to smoke up the guitar player and they took me and mybuddy up to their hotel to get ripped. It was mostly me and the guitar player that kept smoking and talking about music and basketball. Yes I know my niggerball pretty good, well at least I did back in the 90s and early 00's. My buddy(who is my drummer bandmate) and the drummer we were watching drum vids on their phone. I also got to play cedric's guitar that he just bought, an old guild.They were very nice and chill and Cedric is a familys man. He had pussy all over him at the show and could have taken any of these broads back to the hotel but he took us to chill instead.
In the end I got a pic with the guitar player and the drummer gave my buddy some signed sticks. There was never once any judgement based on me being white. Like I said they knew I knew my music and about their fathers and grandfathers. It was pretty sweet and fun time.
well it is nice to belong to a group that doesnt include niggers
I woke up one day to a pair of black hands working a screw driver into my window lock. I chased the niglet with a hammer and caught him. Good times.
>mfw i get my hair cut at a barbershop
there are two kinds of blacks. niggers, and black people.
90% fall into the nigger category. the other 10% don't get sucked into the nigger culture, and act almost like normal human beings. I know we hate niggers around here, but really it's only the biggest majority of them that are subhuman monsters. 1 in 10 are alright. they're usually highly religious and don't drink/smoke.
.....but they're still niggers
Black women absolutely cannot cut my hair. I don't know if they butcher it on purpose because they're hateful little shits that have to wear wigs or get weaves or what, but I NEVER let a black woman ANYWHERE NEAR my hair. Maybe it's different for guys. I have no idea.
never let a girl white nig or spic touch my hair
>At the same time, they still have the knee-jerk reaction that Republicans are the devil and will go on a long tirade about how Obama was the best president ever, even after I get them to agree he did a lot of dumb shit.
Conditioning. It can be really hard to break. I'm not a republican, in fact I'm a Liberal, just left of center. But I agree completely that the Democrats are despicable frauds. More people need to be red pilling the good black folks on the bigotry of low expectations and how the Democrats have used their communities for political gain without providing any solutions.
you implying you're a girl?
show bobs
Did they have a vocal group at yours? Had four part harmony sung to me while I was getting my haircut. quite an experience.
Can confirm
I went to a barber shop and I said "short", and they just shaved my entire head.
This is why I prefer going to hair salons, women know how to cut hair that makes you look good since they give you cuts that they consider attractive.
Quite often. There are about 4 or 5 black people at my company, no big deal, I have black friends (legit ones, not "see I'm not racist" toadys) and neighbors and my landlady was black years ago. I bought my 2nd to last car from a black guy.
Black people aren't the menace Sup Forums would lead one to believe they are- its the NIGGERS that people can't stand, even regular black people hate niggers.
if you go into a barbershop and all you have to say is "short, please," then you deserve to get your head shaved
Now niggers under 40 on the other hand...
Most people have a natural preference for those they find similar to them.
Even if people do mix, what matters is the culture. When a bit of mixing goes on, dominant genes which tend to be healthier are spread more and recessive genes are diluted.
Yes. Maybe black women will baby a white guy, but do not let them near your head if you're a woman and ain't a "sistah." They will fuck your hair up.
loud but talking about sports and other pop culture shit
>dominant is good and recessive is bad
this isn't even eighth grade biology, this is some metal gear solid shit
Agreed. Real cultural problems.
I think Sup Forums and sjw's alike would be surprised at how many posts in kangs and nigger hate threads are authored by blacks. Nowhere for them to complain about those topics IRL, because they'll be called an Uncle Tom, Oreo, and Coconut for the rest of their life... nowhere else on the internet allows harsh criticism of blacks... and nobody knows you're a dog on Sup Forums.
I've been to a black operated barbershop on several occasions. They do good work and I recommend.
Real statistical problems.
If the White race continues to shrink. while the Non-White races continue to grow, the safety and security we once knew, will be a thing of the past.
Our children and grandchildren (if we even make it that long) will never know how clean and safe White cities and neighborhoods used to be.
ok i'm back faggots
thread link please
we have the best old niggers
do some spics chill with age, or just become more rapey? old spic?
>he didn't really know how to use the scissors for straight hair.
that's considered racist if it's a white girl saying she doesn't know about black makeup / hair
they are nothing but a tax on our lives, our minds, our social structures
shoot all the white, black, shitskin niggers
niggers are under-represented as suspects
that's soros wokring
soros has killed tens of thousands
>user gets a haircut
Wew lads. Where to start?..
You went to a black barber shop..
What the fuck were you thinking?
Niggers can't cut white peoples hair, it's not curly enough, if you say yours is you're a nigger or a jew.
99.99% chance you got a high fade. The niggers "go to" haircut. One size fits all cookie cutter faggotry.
You'll wash your hair tomorrow only to realize any part they didn't cut with electric sheers is fucked up and different lengths.
Now you have to walk around looking like a retard that cuts his own hair becuase you wanted to experience black culture in all of it's wonderful glory.
Now look at you, faggot, you got blacked the fuck out. Tyrones greasy sausage link fingers running though your hair.
Your hairs all fucked up like you fell asleep chewing gum again for the 143rd time.
You're going to smell like cocoa butter and fried chicken grease for at least 3 days.
You had to sit around a hear about the new Tyler Perry movie or lil Wayne's new mix tape.
And you paid for the full nig experience.
How does that make you feel inside?
I can smell the tendies from here. Go outside.
And many Hispanics are counted as (((White))) on Arrests.
Imagine what that does to the real number.
Fat old black folks are the best. James Avery, Fats Domino, and the pit master at my local BBQ joint
You're out of the loop on this?
You're a non-hispanic white now weren't you informed by local Antifa and sjws?
Not to be confused with non-white hispanic, that's an offensive term that will get you labled a bigot, fascist, ignorant
redneck, and other non offensive terms created for non-hispanic whites.