What did he mean by that /POL?
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sorry I dont follow or care what this big nigger freemason has to say
freemason huh
fuck this CIA nigger
faggot ass pussy disinfo shill.
I'm sorry but who's that?
Which rant?
What do you see in this Image?
His body because inhabited years ago by aliens. He's trying to find his way home. Don't listen to anything he says. The Adventure was a pretty good song.
the joe hogan one
mentally unstable
A dirty filthy stinkin satanic freemason piece of trash.
you have to buy the book to find out
invest now
He’s a retard.
He didn’t mean to say anything a nigger couldn’t.
Didn't matt skiba steal his job?
Someone please shoop the "please be patient, I have autism" hat on that mong,
You can't even fucking refer to Sup Forums correctly fuck off.
Is this about the Joe Rogan interview? I haven't gotten around to watching it yet
I cant tell you that..
I cant tell you who..
I cant tell you what..
He meant give him fucking money you piece of shit
by the time I finish the thread will be gone and no one will care
he looks kind of like wojack
Bump. :)
It was rogans worst podcast since he had on that dumb nigger Arian foster that said he would fight a wolf. It was fucking stupid. Delouge looked like a retard.
It's the white equivalent of we wuz kangs.
Idiots believe anything.
An ES with one dirty humbucker and one volum control
He's a fucking reptilian shapeshifter from the fourth dimension. All celebrities are. Read the fucking bible.
Its surprising how low brow Sup Forums has become lately.
Delonge is not retarded, not completely at least.
He isn't some deep state operative.
Hes a conman. All his talk of disclosure? Its marketing. He has started a media company, and all of his "team" are merely investors who will double as consultants if it comes to question. He wants to get investor money by driving up hype with a wild message, and he wants to lure in the conspiritard audience because its good money.
also: he's basically created a religion
i bet all the "wow super secret gov people" he has on his board now are loser democrats who ended their careers with no gains, want to use their name to make "millions".
lots of argument to authority
and arguments to the secret stick of wisdom
clearly bullshit wank
"i don't want to get into it"
and the way he reacts to rogan saying some words
he's not able to recenter the convo on the path
like a glidepath of persuasion (conning) he doesn't know it's that, but that's basically it
it needs the wind up
the pitch
the patter that deactivates your brain through fatigue
joe, just because he's autistic, nothing more, he is a fag btw
happens to push him to answer some questions quickly
this is the only good thing about joe, though he does it like a petulant 4yo girl
investigate the argument form authority components: will all be late career, clinton/bush/obama nobodys that want a last stab at making millions
All the niggers in this thread who are angry as shit about what he said are shills, and wouldnt be angry unless they were shills.
Hes got a concept vehicle, and a team of engineers who plan to build it.
It either gets built, and hes right, or it doesnt.
Somebody needs to take up the mantle of attempting to build experimental interplanetary craft from the private sector. If you dont agree with that statement, your equivalent to mudslime scum, and you'll be getting necked on the day of the rope.
if he wanted to make money he would have been better off sticking with his band. there's something more to this than you guys want to admit.
He was my neighbor from age 5-7. His dad’s name is Tom and he went by Matthew back then. His mom’s name is Connie. Ask me anything.
Quick rundown on what he said?
how often do u poop
Once or twice daily. What’s your point?
it has nothing to do with disclosure, he doesnt know jack shit about fuck all, what he's trying to do is scam UFO enthusiast into paying for his bankrupcy. He's over 422 thousand dollar in dept. While he was in blink he started at least fifteen joke company. His scheme is that each time he made a new one it would soak up the previous one dept and this is the most recent one you're looking at today with To The Stars Academy. It's not an academy at all, it's ever farther from being an R&D corp like he claims it to be, it's registered as an art and movie production firm.
I know you LARPing faggots aren't going to listen to this because it's the boring truth but that's all there is to it.
It's a scam. It's obvious that he loves ufos but he's merely exploiting that to build up a narrative.
He's basically George Webb. A mentally ill fuck who's getting larps from 'authority' figures like Skippy.
Nigger, please.
what do you think of the CIA?
can you niggers stop posting this retards vids? read the fucking comments. he doesn't know what he's talking about
it's not speculation, this is hard facts supported by real evidence, the youtube comment section is full of delusional faggots like you who can't accept the truth because you're LARPing.
Can only comment on him as a kid. He was a shy kid I guess. His dad gave me a Kendall motor oil mug. They bought a Ford Mustang turbo 4 cylinder in what was probably 1982.
CIA appears to be responsible for a ton of shit. They’re out of control, 9/11, Vegas, JFK, Israeli intelligence if you ask me. Let’s see, smallest country needs to defend its borders, let’s provoke the largest military.
He has the face of a liar and is a giant fucking faggot
It's actually linked to Podesta and we learned that from wikileaks. This was supposed to be paid for with taxpayer money or some shit, it's gone private because Clinton wasn't elected. It was going to be a lot of fearmongering, like the new global warming.
Either that or aliens actually exist.
You guys are missing a crucial link. Read his emails with John Podesta that were released by Wikileaks (yes, the Wikileaks database has emails between Tom and Podesta). In one of the first emails it mentions the President's "STEM initiative". Why is this important? John Podesta worked under Obama as chief counselor for Economic Initiatives. So you wanna know what's going on?
Delonge is a pawn of both investors and government workers to increase the number of Americans going into STEM. They are doing this in a lot of ways obviously but they decided to also use Tom Delonge. Do you know how many people watched that interview with Joe Rogan? Some impressionable young kiddos are going to think, "shit, all this science stuff sounds amazing," and go on to be the next werner von braun.
Listen guys, I was skeptical as fuck about this guy and annoyed with his "i can't tell you that" bit on Joe Rogan.
However, that being said he did meet and communicate with Obama Senior Advisor John Podesta.
He has been obsessed with Aliens for fucking 2 and a half decades and was meeting with Senior Officials when he was in Blink 182.
If he was doing this for money- why would he self-finance a shitty media company instead of reuniting with his band and make a ton more that way?
Have you seen how stacked his board is? Lockheed Martin, CIA, DOD, etc...
Even in Joe Rogan's interview he seemed very certain about some things- and when questioned by how shit worked he was pretty open about it like "i dont know how it works exactly I'm not a physicist lol." Plus there are videos from the 70s talking about tr3-b and shit he was talking about.
I don't know what to think anymore.
Holy shit, he's on a space ship
>mfw globalist pedo social engineers are doing something good
Also he brought up some very good points like concerted distraction - like "did we or did we not go on the moon?" to distract us from what is ON the moon.
I believe, he’s a pawn. Delonge probably figured this out after much research. He’s just going through the motions now to bring in the $
god damn it you faggots
i invested 50 grand in his stocks. hope it pays pff, fingers crossed!
>What did he mean by that /POL?
that there was no Alex Jones for the left until skippy introduced him on the scene.
How much block chain currency do you own?
You’re so full of shit.
thanks, just bought 100g
>Delonge is a pawn of both investors and government workers to increase the number of Americans going into STEM.
not really, it's more like they need to convince taxpayers to vote for certain policies and fund their programs. podesta was a ufo nerd, it might be anymore nefarious than a guy that thinks he can stick his hand in the tax revenue cookie jar. Delonge doesn't appeal to the peopel that would be wise to this, his fans would probably pay up to a certain amount. delonge is privatizing it now because clinton lost, it's going to be a lot harder to make it happen. had clinton won he probably would have been part of some government program that was involuntarily paid for by taxes.
he spouted some Einsteinian GR memes which inclined me to believe that he's just a memelord. Quantum mechanics/general relativity/particle physics are going to be overturned sometime in the next few decades and most lucid thinkers have realized this by now. People who are selling shit tend to play to the GR meme, they are proselytizers of the Religion of Bumping Particles, the Faith of Einsteinian Atomism that has overtaken late 20th and early 21st century physicts and overwritten any curiousness in metaphysics which underlies literally everything we can see
see me comment here , a lot of STEM fields are wrapped up in a memeplex/religion created by Einstein that propagates a false/defunct understanding of the nature of reality. The Cult of Quantum will be overturned within the next few decades as new tech involving magnetism and electrical engineering is released.
Some of the concepts Tommy boy referenced have some roots in actual possible shit but the explanations he provided we largely nonsensical and had nothing to do with what is actually being unraveled by clear thinkers at the bleeding edges of modern metaphysics and field theory
when even weed lmao bluepilled freak bitch gives you the you're full of shit stare you really need to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror. Funny thing is i actually think he believes all this bullshit. Ayy lmaos are most likely real but sounds like he's just the victim of washed up democrat shitposters. Was very hard to watch.
His brain is fried.
It’s common in musicians due to sensory overload and psychoactive drug use.
It’s quite possible he believes it all, wouldn’t surprise me at all.
And that's about the time he closed the tab on me. Nobody trusts you when you're a 33.
tube watch?v=HcXNPI-IPPM
cant win yo
ewRjZoRtu0Y hooktube d. 0 . t . suckafuk