Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares, we like the results.
U mean u like corruption
>Who cares, we like the results.
Wew there lad!
I sure love no class action lawsuits against the big banks and credit agencies that expose my personal data to hackers!
Maybe but he hasn't give the kikes the wars Hillary would have so far
Okay, so what harm has been done? Lobbyists have been in DC forever. Doesn't mean they are nefarious, though obviously plenty are.
Politics is about making deals in order to get what you want. Leftists do not understand or engage in politics. Leftists make threats and demands.
>Lobbyists have been in DC forever.
You didn't answer the question though. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here.
>Okay, so what harm has been done?
H.J.Res. 111 would disapprove and nullify the rule issued by the Bureau of Consumer Protection (CFPB) on July 10, 2017, regarding final arbitration pertaining to consumer finance contracts.
The Congressional Review Act, enacted in 1996, establishes special congressional procedures for disapproving a broad range of regulatory actions issued by federal agencies. If Congress passes a joint resolution disapproving the rule, and the resolution becomes law, the rule cannot take effect or continue in effect. The agency also may not reissue that rule or any substantially similar rule, except under authority of a subsequently enacted law.
The CFPB’s final rule prohibits consumer finance companies from relying on class action waivers to block class action lawsuits, prohibits the inclusion of class act lawsuit waiver provisions in contracts pertaining to a broad swath of consumer products and services, or “covered products and services”, and requires covered providers to not only alter their form agreements, but to submit arbitration-related court and arbitration filings to the CFPB for watchdog purposes.
The types of consumer financial products or services this would apply to includes: extensions of credit and participating credit decisions; providing accounts and remittance transfers subject to the Electronic Funds Transfer Act; auto-leasing and brokering of auto leases; providing accounts subject to the Truth in Savings Act; debt management, settlement, and repair; credit report remediation; consumer report providers; check cashing; debt collectors; broker-dealers and investment advisors; employers; entities regulated by the Securities Exchange Commission, the Commodity Future Trading Commission, or a state securities commission; Federal agencies, states, and tribes; entities and affiliates that provide covered services to less than 25 consumers; and merchants and retailers of nonfinancial goods that fall outside the CFPB’s authority
Arbitration instead of class action suits was already a thing prior to Trump though.
>Arbitration instead of class action suits was already a thing prior to Trump though.
Yes and now you stupid goy can't go together in a class action lawsuit to sue them. Enjoy getting fucked over and sucking Goldman kike cock MAGAfaggots.
> we like the results.
lmao what fucking results
Thats just because king nigger didnt do paper work and let people run private servers and shit
this was a mistake desu
The ones uncomplain about
Oh no we are going to go back to life before July of this year. We won't survive the world has changed so much since those days.
Obama probably just buried the paperwork like he buried his travel ban on Iraq. By law Obama was supposed to transmit notice to Congress, but he didn't.
And then, when Trump does a legal ban and does transmit notice Obama slams Trump for not being transparent enough.
You have to be a political muggle to believe Obama didn't do most of his shit in the shadows and illegally.
you fucking brainlet, the only thing I'm complaining about is the absolute lack of results
>Oh no we are going to go back to life before July of this year. We won't survive the world has changed so much since those days.
I see you haven't accepted the fact your boy Trump is a puppet of Goldman Sachs.
Enjoy MAGA chud
Pro-tip: Trump himself lobbied to repeal that
Now it can never be replaced outside of statutory law
>probably just buried the paperwork
this is the dumbest attempt at deflection I've seen in awhile, so I know you must be upset about this
drain the swamp, maga
The law empowers Congress to review, by means of an expedited legislative process, new federal regulations issued by government agencies and, by passage of a joint resolution, to overrule a regulation.[4] Once a rule is thus repealed, the CRA also prohibits the reissuing of the rule in substantially the same form or the issuing of a new rule that is substantially the same "unless the reissued or new rule is specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of the joint resolution disapproving the original rule" (5 U.S. Code § 801(b)(2)). Congress has a window of time lasting 60 legislative days (i.e., days that Congress is actually in session, rather than simple calendar days) to disapprove of any given rule by simple majority vote; otherwise, the rule will go into effect at the end of this period.[5][6]
Still waiting how lobbyists allowed by Trump are to blame when it didn't happen under Trump
All MAGA chuds got is deflection
They don't want to talk about the fact Trump just backtracked and said he wants a cap on 401 k's, that means MIDDLE CLASS FOLKS LIKE ME SEE A TAX INCREASE
welllll, so was obama. politicians are, by definition, liars
>Still waiting how lobbyists allowed by Trump are to blame when it didn't happen under Trump
Are you fucking stupid? No seriously are you stupid? Didn't happen under Trump?
October 24, 2017 Congress voted to repeal the regulations put in place by the agency from July.
>welllll, so was obama. politicians are, by definition, liars
But I thought Trump was a "businessman not a politician." Wasn't that another lie Trump told?
watch out, they're going to slide their thread if you're not careful
pol is rejecting the red pill and are becoming liberal tier snowflake s
Oh shit you have no argument and trump is still your president. I'm enjoying MAGA while you're screaming at clouds outside of starbucks. How will I ever recover
>and trump is still your president.
Here's your prize MAGA chud!
The worst part about this board is that any legitimate criticisms of Trump get swept under the rug, every single time.
It's almost as if a literal cult of personality aka the Kims in NK has developed for many people here. Just go take a look in the Trump general threads, you cannot criticize trump without an onslaught of mental gymnastics, poor excuses, "fake news," and other such excuses to accept Trump's hypocritical positions / poor decision making skills.
You're never going to be accepted as adults if you can't even criticize yourselves or your leaders. It's the most juvenile shit I've ever seen, and it's really quite sad.
Democracy is death, autocracy is life.
Democracy is jewish, autocracy is human.
Democracy is universalism, autocracy is ethnocentrism.
The day Trump becomes the king of the usa is the day usa lives for the first time.
>The worst part about this board is that any legitimate criticisms of Trump get swept under the rug, every single time.
Two kinds of Trumpfags
1. >Green text with fake news maymay
2. BUT Obama/Hillary
That's it. That's all they fucking got. No defense of any of this shit.
In your link here
It says it's pending. Trump hasn't done anything with it yet.
Oh no the government has to fix spending to keep all the boomers on monetary life support. You can't always get what you want but maybe your kids will. When you grow up maybe you can join this conversation
It also passed the senate along parties lines. Even Rand voted yea for it.
t. the gay agenda.
>It also passed the senate along parties lines. Even Rand voted yea for it.
Yes and trump will sign it cause he's a good little cuck for the free market.
how fucking cucked are you
Wow, the shills really are out tonight.
Oh no you're conflating tax increases with budget negotiations with 401k negotiations with an overturned agency rule. That's 4D assmadness right there. Be careful it could kill you
kys, you've been absolutely cucked
>Call others kike
>Directly links to a kike's news site.
No one is perfect. Still better then Bernie or Hillary.
Basically yes. I'd be more accepting of Trump supporters if they learned to take criticisms, and learned to criticize their leaders like a well adjusted person would.
You can't have a healthy, functioning democracy if you don't question those in charge, you just can't. People should be critical and skeptical of Trump or any other leader when he does / says something worth criticizing.
Sadly, the mentality on this board is one of "fuck leftists," "fuck liberals." That's essentially the entire reason many people here and elsewhere voted for Trump, as just a big "fuck you" to "leftists." The sad thing is that a Trump presidency doesn't just hurt liberals, it hurts everyone. He is not intelligent enough to be president. He has made increasingly poor decisions, and none of this even has to do with the Russian scandal, he's appointed so many morons, so many unqualified people to positions that require qualification to be effective (which is not surprising considering Trump's "qualifications" for the presidency).
I get it, he says "amusing" thing sometimes, and his twitter tantrums are entertaining. I understand why some people support him, they just want Chaos and Trump has created a lot of chaos and "butthurt" with his political appointments. That's what they wanted.
I was honestly wanting Trump to win for similar reasons, I laughed on election night and stayed up to watch his speech, and had some good laughs at all the liberals crying at Hillary's HQ. It was fun, and then I went to sleep that night and it sank in that this fucking moron was actually elected president, and all the things I feared were going to come true (all of his dumb ass scientific appointments for example, EPA, NASA, NOAA, DOE, etc.). It was then that I immediately regretted ever supporting the guy, and not voting too.
I dont care as long as the marxists cease to exist .
>Still better than Hillary
No, its the exact same shit. Face it, there's no
"better than" they're all kike approved puppets. Voting is a hoax, do you really think that kikes would allow us to vote if it meant anything?
Oh it's the Dean Scream website...
Don't blame us for your awful persuasion skills.
>like he buried his travel ban on Iraq
Nigga Obama never had a travel ban on Iraq. He had a period of a few months where he had the government stop issuing new visas, but that isn't in the same world as a travel ban.
>You can't have a healthy, functioning democracy if you don't question those in charge
So basically every news network during the entire 8 years Obama was president?
Yea... Assad is still alive, TPP is dead, pairs is dead, and we got a good Supreme Court judge. I am happy with the outcome.
False equivalency, and regardless even if what you say was true and not completely anecdotal (which it's not by the way, there was plenty of criticism towards Obama during his presidency), Trump should be held to a standard which simply doesn't exist for you guys. You have no standards for Trump, not for the way he behaves, not for the things he says, not for the political decisions he makes. Anything he does goes for you guys, no matter what he does. I'v'e never seen anyone in a Trump general thread seriously criticize Trump, the closest it got was when Trump authorized that airstrike on that Syrian airbase, and even then the vast majority of the thread was being apologetic about it.
There were plenty of things to criticize Obama for, but your argument is still a strawman and I'm not going to get into it further.
Browns down, liberal suicides way up - it's all worth it.
No one on this board criticizes Trump because it is 85% Amer*can and 60% reddit. Other flags shit on the retard all the time.
Also fuck leftists and fuck liberals. I would elect a fucking butter knife just to piss those annoying cunts off.
If you're happy with being a kike slave, then ok. But I'm not.
>Jerry posted yet another pro-Trump comment on his favorite image board, but secretly, the desperation was starting to set in.
I don't think trump is perfect but I understand how bad it could be. I wouldn't want his job. I don't think anyone could work the system better then he is currently doing.
Overall I give him an B-
Okay, what is the alternative? I love how you shills say muh kike is evil but offer no real solutions/
Read SIEGE my man.
Why would I want to vote for national socialism? Socialism always fails and Germany went bankrupt because if hitler dumb policies.
So what you're saying is that you're upset because we aren't upset over things you think we should be upset about. If you don't like our opinion then downvote it into submission.
Exactly, people care about issues in different ways. For example one thing that will completely make me disown trump is if he became pro open borders.
>Germany went bankrupt
>Because of Hitler's policies
The opposite, Germany due to the Jews (Weimar Republic) was compeltely bankrupt and the reich mark was worthless, to the point it was used to be burnt or on the streets. Worth less than paper it was printed on. Hitler and his party completely revitalized Germany, in a period when the rest of the Western World was worse off. So while the US was facing a great depression, Germany was fixing itself. Germany "failed" because international Jewry via USSR, UK, and USA joined in to topple her and her allies.
>Vote for more kosher idiots who not only encourage killing people, but also aiding Israel more and more
Germany was in economic trouble because of the bad deal they signed after WW1.
Germany then has a Venezuela type boom economy, but Germany economy failed due to dumb central planning and war.
Also you leave out the important factor that FDR allowed Germany to not payback the war debts thus allowing Germany to come back.
Well fucking said. I'm a conservative and I can't fucking stand Trump, mostly cause he makes conservatives look like retards.
Bullshit! Also, the Obama administration was the most secretive since FDR.
see You're literally type 2 you fucking faggot.
Un-ironically posts Matty propaganda.
>Bad deal they signed after WW1
Which was because they lost even though they hadn't DECLARED the war.
>Venezuela style
Difference is, Venezuela was/is corrupt and didn't invest in other forms of labor rather than just gibs. Not to mention giving gibs to Jewish run Cuba as well as others. Hitler improved the infrastructure, developed affordable things for families (you might know it as Volkswaggen), etc.
>FDR allowed
Lol, more like they changed to a different currency system one built on labor. Poles were killing germans in Polish occupied territory, so that was something that Hitler couldn't allow. Declaration fo war was to "save Poland" basically, yet Poland was given to USSR.
It's one thing to say "well yeah, he's a corrupt cuntbag, but under the circumstances we'll have to put up with him because he's the only person we've got who'll protect the borders". It's another thing entirely to pretend that Trump isn't a corrupt cuntbag just because you still like his position on that one issue. Because lying to everyone about how corrupt a politician is just because he panders to you on your core issue is exactly how everything got so corrupted in the first place.
When people said, 'yeah, LBJ is starting a war in vietnam, but at least we're getting the civil rights act passed', that was a step in the wrong direction. When people said 'yeah, Nixon is a shifty fuck, but at least he's going to give those dirty hippies a kicking', that was a step in the wrong direction. When people said, 'yeah, Reagan is selling arms to FUCKING IRAN to pay for FUCKING LATIN AMERICAN DEATH SQUADS [emphasis added], but I want lower taxes', that was a step in the wrong direction. When people said, 'Yeah, Bush Jnr. is trust fund moron who's obviously Dick Cheney's puppet, but something something Jeebus' that was a step in the wrong direction.
American voters have spent decades making one wrong move after another. It's time to stop turning a blind eye to things and start actually fixing them.
Wow, you almost convinced me you weren't Elizabeth Warren.
I expected Hillary-Lite, and I got Hillary-Lite plus some stuff I actually like.
>Wall prototypes up
>Exposure of Liberal Insanity to Normies
>Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization
A few others I can't recall off the top of my head.
Right. I have reservations and concerns sure, but what goes into the pot looking nasty often comes out tasty. So far the guy has done pretty good and the sheer amount of shit dumped on trump everyday outside of Sup Forums means I personally don't need to hear it again and grovel at the feet of liberal inquisitors for my supposed transgressions. We got apps for that.
If libs wanna discuss things like adults in a moderated forum as equals where we can CARE about dialog then renovate the dungeons into something useful to everyone, not just men in tutus. conservatives unfriended, blocked, changed their number, moved to a new town and wear a fake moustache and yet the liberals still try to come down the chimney to inform us of how we ruined our relationship. We have moved on.
1sr of all what the fuck does this even mean?
Grant an ethics waiver? For what? What “ethics” need to be waived? Who decided on the ethics in the first place
Why are there “ethics” rules that you can just waive? What’s the point if you can ignore it?
>I voted for Hillary-lite
Socialism never works. The only reason why Germany had a boom was because they took the wealth from the 1 people (Jews).
Hitler could have stayed out of pairs and Russia. Hitler was a beta male with a nigger IQ and anyone who takes national socialism seriously should neck themselves.
Can you give me the better option that was on the ticket?
I didn't *want* Hillary-lite, I wanted a Race Realist Pro-Justice Hawk, to destroy our corrupt system. Until such an option becomes available or I am old enough to run myself I will simply better myself and my situation.
Hollywood is dying, the left hold on college is dying and the media is dying. None of this would have occurred without trump.
If jeb or Rubio was the rep nominee we would have heard the same old bull shit.
Trump is just a miled reformer but I am excited for what is after trump.
We are just doing what we have to do to make things better in a tangible way. It ain't craftsman but it gets the job done.
Vote for bannon guys in the midterms. Congress is more important anyways, but Americans always over look this.
I thank god evey single day trump is the president. The refugee cap of 50k is much better then Hillary cap of 3mil.
>implying people can't still do a class action lawsuit
aww you sweet summer child. It must be nice having all that extra space in your brainhole. Let me help you out. This just makes it easier to sue w/o having to have a class action lawsuit