1/13 black citizens have lost their right to vote because they committed a felony. How is that fair?
1/13 black citizens have lost their right to vote because they committed a felony. How is that fair?
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Wait what. What does this have to do with fairness? People who commit felonies, regardless of race, lose the right to vote. Not anyone else's fault that African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of felonies.
No one I know has committed a felony.
comitting a crime is no reason to lose your right to vote. That's the system holding down people who are already impoverished and must turn to crime to feed themselves.
Because everyone who is a felon loses the right to vote....it has nothing to do with skin and everything to do with being a convicted felon.
Maybe they should stop committing felonies?
No asshole....they turn to food stamps to feed themselves. They sell pills for their "mental illnesses" that they get on their free subsidized health care for spending money....and no they don't actually have mental illnesses. They just Google what condition goes with the more valuable drugs go to a doctor and pretend to display all the symptoms. Really really simple. I grew up in foster care and poverty....people in poverty are usually fat.....they're not food deprived in America you retarded shill.
>No one I know was convicted for a stupid joint.
fixed it
They turn to crime to feed themselves because they spent all their government gibs on air jordans and grapedrank.
And breaking the law and committing a felony is really you trying to down play what a felony is. You can steal and not be a felon. Felony theft is stealing quite a bit....not just a meal worth of stuff. I think in my state it may be like $50 or more is felony theft. But you don't lose your right to vote because you stole some bread. You're making shit up.
It's not. Black "people" are chattel. None of them should have any more right to vote than dogs do.
70% of blacks are felons more should not ne allowed to vote.
i'm a convicted felon and I vote. it's not illegal. look up the laws yourself. niggers shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway
Poverty=/=crime necessarily. High crime, however, can, as it almost does, lead to poverty. Moreover, since most crime is intraracial and intracommunital, how can you justify people attacking members of their own impoverished community?
OP is a felon nigger
Dindo nuthin, was a guud boi.
>It's not fair that I cannot participate in altering the rules of a system which I willingly broke
You're right OP. Universal suffrage was a mistake.
Niggers have the right to vote in America, a country founded by and for white people. How is that fair?
>convicted of a felony for a joint
how big of joints are you smoking that are give or take a fucking ounce? Quit lying you nigger.
It's almost as if the black community in America currently has disproportionate issues with criminality and thus is disproportionately affected by the effects of that.
Shocking conclusion, I know.
Because they committed a felony. If nigs gonna nig, they lose their right to participate in society.
$100+ is felonious theft. Anything under is misdemeanor.
In Commiefornia theft isn't a felony unless it's more than $950
Due Process Clause
It's not. That's way too few blacks.
Sage goes in all fields
>1/13 black citizens have lost their right to vote
What's taking so long for the other 12?
This is illegal you know.
There's always a better option than turning to crime.
It's just that people prefer the easy way for a short term gain than the hard way for the long term gain.
Niggers can always clean their neighborhood so it's attractive for investment.
But nooo, they had to be lazy fucking niggers and ruin it for everybody and themselves.
They skipped the hardships of winter in the evolutionary timeline and never developed the IQ for western civilization.
Please abort yourself cunt.
100% of white felons have lost the right to vote. How is this unfair?
So you admit that you were just race baiting and that wasn't your main point of contention.
Apparently a small joint qualifies as "Drug Trafficking"
>police wouldn't lie just for an easy capture
>judges don't profit from convictions
oh my sweet, sweet summer child...
>Do drugs
>Go to jail
Woah, fucking laws man, amirite? Kill yourself degenerate
It's not. They should lose a lot more privileges than that.
there's an entire class of our population that spends all of its time trying to scam the government.
it's a delicate balancing act
they need them in prison to make money and keep the niggresses on welfare
and next gen poor
and angry at the system
so they vote democrat
but between their 200,000 dead voters, 5.7 million illegal voters
and 1,000,000 fraud votes, dems have a disaster on their hands
they still need the nigger vote
spics just aren't doing it for them
that's why ryan and jeb want spics to keep coming over
to make it CHEAPER to maintain control
they want the establishment to win every time, they aren't dems or cops
Dude, I know about drugs by association and investigation, they put their claws in your brain and you need more of it to feel the effects again, first a joint, easy right?, Then you need two, still manageable, then three, later four and your income keeps evaporating, once you start doing drugs or you stop or you go all the way down, there is no middle ground. All drug possession should be punished, because it shows a future druggie and welfare user, and that the problem is expanding.
If you want to do drugs then go ahead, you can't win against the law or the addiction.
Bikes and TVs can't be eaten, crack and weed are usually smoked.
Democracy and Republics givee the vote to people in good standing. Criminals shouldn't vote. Neither should anyone receiving public assistance. We should have passed that law before we let women vote, all they do is mooch off the system.
Black citizens have a higher propensity to commit a felony because of the 300+ year systemic oppression of minorities in America by our ruling overlords. Their high imprisonment rates are simply a byproduct of inequality and poverty and not a result of a lack of intelligence/morality.
lol pretty sure its more like 1 in 5.
Same rules for every race. Are you saying niggers are such inferior subhumans that even the adult nignogs should be treated like children and be given special privileges?
>niggers no being able to vote
Don't fucking commit crimes
If you're too dumb or irresponsible to avoid committing serious crimes you're too dumb or irresponsible to be deciding the fate of the nation. The fact that this demographic has a disproportionate number of blacks is not on me.
Blacks are a failed race on life support by faggots
>Because they committed a felony
You answered your own question. You don't get to decide the rules of society if you don't follow them in the first place. That's just tyranny.
I think black people in America deserve equal pay and rights. Guess that makes me a massive "faggot" in your eyes.
>1/13 black citizens have lost their right to vote because they committed a felony. How is that fair?
It's opt-in. How are we responsible for their choices?
> That's the system holding down people who are already impoverished and must turn to crime to feed themselves.
That's not the case though, is it.
White criminals lose their right too. This is fair. Both poor, both make mistakes, both suffer adult consequences.
Grow rhe fuck up.
Niggers' fault for committing crimes in the first place.
>he's starting to learn how Liberalism's bigotry of low expectations work
keep going, you'll get there.
hey retard. I am a janitor and work along side a nigger. we get paid the same. shocking I know.
that's a lot of criminals...
In my state anyone who's not in prison can vote. And of all felon disenfranchisement issues, I'd be the most open to reinstating voting rights for felons. Only on the grounds that being able to vote is an important part of being a member of society.
Till then, fuck felonious niggers. Want to vote, quit being a fucking criminal.
I am shocked. Why are you not in an apprenticeship or something ? Lots of opportunities out there.
>must turn to crime to feed themselves
Literally wrong
In my state you can vote with a felony record as long as you aren't in jail or on probation at the time.
Niggers = crime. Not the fault of the white man. Statistically, fewer blacks are arrested for the number of crimes committed by race because cops don't want to get sued for being racist. Niggers STILL end up arrested more than anyone thinks they could.
Simple...niggers = crime.