What is your opinion of him, Sup Forums ?

What is your opinion of him, Sup Forums ?

(I think hes pretty based)

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A boy playing with a loaded handgun. The power of the atom should be left for the grownups.

Pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything. Also, witnessed!

Speaks perfect English. Smart and respectful not to let warmonger US citizens twist his Anglo-English continence into an assault on the American Ebonicrats. Also makes up for the tension with nuclear science innovation. Pretty cool dude. Would be scary if we openly swung from his nuts like we did Obama.

I will give him this: he knows how to deal with enemies of the State. Can we borrow him for a few months to drain the Swamp?

As a National Socialist, I cannot pretend to like his ideology. But, I do respect the fact that he stands up for what he believes is right. And does not fall under the same insane madness the rest of the world is falling under.

Many laught at their ways, culture and politics. Some are affraid. Some call them mad and dangerous.. But all those things, is just what the rest of the west is suffering, before we fall into the dust of history.. And eventually are forgotten and nobody knows we even existed. This isn't the case for North Korea.

When we fall, and our genes, our bloodline is wiped out. The west is chaos and the jews expand their shit to Asia. We will at least have one last laugh as Israel burns the atomic death thanks to North Korea. So from a National Socialist, to North Korea..

Sieg Heil!

I sometimes fantasize about being hired as an economic advisor to an impoverished totalitarian regime, but I know it would never work. It's not a respectful fantasy.

He's losing the war against California. Wtf is his problem


Could you even begin to imagine how glorious it would be if we could get Little Rocket Man to nuke LA? Or even Seattle? It would change everything in a (literal) flash. Millions of libtards vaporized? Hollywood and those pious hypocrites? All gone, in an instant. All Hillary voters. Gone.

What I'm loving about this guy is that his nation is a living lamp. North Korea's leadership is collectively the gormless gurus of geopolitics. They're on a good position, and some unknowable fraction of what makes it a good position is that people don't quite trust them to understand it well enough to know they're on a good position. They're making scary work from a little fortress nodule of earth.

He needs to lose weight.

and it's funny because their opposition are in such a predicament that they'll state that they won't recognize it as a nuclear power when that's simply contrary to reality. north korea is already a nuclear power

Hoping that fat chinkchonk finally nukes the jew states of murica off, being honest.

Maybe it's a statement of overly intense distrust. If North Korea doesn't know they're on a good position, they gain a negotiating advantage from unpredictability. If North Korea knows they're on a good position, that's a less scary but still significant unfavorable negotiating position for whoever has to deal with them. If North Korea doesn't believe in or is entirely fabricating its good position, they're just bluffing. A bluff position is useless when disbelieved in.
"You're not a nuclear power" doesn't have to be contrary to reality. It could just be the "you're bluffing" of nuclear politics.

it's no bluff though. they've demonstrated their nuclear capabilities and every country's gov't is aware of their nuclear and ICBM capabilities. they are a nuclear power and they, along with whichever countries are to deal with them, know that the nuclear status they've achieved grants them a favorable position. but those same countries that are opposed to it will deny its nuclear power status in hopes that they could somehow denuclearize it which is pretty farfetched at this point

Go live there and see how you like it, commie.

I am just going to leave this here for of you.


He fights unreservedly for his people's independence. He maintains a stable government, and he secured nuclear weapons with a large stroke radius in order to ensure that his people aren't subject to a devastating war for regime change.

He has his problems like any other government, but I have no doubt that he is steadfastly loyal to his people and I admire that. I wish western leaders were the same.

He bitched out and Trump has scared NK back into its hole

>steadfastly loyal to his people
Is it true he lives a life of luxury in a peasant kingdom?

I have no idea. Leaders generally live lives of luxury relative to the ones they lead, while also experiencing much greater stresses. Look up the old story the sword of Damocles about the tyrant Dionysus of Syracuse.

Everything that I know about his regime is filtered through western propaganda - but I am certain that there are some fundamental truths transmitted.

>peasant kingdom

>(I think hes pretty based)
this is a new low even for the shills

Post rare Kims ITT

>you will never teach cute korean lolis about the sublime Juche idea

> shills
you do know that he is anti israel right?

The edifice of progress flakes away to reveal the rusted husk.

>leaf talking about new lows

So he is based?

>Thinking random skylines have anything to do with wealth of a nation

Down Syndrome: The Post

thats Nigeria fag

future owner of a nice parking lot for South Korean Malls

I think it's hard to judge north korea because we know so little and a lot of journalists and defectors make shit up for clicks or to get asylum.

I think living there is not as bad as everyone tries to make it. They were able to increase food production so the whole starving peasent stuff is bullshit.

I think Kim knows exactly what he has to do to secure his power. He saw what happend to Iran and Libya and Iraq when they did deals with the us. He stands up for his believe and for his people, I highly respect him

One of the last leaders to oppose rothschild central banking.


He is the Jesus of the 21st Century brought down to us to nuke America right where it hurts.

> leaf

His father securing nuclear weapons and his securing intercontinental deployability are why he has not been regime changed like Saddam or Gaddafi. Assad got lucky because the American populace was super tired of war.

It's a pretty skyline in a shitty country. Are you trolling or are you genuinely too retarded to understand the point of the post?

These korean little shits were saying that Kim had a sex ring, but they never raped them because the sex ring was supposedly "preparation" eventhough those 15 year old girls were in that "sex ring" for close to 20 years. All the defectors are just dumb americanised chinks, they have little to no respect for their supreme leader and should be terminated. The sex ring was called the pleasure squad and it was apparently a place where they made Kim look like he had a group of girls in awe of him and would say nice things about him. Nothing sexual.

> posts pics of nigger country to make a point about north korea
who is retarded here, user? ... ah im asking the wrong person... a retarded person


another narcissistic "communist" dictator whose country reeks of inequality and poverty
party members and relatives are the ruling class who enjoy all the commodities in pyongyang, while common folk, workers and peasants are starving in rural areas of north korea
i still hope he actually nukes usa or it's vassal countries tho

Welp, I'm BTFO

>Finally realized how retarded he is
>N-no..you're retarded HAHA GOTEM

Yeah if you go through all the defectors that get any camera time at all, it's either ex military men who are like "don't fuck with them, they have nukes" and a couple of women who are salty at being raped by a bunch of chinks after escaping DPRK.

You can try to spin it all you want jew but in the end all i have to say is
> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry

>Uses the same argument again

Sometimes I have to remind myself that communists are truly this dumb. I love it.

> Sometimes I have to remind myself that communists are truly this dumb. I love it.
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry

>I think living there is not as bad as everyone tries to make it.
Based on what? Literally everything that comes out of NK is
>it’s shit, there’s no food, everyone outside the military and politburo is starving, it’s poor as fuck and you get black-bagged for speaking out or watching imported DVDs from the south.
Even if these reports are exaggerated, you have literally zero evidence to the contrary, it’s the word of defectors versus nothing, and you’ve chosen to side with nothing.

>Tries to recant last post about making the same argument
>Literally copy and pasted his last argument


>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
you're not going to distract me jew. you hate kim because he wants to nuke israel. I will repeat it again. I caught you
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry

He is making a mockery of the dotard, so I like him.

>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry

>Implying Israel won't win in the end

Oh, goy. The shit you believe.

fuck off jew
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry
>> posted pic of nigeria to prove a point about NK and thought he wouldn't get caught for his faggotry

man i love these meta Sup Forums debates when everyone just starts greentexting everything and screaming "JEEEEEEW" and "COMMIEEEEEE" at everyone else

>The whole starving peasant stuff is bullshit


hes a literal jew - check his post

I think he's a psychopathic goon who needs to be disposed of so the Korean people can be free

>it’s the word of defectors versus nothing
You mean defectors whose narrative aligns with your preconceived notions? I'm sure you would discount the opinion of the defector in pic related automatically, accusing him of being brainwashed, retarded, etc

>tfw to intelligent to understand he was impersonating jews in a satirical manner

>Believing Jews aren't the master race

how much of a tankie do you have to be to shill for dprk?

hes a faggott gay man insecure of his gender

a literal genius. pretty much put the 51% empire in its place

> thinks im serious

Lawful good m8

>using alignments
So you have shit taste in politics AND roleplaying systems

i pray every day for a nuclear salvo to cleanse the west coast. sadly, i don't think the norks could even hit japan if they tried

>Man flees one if the most difficult countries to leave on the planet that's know to threaten to kill defectors' family members so that they'll return
>Man wants to return to country he threatened his life to leave
>Rando on a shitty Japanese imageboard is so unbelievably delusional that he thinks North Korea is a nice place because it fits his, by all rational perspectives, absolutely-fucking-wacko-insane narrative


Sure, buddy.


>That image

Saved for future cringe threads

>implying north korea is socialist, let alone communist
sure thing m8

Any commie is a piece of shit
We need a new red scare

>that's know to threaten to kill defectors' family members so that they'll return
Nice unsourced, unsubstantiated assumption stupid shitstain. You gladly eat up everything the MSM shits down your throat, no matter how retarded or ridiculous. You lick your lips and savor the taste, begging for more.

Why would he want to return, if they were going to kill him as soon as he arrived in the country (according to your propaganda)?

Digits speak

He would look a lot better if he lost the weight.

the chad supreme leader vs the virgin constitutional slave

he needs the extra fat to protect him from imperialism

you couldn't be more wrong

The guy enjoys a good meal, so what? There are worse vices a leader could have. At least he's not raping people like Bill Clinton

He is a leader who knows how to deal with filthy imprealists.

>At least he's not raping people like Bill Clinton
Yea no, he just straps them to anti aircraft guns and murders them in show trials, great guy.

> Yea no, he just straps them to anti aircraft guns and murders them in show trials, great guy.
you say it like its a bad thing

>North Korea is known by every sane individual to be in the top 5 worst countries on the planet
>Literal schizophrenic doesn't believe this and thinks the whole world is lying to him
>Uses a defector that wants to return to his homeland to help his family and get GBP from Fatcunt Un by talking shit on South Korea in the process to support his insane narrative
>N-no way..y-you're just a...a..shitskin!

Fucking hilarious.

>Who is retarded here user?
You. Either that or it's shit bait. This place has gone so downhill I honestly can't tell anymore

I think it's funny that people believe what the mainstream media says about North Korea at all.