Hey, Skinheads!

November 4th is coming and you're so fucking fucked.

Boss asked me today why I can't wipe the crazy smile off my face. I told him to get fucked and quit on the spot, knowing Donald Fucknut won't be President for more than a week.

Mueller is going to have this fucking clown hauled off in chains on November 4th, and Pence, too.

Cuntface Paul Ryan might get a couple months in as President before the angry mobs have torched enough cities demanding FULL socialism.

He will abdicate and take White America's sadistic Constitution with him.

Then comes true revolution.

Then the double whammy where the guns are as gone as your precious"free" speech.

Then white men paying through the nose so the rest of us can finally have nice fucking things.

Then a Black Supreme Justice of the people's court ordering the entire legal system to look the other way as rich white men get what they've been entitled to for 500 years.

Then the refugees. A lot of refugees and a fuck ton of mosques to support them.

Then a government of Bernie, of HRC, of Obama. Literally for life.

Oh, and we'll probably make John Podesta CIA director just to break your spirits. We'll let him personally kill shot every sad, freakish, delusional little fake news fuckwit who ever called him a pedophile.

November 4th is coming, sweetie. You're so fucking fucked.

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You may want to research the role of Delta Force in the 2000 WTO protests.

>pic related

Is this Obama or his husband Michael? Either way kys

You people are silly- saged


>inb4 "the revolution" turns out as the day of the rope

I wonder how much you'll cry when everything anyone ever said about Russian collusion is golden proof next week.

I'd really like to punch you, skinhead. Deep down you know you're on an evil sinking ship, yet you're willingly shilling for him until the bitter end.


The revolution already happened bud.