1 in 6 Aussies think that same-sex relationships should be criminalised

>polls are predicting a win for the Yes campaign, but according to a new study one in six Aussies subscribes to an outdated belief.

>But it seems that these results might not echo global attitudes as much as previously thought.

>ONE in six Australians believe that relationships between same-sex couples should be considered a criminal act, according to a new survey.

>Research conducted by the Ilga-RIWI, a collaboration between the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association and an analytics firm, on global attitudes towards sexual and gender minorities revealed 16% of Aussies agreed that “people who engage in romantic or sexual relationships with people of the same sex should be charged as criminals”.

>More than 28% of people world wide who participated in the Ilga-Riwi survey also believed same-sex relationships should be criminalised. This figure was significantly higher in the African and Middle Eastern areas that were surveyed, coming in at 45% and 36%

>Countries known for being more accepting of same-sex couples still had a significant number of people who agreed they should be charged, with the US coming in at 18%, the UK at 17% and New Zealand at 15%

>Tiernan Brady from the Equality Campaign said the research made “it clear” they “have more work to do around the world to ensure equality for gay and lesbian people.”

>“Fairness and equality are at the heart of Australian society and we believe our laws should reflect these values of which we are most proud,” they said.

>“Posting your ballot this week means it still can get there. It’s not too late. Don’t throw it in the bin, put it in the post.”


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Didn't know Australia was 1/6th Muslim.
Based muzzies.

I t won't happen.
Aussies are too chill.
Live and let live asshole.

It should be 1 in 1 think poofs should be criminalised, fucking disgusted at my poof loving countrymen




What is this supposed to prove exactly?

That people who are older used to lie about being gay.

Or the ones who claimed to be gay died of aids since it's much higher chance of contracting HIV/AIDS in the gay community?