Think of the ink tho....
It's definitely not okay to be black.
Trend it on Twitter, but only after tomorrow
It's not ok actually
you need to own the fact that your nation building ancestors built those nations at the expense of an indigenous peoples. Those said ppls lived as second class citizens. Wherever the white man lay his feet he's brought death and destruction with him. Do you deny it? Probably not..
These defiant acts you see today against the white man is justified karma, and I hope I see more.
This. Dogs don't even like black people.
Black paper white ink.
Gr8 B8/8 m8
right on
t. shill
There is no stage two.
we should spam fax it to universities
You know the shills are scared when they're trying to subvert the message.
>1 post by this ID
Sage on all fields, gentlemen.
you'e a moron. for White pride to exist Black pride must as well. Anyone with a brain support this theory, as we'll all have our own separate fucking states.
you dense motherfucker
yes, nobody ever died and nothing was ever destroyed before white men came along. everything was fucking perfect and black people especially were not raping and killing eachother for things like stealing fucking twigs.
>spending even more money on black people
>you need to own the fact that your nation building ancestors built those nations at the expense of an indigenous peoples. Those said ppls lived as second class citizens. Wherever the white man lay his feet he's brought death and destruction with him. Do you deny it? Probably not..
all the ""Indigenous" people would still be living in mud huts, retard
make one that says "its okay to be black" at the top of the page, and "its okay to be white" at the bottom" and the liberals wont know whether or not to tear it down. Might give them a panic attack or something.
too soon
gotta wait for stage 1 to hit the mainstream news cycles for a day or so. only start stage 2 once the MSM is in full chimpout mode
Use black construction paper and a white out pen
whites would still be living in mud huts if it wasn't for the Medetrernians.
>for White pride to exist Black pride must as well.
We're not their goddamn babysitters. Niggers are competition.
You want me to waste all my ink on that shit?
fixed it
Will they get the upper 52% of america or the lower or will you split vertically, tyrone?
>A long time ago in a Germany far, far away ...
I feel bad now.
Sorry for the...
Classical Music
...and so on.
Only Christ was the good jew
It's called melanin, and it helps others with it talk telepathically, as told in the great We Wuz Kangz history.
This is actually genius.
It corners institutions into accepting ALL races are ok to be in existence.
(((Higher education))) can't justify why it's not ok to be white but ok to be anything else.
>also, think of the ink
Solve this problem OP
>Think of the ink
Buy black paper nitwit
third post best post
My great grand daddy from TN shot two negros for stealing horses. He got cash reward for the effort too. Good Times. It's alright being white!
Something tells me this wont be as easy as you think it will be.
God bless the White man. All hail the white nations! You fucking shitskins are done. You have pissed off and awaken the great white sleeping giant. If you're not scared, you should be you stupid motherfuckers. We've destroyed you dumbasses before, we won't hesitate to do it again.
Perfect. Its expensive but its perfect
>encouraging commies to waste their toners
Spread it like wildfire.
make the "o"s SoDs and you got something
At least use the English we gave you, for fuck sake.
well who asked you to put e in between.
Or spraypaint and a stencil.
Of course I agree, but there’s no point to this extra campaign. The first is supposed to trigger a media reaction beneficial to us. This will trigger no media reaction by itself. If it’s posted next to the original it dilutes the value of the original in both the number of lefties that will freak out, and the increase of normie reactionary outrage will only be slightly increased. There’s virtually no change and it just muddies the waters and complicates the message.
OP here.
>Buy black construction paper.
>Invert color and print the OP pic.
>Cut out stencil.
>Use a white crayon.
It was always that way, it was the fatties in Fatland that changed because they're super rad dewdz.
Why would you do this though? Not only is it not okay to be black, it's absolutely not okay to have black people thinking it okay to be black. Your country, not mine, so I don't care if you're overrun by our dark friends but I want to know why.
Stop being 12 yo edgy.
They are human beings but with underdeveloped nervous system.
Are we unwittingly participating in a stealth marketing campaign for perfume m8?
Oh, actually, what was that last one about, abortion wasn't it?
Where are you going with this? The msm have already declared the first batch of posters racist without picturing them in the articles, alongside this spooky scary pumpkin of hate.
underrated post
>we should spam fax it to universities
LOL, back when faxes were "new" we would take a few pieces of black construction paper, tape them together. Run them through the machine, and tape the far right end to the far left end, and you now have a paper tank tread able to crush the ink out of any fax machine.
Fax this image to someone, and it will just ruin their ink and everything else. Id imagine you could fax bomb this as well for lulz. Its the same concept, just with an infuriating message.
Good call!
We know exactly what would happen. They wouldn't be ripped down because das racist and sjw and others of the sort would support and love these being placed.
Yeah it is ok to be black. Black lives matter rabble rabble rabble.
Im over this fucking shit and living in a town full of stinky bludging abbos it makes my blood bloil every day.
>tfw you print this off when done and go and place it everywhere and the next day you see your signs and they all say "it's ok to be back. "
Hopefully niggers like you keep pushing whites to the breaking point so "white men can lay their feet" on the world again. Every so often, whites are pushed the the brink, they demolish everything in their path, THEN everyone cries about how ruthless whites REALLY are. So please, keep pushing whites to the breaking point, you're doing more than any white supremacist could even dream of for white people.
Would it really be so bad if we were still living in the jungle hunting and gathering and tripping balls on DMT living a subsistence lifestyle. Sure we couldn't shit post but we wouldn't know any better.
Guess paint ain't got spell check
>human beings
>no Neanderthal DNA
Nice try, Tyrone.
Fuck off OP you faggot shill
fuck you this better
Black Construction Paper, White Gel Pens
Won't someone please think of the ink?
mfw thinking about the amount of ink that would be necessary to carry out such an undertaking
Fuck off shill. Everyone stick to the original plan.
No its not okay.
obvious shill
>Classical music
Niggers where banging sticks on human skulls whilst we where writing symphonies.
Takes me back to good old days of Sup Forums when people would fax NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in the fattest blackest fonts they could find, filling up as much of the paper as possible. Faxed this shit to all sorts of targets, now something so stupid would become national news.
Do it
We should get this to the commies and ancoms attention and get them to waste their money.
I was first user to bring this up, ink is my specialty, did you know ink is one of the most expensive liquids to manufacture on planet earth? LSD is the most valuable liquid, with just 1 gram worth over 20 thousand dollars
but it's not...?
>no A
Best ally, you can poo on my street any day
Everyone is a retard, if this is posted the msm wont chimp out so we can prove their hipcracy.
Kek, underrated
This could be accomplished using black paper and whiteout or a white marker, tape, stickers, stencil etc. Or cut out the words in the black paper and underlay it with white.
We from Leftypol fucking hate this campaign, change it you autistic virgins.
>all the tards saying "think about the ink"
>not realizing the plan is to get the lefties to print them
>all the libshit universities and offices that'll get hit by the wave of sjw buttflustered retaliation
>mfw I suddenly realize this is probably a ploy by the printing industrial complex to sell more ink
every other race has fought and tried to conquer too. You see non whites as noble savages. so either you're a dumb brainwashed nigger who proves pol right by not taking responsibility for your own life or you're a dumb brainwashed white who denies other races their own true history and agency.
we've all been raised on the same bullshit rhetoric you're spouting here. You act as if anything you said is interesting to anyone with a brain. do I say again, you're a dumb nigger who can't think outside the box or a dumb white who refuses to.
It's okay to be asian.
based poo using the superior american language
Hang on, is this true?
I don't think i've ever seen a nog with a dog/ a darkie with a barky/ a .... nigger with a hound.... is what i'm saying.
Get it in your head NIGGERS, you are not black
You are BROWN