Congrats pol

Well you fucking did it you faggots. You got me. I came here from reddit (yes I know) hoping to troll some of you or maybe sway you towards the left because I thought there was no fucking way those stupid virgins over at Sup Forums could stand against what I thought was rational discourse. Everything changed when I saw this picture. I've tried diligently to find a way to refute or explain this picture and I can't come up with anything. I'm sold. I was wrong.

How much do I not know? can anyone give me some more info or explain this picture further? How deep does this go?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How much do I not know?
With every redpill swallowed, you don't know a little more. Hopefully you will one day know as little as possible.

Welcome to the rabbit hole.

And if you go on the wikipedia page for WWII that image is prominently featured in a collage as the first thing you see. The caption identifies it as German soldiers. Every single day many people unfamiliar with the war will Google it, go to wikipedia, and immediately see that image and associate such horror with Germany. And it will never be corrected!!

I'm a Jew...over 50 of my ancestors were supposedly killed in the Shoah...but no one has been able to give me any of their names, yet I can trace the rest of my ancestry back centuries. As a weapons collector, specifically of Mauser rifles, I cannot in any way dispute your findings. I'm amazed no one has noticed this misleading photo.

You're here forever now.

inb4 that effortless
>lol I making up shit about weapon deployment to units that never happend at this time nor are the unitls even related to my other spin argument and some apples look like oranges not like these other apples
((("debunking"))) macro

Rational discussion will not sway the most culturally subversed, and the demoralized.
>Communist Normalization

kek a fucking plebbittor
>you'll never leave this place hehehehe

This is an excellent post

We know so little about the world around us, how could we truly expect to truly know how things were, let alone understand why.

You could have thousands of autists pore over a video game for years and still discover things 15 years later, yet you are expected to take second and third-hand accounts as fact.

how's it feel to know (((they))) have been shooping images before photoshop?



>1 post
butthurt faggot mad that he's here forever too.


suddenly you start to realize That Nazi's are not the ultimate evil, but the greatest slander campaign history has even seen. And then you're fucked, because not many can come to that realization after an entire life of conditioning

>another faggot falling for le meme pill because of old blurred photo with a couple red circles drawn on it
american posters
truly the most degenerate kind

What's the top image called? I wanna see the original of the supposed yugo soldier

Today I realized how wrong I truly was. I understand now the powers that be hate this website because of the free flow of information, I didn't even believe in shills to be honest but today opened my eyes. I realized how manipulated I've been through the mainstream media, the internet social media (ESPECIALLY REDDIT), and my general nature to dismiss dissenting opinions. I want to say that I'm sorry. Manafort's charges are for crimes committed a decade ago, The Podestas are under the microscope, Trump doesn't seem affected at all, and Russia "hacking" and collusion has disappeared completely. To add to that it seems like more pedophilia allegations are sweeping hollywood and the entire establishment seems to be in total chaos. What is truly going on? What have I missed this past year? I'm not a total Trump supporter yet, but if the entire power structure and uniparty establishment is going after Trump he must be doing something good.

Hasn't the debunking of this picture been debunked already?

You will NEVER see those photos anywhere but at articles which try to prove that Hitler was a dindu and German army was nice to everyone

Careful Vlad, posting that many words AND a picture will get you damn close to your state-rationed bandwidth-cap.

Meanwhile, on the communist lines...

I'm sure somewhere some kike tried to hand wave the debunking rather than just change the caption.

Definitely watch "The Last Days of the Big Lie"


Where are those doctored photos posted? Are they used on wikipedia?

I hope you realize that literally every army on the planet executes partisans by firing squad.

>russian communist
Nevermind, I understand that you're retarded, so I won't hold it against you.

Wallahi i hope you are baiting me

Nothing wrong with shooting terrorists, you commie faggot. Too bad they didn't kill your grandparents.

communist torture...
not even once...

here is another fat redpill


and another one

this one is kinda deppresing but still

einsatzgrupen didn't used the tactical uniforms

Does OP know that the germans used a shitton of auxiliary troops and weapons from other countries?

thats either a czech m24 mauser or a yugo m24 it has a straight bolt the yugo m48 has the bent bolt which is not photo'd


oh boy you're in for a ride

The final redpill is knowing Hitler did nothing wrong and the Holocaust never happened....but it should have.

And that Jesus Christ was an Israelite, not a modern-day Jew.

"Ye are of your father the devil and his lusts ye will do." (John 8:44)

Guess who Jesus was speaking to?

you have to go back

They're used in "holocaust museums" that claim to be researched and accurate, and are used as sources by some scholars and universities.

Kinda throws doubt on our entire academic system with such cheap forgeries being taken seriously by actual historians.

They could show Jesus Christ being fucked by dogs on the tv and people would eat it up and laugh, even call it art.

But if they deny the Holocaust, they will lose their jobs, their families, and maybe even their lives and freedom.

Modern day Christendom is totally corrupted. Jews reign supreme and Hitler died trying to prevent that.

The German Wehrmacht are all therefore martyrs of our Lord Jesus Christ and currently reside in Heaven with Christ.

I used to be one of you doing the same thing. Trying to "troll" some nazis.
Now I'm a member of Identity Evropa and have gotten antifa blood on my knuckles

The story behind this picture is this. The civilians were being escorted to safety when the group came under fire. The picture shows troops returning fire, protecting the civilians

If you think God loves the Jews, think again.


I've been in there, so beautiful. Notice that despite the efforts of (((modern architects))) Europeans still cling on to their past in their search for meaning. We like to go to historic castles and the like. So sad that we are a star winking out.

70 years ago, when there was no internet and no real way to fact check what kikes said, people just believed what society told them to believe.

I saw them in highschool fyi

Arguing with degenerate edgy teenagers who find third reich "cool" because they had sick uniforms and shit doesn't makes me communist
Post a photo of picture like this used in museum


I also came over from reddit before /altright was banned. I wanted to know the arguments "actual nazis" were using that made trump supporters look bad so I could "BTFO" them.

That's the picture that did it for you? There is so much more. You have time to shut down your browser and forget what you've seen here. You can turn back and live a normal life.

But this is your last chance to stop reading.

>I came here from reddit
you have to go back

Don't lose hope yet. I believe God will snatch Europa from the jaws of death and make her the Queen of Continents again.

You must never lose hope. That means the Jew has defeated you. If you must die, die fighting and believing that your descendants will one day defeat their enemies.

Anyone can lose hope. Even an animal can be broken. True strength lies in seeing the hopelessness of our state and still saying "I still have hope."

watch for your next redpill

>Arguing with degenerate edgy teenagers who find third reich "cool"
Was there supposed to be any humor or wit in this? I don't get what the point of this comment is other than to vent at how mad you are for having your country's retarded persecution myth being trampled on.

>Post a photo of picture like this used in museum
Ever heard of Yad Veshem?

wiki removed the pick lol

What about that guy in Saving Private Ryan who starts babbling hebrew when he finds a Hitler Youth Dagger?

holy fuck can this be meme'd? have never seen these photos before

yea but he didn't
its the same faggots starting the same threads over and over

the actual topics are meaningless to them

No more edgy that a Russian forced by circumstance to have to pretend the soviets were in any way morally superior or just. I get nobody wants to see their country conquered so the victory in the great patriotic war is mythologized into the greatest accomplishment Russia has ever achieved but lets not pretend the soviet union itself wasn't one of the worst blights on humanity to have ever existed.


Just you wait and see, elf.

All in all it is all hersay to an extent but with so many coincidences it's hard to believe the pushed "truth" over the controversial "truth"

So in other words you're saying... Y U ALWAYS RIGHT Sup Forums?


Saving Private Ryan was made by (((Speilburg))). Watch The Last Days of the Big Lie, it BTFO that kike.

>Left book club

what is this? You have to add some details when you post something like that

Yes I did now go ahead and post a photo taken in museum that will prove that holocaust didn't happen

You know it's so hard to find a WW2 photo then do some lame photoshop and post it on revisionist forums as proof of "jewish lies"

Please elaborate on the Strafbat, Vlad.
Tell us about how you dirty kike rat commies shot goy prisoners to death who refused to fight in mostly unarmed human wave attacks without hardly a rifle for a squad to share.

I wanted that image...

If you don't hate the Jews, you're not paying attention.

there's no way to substantiate this, is there

The pic is bullshit in different regards
First of course a german einsatzgruppe soldier has not the same uniform as a Waffen SS Soldier in combat, Einsatzgruppen uniform look exactly like the guy in the picture (pic related)
Second the K98 is not the only rifle used by german troops the gun in the picture is probably a gewehr 24 (t) as seen by the triangular front sight

I've been here awhile those are old to me (in said image macro format) like 3-4 years maybe idk. Don't forget that these photos are how old but relatively New to us. Memory holing and censoring is what (((they))) do for a living.

There is something wrong in a couple of Hiroshima aftermath pictures too. Like bright 'shadows' etc.

"B-but Hitler wanted to conquer the whole world!! History Channel said he was planning an invasion of America!!!!" -Bluepilled moron.

I was shown that image in High School and asked by the teacher to think about what that man was thinking in his last moments. "What do you think that man would want to say if he were here now?" etc etc.

Fucking kikes.

They started a war over bullshit claims

>"But how could it be that jews get to all these positions of power in society? Could they just be smarter than us?"

>Sup Forums could stand against what I thought was rational discourse
Could you give an insight of your logical chain of that time please?
I'm quite interested.

those are obviously Finnish women, you retard

Original poster said it was from Ukraine, bite me bitch I'm not an expert in sauna rice niggers.

>>sources by universities and scholars
Nah fuck that im gonna believe user from Sup Forums

All white people look the same to you? GTFO nigger.

Thanks man

Isn't OP's pic actually cropped to look like he's aiming at the people when he is actually trying to protect them from enemies far of to the right?

Im pretty sure i've seen some.

Also aiming down sights to shoot at people point blank.

the red army committed far worse attrocities than the Nazis ever did

>Yes I did now go ahead and post a photo taken in museum that will prove that holocaust didn't happen
Okay, I will post a picture of the holocaust happening.



Why doesn't the picture exist? Because it's a picture of the holocaust.

Welcome to the rabbit hole.
This. Look up "The Katyn Massacre"

There is so much wrong with this photo. Hard to see in this size but the pistol is neither a P08 or a P38, standard pistols in the German army. It looks more like a Tokarev or a Walther PP. Incidentally, Walther PP were favored in the NKVD because of lower recoil.

The uniforms are a mish-mosh. Behind the one with the pistol appear to be black uniforms of Panzer crewmen. The third from the left is wearing the uniform from a military band. (see pic related).

>How much do I not know? can anyone give me some more info or explain this picture further?

You don't need to analyze the elements of that photo to come to the conclusion that it's fake over the top partisan propaganda. Think about it, dummy: why would the "extermination" squads take photos of their top secret actions? Why would they also be given a field photo lab to develop them when even propaganda units barely had the resources to have them around? Why would the hardcore wartime postal censors let it pass?

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. You know how nuclear weapons work right? They're called Nuclear shadows.

one day user, one day

The funny thing is how resistant you fags are to the truth. I could sit here all day posting dozens of photos and scientific studies that refute the holocaust, and you'd still demand more proof.

Have just started watching this now