Just found this killer pro-black meme Sup Forums. Post it all over. School, telephone poles, gov't buildings, etc. Work of this high caliber should not go to waste!
Just found this killer pro-black meme Sup Forums. Post it all over. School, telephone poles, gov't buildings, etc...
Saved. Really well done and though provoking. I will share. Thanks, user.
Kys, commie-shill.
I'd like to thank the user who posted this pic in a thread that 404'd.
I'm just so happy to see Mueller getting rid of Trump finally. Thank you, Flying Spaghetti Monster and Kek!
Bumping for creativity. Nice meme.
Niggers will run out of toner and just say fuck it and smoke some more weed. I predict this to last until that idea crosses their mind...which it just did.
Niggers are toner
I wish i was born white
/r/asianmasculinity here
Be proud of who you are my friends
Upvote my bro
as long as your not jewish, that is fine by me.
just make sure to target the jews racebaiting blacks v whites by funding BLM to distract the blacks from the jews who are their oppressors.
Yo have no place among us. Away you go and never come back. Fag.
It's okay to be a Nigger.
It'd be funny to stage a racist, "white supremacist" rally, get a bunch of ANTIFA morons to come out and protest, then come out with these signs.
Well yah they are our allies.
wow - the bottom left is : a kike !!!
Are you saying it's not okay to be not black?
You niggers will never accomplish anything.
Can I save this?
I give this meme a 1 out of 10.
Holy fuck dude you’re wasting so much toner.