Anyone else looking forward to watching Antifa get beat up and arrested on Nov 4?
Meanwhile, back in reality.
I'm fucking ready to go.
I love kicking the shit out of cops. Best part of being antifascist really.
>beat up
Are those code words for "gunned down en masse"?
nothing is going to happen, nothing ever happens.
Im so scared
I might set up camp on a rooftop.
All it takes is one punch
You are one dedicated faggot
Antifa is so stronk
Black hoodies that makes us look like Hajis
Gonna get comfy as fuck, buy a couple beers and watch a stream.
It's gonna be like the US election night. And all of this on a saturday to boot.
What are you even trying to prove?
Seriously how many fucking November 4th threads are there going to be. I really am starting to think this is just Antifa faggots trying the rustle up thd alt rights feathers. Or hopefully they do get a good paddling.
>Nazi fuck
>Scum Off!
An army of fucktards trying to disguise themselves in pepe shirts.
I wonder how many of them are literally roleplaying in public.
I was stationed in Germany when antifa attacked a KKK rally. Blood everywhere and all of it KKK.
Cops tried to save the whote supremacists and got BTFO too. These guys don't mess around. They ran through two police lines like butter and came back for seconds. Gotta say, I wouldn't want to get in their way.
>being a commie faggot
"that's a paddlin"
Fuck Trump in pepe shirts?
It wasnt KKK idiot it was the nazis
Yeah! The German chapter of the KKK is brilliant. I mean, obviously that wasn't their best moment, but just getting that organization established in Germany was a hell of a thing.
Imma slap da shit outta em
It was a lot of people lying in the street bleeding from their heads. They ran over the police line, turned around, went BACK THROUGH THE LINE and beat the nazis AGAIN.
Seriously, I have never seen a group act so savage. They weren't afraid oh jack. For me, Fucking NO WAY
Yea, I don't think it's gonna help them against armed Americans, but then charging bullets is always stupid.
>meanwhile in real life
German KKK was working for Germany free of Bavarians, until based Catholic antifa joined and saved Bavaria
bad... ass.....
I am 100% sure antifa carries guns.
Yes bb guns
>tfw i'll never be able to wear body armour and smack commies over the head with sticks while wearing my countries flag
Kiwis are too lazy to protest.
the chain gets a shadow but the guy does'nt?, sloppy work there dipshit.
Hey look, unemployed losers
>ANTIFA members think they can hide their low test numale bodies under pepe shirts
Oh, fuck. Romanisch Catholische Deutschland are attack dogs. Most play Rugby or Soccer. As a Lutheran, even I know Catholics rule this planet. Don't believe me? What year is it?
Why weren't you in wellington on the 28 of this month when nationzl front was out numbered 20 to 1???? Get of your couch and joint the fight
Pedos are hoomans too
Kek. This is walking Down the street with bedsheets
Inhales cock per chance?
I am 100% sure they will get BTFO by the National Guard.
Printed by NAMBLA! That isn't antifa.
So obvious that this is Alt-Right COINTELPRO like that time they convinced themselves Anitfa was going to piss on graves in Gettysburg and it was a NOTHING BURGER.
Basically it's a trap for Alt-Right, Trumpcucks and Nazifags to REEEE out on 11/4.
Fucking retards.
It sure is.
I strongly suggest you stay home if you are in a major city. These guys fly around the world organizing against fascists.
And a better idea is to get rid of Trump before we see night patrols like Blockwatch Deutschland. Running 50 deep all night long. Stay out of this. Seriously. They are soldiers. And. For christ sake DUMP TRUMP!!
I'll be driving around looking for you :)
Im not driving 6-8 hours m8
They block traffic and make you walk. And if you have that red hat on god have mercy on your soul.
>most of the army are right wingers
>most of the marines are right wingers
>most of the air force and navy are right wingers
>most of the national guard are right wingers
>most of the police,fbi are right wingers
>most in the White House including the President are right wingers
unironically antifaggots manlets think they have even the slighest chance in a civil war
Nothing is going to happen. They are just going to whip and nay nay themselves into the Guinness world records book for being the largest menacingly dressed flashmob.
You are being ironic? Right? no? Yes?
Wtf are u talking about? Citation desperately needed.
Can I get a quick rundown?
If I get involved people are getting shot.
Dude, I fear the left's actions FAR more than the right's. Think about it. Bird Sanctuary or WTO?
I'll have my story straight that I was attacked and feared for my life, don't you worry.
If you don't intuitively know that post is correct, there's no hope for you.
Yeah, and you will be attacked. You can ask your dentist what happened when you regain consciousness. LOL
trump got two scoops and now its time to pay
beep beep
I don't think Antifa will do anything. Even some parts of the mainstream media are turning against them. Antifa is Finished.
>running 50 deep
50 deep what, 50 inches deep butplug?
Have you ever seen them shoot? Laughable
>Antifa flag literally bracketed by bitch titted beta on either side.
Look at his fucking stance. Just look at it. If one of those cops so much as gestures with his shield he's gonna trip over his own feet. And a chain that long? You'd need to have a several foot circle to swing it so it doesn't just lightly brush your target. That is provided you don't miss.
The only thing I hate more than commies are commie larpers.
Those cops are taking a whipping. Homey's a beast.
You sound like someone about to be on Worldstar with antifa boot on your face.
hey internet tough guy that's immune to being run over by a truck, where's his shadow?, why's the chain got one but he does'nt? maybe you should drink some milk and go to bed before i have any more fun with you. lol
>the best Antifa's got
WTF is this, american ((((((((((((culture)))))))))))))?
Faggets out, larpers out
Dude just admit that guy is screwed.
Yeah, no. Those cops ain't pretending. Homey's making an example out of them.
you're gonna ignore the obvious photoshop? what a bitch , just like antifa
i like how you blurred the nigger's face
What Antifa rising might actually look like
Looks pretty much the other way around from here. Just admit it. He whipped them. I get it. Probably paybacks from the day before.
When trolls pretending to be Pantifa actually say something funny.
Look at the cops. Why are they ducking? They be getting RACKED.
you bet. its why i have multiple monitors.
If you weren't such a turbonigger you'd notice the cops just need to advance three feet to arrest this guy. His boyfriends are too far away to help him because of the chain's spin range, they'd be on him and he'd be beaten to shit and in cuffs within 5 seconds.