A place for discussing all things vegan ethics, politics & health
Meat consumption is ruining the environment.
- Pollutes rivers
- Forests cleared for livestock
- Causes soil degradation
- Massive inefficiency
- Major contributor to global warming.
Vegan Health
Animals ethics crash course - youtube.com
The most common and well known argument is the argument from marginal cases. Loosely speaking, the argument contends that animals as sentient & intelligent as retards should have the same moral status
formal argument - iep.utm.edu
(Meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)
Ad Hominem - yourlogicalfallacyis.com
Strawman - yourlogicalfallacyis.com
Appeal to nature - yourlogicalfallacyis.com
Tu Quoque - yourlogicalfallacyis.com
Morality is relative - Science, logic, mathematics are all based on axioms that are not proven, what is different about morality and moral axioms? Think this argument through before arguing for it, it is not as simple as you think. (most philosophers are moral realists and believe moral propositions can in fact be true)
Meatcucks please realise the difference between normative ethics (what we ought to do) and descriptive ethics (what beliefs do people have). Normative ethics is what is being discussed with regards to veganism and morality.
- people should not eat animals for x reason (relevant normative claim)
- people eat animals for y reason (irrelevant descriptive claim)