>your blackface has been blacked
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Your blackface has been blacked
Closest to civilized these two will ever get kek.
It’s funny seeing them dressed so nicely
Savage Trips of Truth
nice i trust them more already
question though: why didn't they use a flesh tone concealer... instead of smearing white over their face?
also do the hands next time, stop making me work overtime in believing this
They merely managed to perpetuate the stereotype that niggers steal everything from others, including culture and racial identity.
That's pretty funny. I don't take offense. Especially because I'm dressed exactly as they are, right now. Other than the shoes.
>tfw no ethno state and your weak genetics are going to be wiped out
Checked and this.
They now look like hard-working upstanding citizens.
It's pretty funny though. What happened the Dave Chappelle era of race relations?
If he got rid of the dreads I'd hire him.
I think that is funny as fuck, I don't think any race needs to get butthurt over stupid shit like this. Niggers need to except blackface.
It's not really offensive when it's an improvement.
This doesn't bother me at all.
Was it meant to?
>Let's antagonize white people more
>What could go wrong?
great brothers! I will show up in my costume of blackface and a 40oz in my sagging shorts! stop assaulting me! I thought we were imitating each other! brothers nooo!
Halloween is about having fun, and they certainly are. Good for them.
Fpbp, based burger bro.
How is this even remotely offensive? It's just paint for Christ sakes.
actually pretty funny
Kek I actually don't care lol
Obama happened, allowed and promoted divisive identity politics, and the rest is history.
See, we think this is funny...you know, like blackface is.
Are they dressed up as juggalos?
Kek, checked
Oh no, they dressed as well groomed normal white guys, what will white people ever do now!
I thought it was honestly pretty funny.
T. Wypipo
Are you a nigger?
If you were alive back then, you'd know it didn't exist.
why do niggers think dressing casually is so laughable
You two look great! Happy to see this.
Its not just halloween when they pretend to be American citizens.
They didn't need the facepaint to convey whiteness, the fact that they aren't caving in each other's skulls or eating insects just about covers it.
If anything they look like they're cosplaying as the pale orc from the Hobbit movies if he ran a hardware store in NE during the 2016 election.
This doesn't offend me at all. It's kind if funny. Maybe they can relax about blackface a bit
It's pretty funny, you have to admit
>plaid shirt
Americans truly need to burn in a nuclear holocaust.
Like how people with "superior" genetics were wiped out by whites?
I don't have a problem with that, it's pretty funny desu.
Honestly having examined myself in this way I don't know what the problem with blackface is, maybe black people should just lighten up.
This doesn't offend me at all.
The difference between blacks and whites is that blacks would chimp the fuck out if we did black face today. We would never hear the end of it. Full on riots accross the US for days. Blacks do white face and white neighborhoods remain the same.
He'd look 10x better if he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows.
I think it's funny