How real and accurate is this? I can't help but think that antifa isn't capable of this kind of shit.
How real and accurate is this? I can't help but think that antifa isn't capable of this kind of shit
> mohammmed markstein
Thst looks faker than your mothers orgasms when i make fast yet passionate love to her.
>mohammed markstein
What do you think you silly burger?
Lol great joke, you are givingausstralians a sprint for their money with youre bantz mate
>mohammed (((markstein)))
>antifa, a known pro-communist organization that touts an anarcho-communist logo
>LLC Co. Inc.
>executive assembly
fucking jesus, at least try to practice what you preach you goddamned cucks
the only people who fall for this november 4th thing are boomers and the mentally challenged from reddit
Youre a fucking retard. That answer your question?
I read shekels first.. Too much time wasted on this site, starting to affect my reading..
Big if true though..
Please God tell me you're trolling. You have to know what ids are
You ok there Latvia?
This is fake isnt it user.
we wuz the same person
Brief, but perfectly timed and in rhythm
Obvious COINTEL that you guys will spread and jerk off too...Trumpcucks, dumb fucks and Alt-Right will HURR DUUR IT'S REAL! and reality will continue against your grain.
Being a fucking troll for a livings is for fags. Remember that the next time you call somebody a "shill."
how do you execute gun owners if you don't own guns
>All of the T_D and Kekistani autists who don't understand simple shibboleths.
Did we do this one? Did we do the Okay to be white thing? Or is it all chosen folks pushing the left and right against each other? I don't even know any more.
Half of this shit is like stuff I would think of if I wanted to pretend to be someone pretending to be antifa.
Lol great joke
Not a troll he was funny
Ausstralian on suicide alerts
Yes! I agree, the op never saw what hitted him
>Mohammed Markstein
Top Kek.
This was really well larped desu.
>mohammmed markstein
>LLC Co. INC, (c)
come on
oh yeah definitely not some retarded shit some troll would make and attempt to post what you posted after ... oh shit----
Shhhhh! Don't tell them you fool!
>this is the November 4th thing my gun nut weed dealer was talking about
It makes me sad to see how many people take blatant satire seriously
OP sliding like down his throat. sage
>How real and accurate is this?
Not at all. Unless you're autistic and too retarded to realize the humor like 'Mohammed Markstein"
Good I want to die anyways
>what did he mean by this?
Quit bumping this shit you faggots. This is so obviously fake. It annoys me how many pollacks are sub 100 iq faggots.
>mohammed markstein
try harder faggot
I want to believe