Get over it Wolfenstein 2 looks legit

Like fucking racist nazis need to admit this looks amazing you just don't like because it's white people you're killing

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Requesting pregnant woman webm. The one where she blows up the robot dog

I like how the main character is an Aryan Ubermensch

Of course I'm not a nazi, that's why I've already picked up my collector's edition copy of Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus available now for Xbox one, PlayStation4 and PC. For just $100 I've #Joinedthefight! and am now part of the #Resistance pick up your copy today and let's #killsomenazis

>looks amazing
too bad it doesnt work

Wolfenstien 3:The Fallen Titan
>The Resistance is invading Europe
>Whites are cannon fodder
>Blacks are overwhelmingly in command and rear line positions
>Black commanders are incompetent
>Blacks rape and loot instead of completing miltary objectives
>cities are getting nuked left and right
>Whites are getting genocided
>Set the Jew is building something
>keeps talking about a "heaven's door
>Take Berlin
>fight children and old men
>Fight Robo Hitler
>he starts talking
>"Do you know what (((they))) are?!
>"Do you know what they want!?!?"
>"You've DOOMED us all!!!"
>get back to Set
>"Yes Goymn, I have finished it!"
>"The Heavens Door is a door through space and time!"
>"You see goy, we came here long ago, and found your species."
>"You Goymn were just primate's only good for slave labor."
>"But you rebelled and we had to hide."
>wormhole opens Space Jew Army pours out and rekts everyone
>"I must kill the Space Jews!"
>radio crackles
>"No BJ, you are the aliens."
>Then BJ was a Space Jew

I agree with this post

yes goyim! kill each other! you're fighting for civic nationalism heheh

fucking mods need to wake up



alright this has to be some faggot developer who's trying to drive more sales by spamming this thread on Sup Forums
this bullshit has been posted every day for the last week
sage this shit


Shut the fuck up Pete Hines. You speak like a tryhard dipshit and your face is more punchable than Todd Howard's. You're a PR man because you excel at being a disingenuous faggot. Nobody wants to buy a game written by this Swedish eunuch. I'd rather shoot you, Deborah Wilson, and that queer than the fucking nazis.

It was not very wise to release your game so close to the freaking mario.
You got bingbing yahoo'd quite hard.

>Rope day: the game

It's not even a 60 hour game, and the a lot of the cutscenes look like they were made by some autist in SFM.

Took my roommate about 4 hours to beat the entire thing. What a fuckin waste of 60 dollars

Check this out, here is CNN roasting a alt-right Trump supporter LIVE

I kill white people in video games all the time, the problem with this shit is that it's trying to tell me that good ol' jewish communism is good and killing white people is a great thing.

Didn't this game come out a while ago? Why is everyone getting a boner about it now? For what ever Reason

women in games was a mistake

>Get over it Wolfenstein 2 looks legit
kys you 15yr old queer.

Would unironically play a game where you play as a Nazi, at this point.

I'm playing the new AC instead, for all the memes the game is actually the best looking and most fluid AC ever, best AC since 2.
Fuck Wolfenstein, I'd rather have the next doom instead

did they make the movement mechanics and controls less autistic?


>Counterstrike has 50% more active players than (((Wolfenstein)))
>not CS:GO
>the original from 2000

Every new one of these I see is more hilarious than the last.


It's really funny to me that people are still playing Valve games right now yet those cunts have put out a fucking game in years, half life 3 never

Well wolfenstein 2 is just a motion picture film with some gameplay in the mix. It has no multiplayer so there's that.

might be worth checking out. I tried AC 4, but fuck me I couldn't stop laughing when I tried to do parkour. DOOM 2016 has a great feel to it, an you can jump, so would def recommend. Also why the fuck did they use SFM in a AAA title?

A game does not need multiplayer to be a great game, in fact I feel that many times games that have multiplayer put too much time into it and not enough into the single player side.
Like fucking GTA V

DOOM 2016 is one of the best shooters of all time, Mick Gordon is fucking god anyone who disagrees is wrong

Look man the last new game i got was fallout 4 and i was really disappointed. So i aint buying this.


skyrim with a retexture and somehow even shittier plot
did gud, glad they didnt do any va for doomguy

I never hated the wolfenstein series but it doesn't take a college english proffeser to notice it has been infested with social justice bullshit.

He is jewish, retard.

what was even the point of this scene? she just puts clothes straight back on afterwards

>this looks amazing
Why aren't people purchasing it in droves?
>they're nazis!

trying to convey just how fucking stupid nigger mothers are?

not politics

fuck off back to Sup Forums

>F.E.A.R. 2 flashback

How originally written.

>implying jews fucking with vidya didn't start this whole debacle 10 years ago
got some news for ya user

>Might as well send him to kotaku

the game is a flop

she's very clearly not black in the slightest

No we just wanted to play video games, and leftist ruined our entertainment again by politicising it.
Vidya is meant to be entertainment not SJW propaganda.

Return to castle Wolfenstein was awesome ! his is a steaming pile of shite

Die in a fire nigger.

I'm just now playing the first. Not bad so far

No Jew in the whole world looks like that

then that animator half-assed the texturing and lighting. the character looks nothing like that still shot

The game looks and feels like shit. Notwithstanding all the leftist propaganda and anti-white rethoric, that shit feels like it came out 10 years ago.

>just don't like because it's white people you're killing
I don't like it because the main characters are Commies, and there's one thing I hate more than Nazis: Filthy Commies.
The second reason that I don't like it is that they need to hamfist current day politics into a game set in the past with a completely different history compared to ours.

they have good graphics. but its just some shitty boring shooter like the last wolfenstein or DOOM.
if a game doesnt have a survival aspect or an open world aspect its basically a bad game

>if a game doesnt have a survival aspect or an open world aspect its basically a bad game
kill yourself. Fuck your open world crap.

Wolfenstein is a shit game because its boring and basically one long cutscene. There is about the same amount of cutscenes as there is actual gameplay. Oh and the writing is a cringe.

Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Almost preordered that, but decided to wait.

Good thing I did. It just got worse and worse.

open world is the future. i only play open world like arma 3

Okay, it's November 1st. If one can, could you screenshot the ABSOLUTE state of this Game?

your loss nigger. Open world games are boring and bland as fuck. Low effort and glorified sandboxes.

there hasn't been solid wolfenstein game since RTCW. everything after that are shitty serious sam clones, littered with scripted machimia sequences that reeks.

the Swede is right. RTCW was the good. The newer Wolfensteins have been shit.

its anti white piece of shit.
will not even pirate this ((())) poop

Politics of the game aside, it has a lot of bugs and glitches, it’s clearly in a beta state and was released too early, which is why it’s doing so poorly in sales.

>3 h of gameplay
>3h of bad movie
>"looks amazing"

>Terror Billy
>the cold blooded terrorist

h of gameplay


I bought this game because I liked the first one. I imagined to have some anti white rhetoric but it's ridiculous. I thought about streaming it and posting it here but I imagine the full game is already on YouTube. Don't buy it, I wasted my money because I was too impatient to wait for leechers to fuck off. It's garbage and the game play is a travesty. AI are fucking retarded and the background characters are inanimate. It's ass.

If you hit only the story based objectives, the actual game (excluding cutscenes) is 3-4 hours.

Thus why the propaganda is so retarded.

>is a commie
>thinks his opinion matters

It looks like fascist propaganda.

It's gotten pretty mixed/bad reviews on steam, which is all user reviews, which are really he only ones you should trust. They have no reason to lie.

Wait this actually happens and normal people don't just see the exploitative nature of it? Jesus.

I hadn't even looked up the user reviews until just now and it honestly seems like a sea of negative reviews speckled with shit like pic related. Viral marketing is fucking weird.

Shit, forgot the image.

perfect satire
it belongs here

is this a man or woman? I want to say man but the features are so soft and and round it has to be a middle aged woman.

I hear it's 6 hours long and mostly cutscenes.

good reception, good steam reviews as well. the game is back to being good again. they outdid themselves. we /kangz/ now.

>haha preggo titties with blood and guns
>sips on soy milk

Haha is that Lena Dunham?

Finished it yesterday.

The game is objectivelly shit. Average at best. Shitty level design (some straight up atrocious), boring weapons but at least there is a small number of them (same applies to enemies) and the gameplay and gunplay is just bland.

No nazi occult stuff, no dark mood. Instead of that cringy teenager "jokes", retarded "over the top" story (Wolfenstein was always like that this, but never stepped into the full retard territory. The new one does).

And then there is that fucking annoying sjw politics showed down your throat on every cutscene and straight up comically vague ending, so it can be used for retarded leftists even today. After Andromeda, we have confirmation that leftards not only can't meme, but also can't make a good game.

agree. must have put 4-500 hrs into rtcw, easily. which is literally 100x the time i put into (pirated copies of) all the later games combined.

Killing anyone who deserves it makes me erect.
Why do you think people of pol would care about cgi whites?

Terrible b8.

Also 9/11 was an inside job, gas the kikes, kek is the only real God and Christ is a nigger.

Yo the cutscenese were BJ and the black girl are kids are so fucking forced and cringe

(You) on video games

How fucking old is bj? He looked 30 something in 40s and he looks the same in the 60s.

>racists can't admit this is a masterpiece
Just jerk your micropenis, you won't miss anybody.

I got you senpai

I'm just angry at the fact that she shoots the fucking panzerhund with just two babykiller tactical rifles, whereas I have to use the fucking LKW and other explosive AP shit to take one down.

Amen. RTCW was a classic and a masterpiece. Both sp and mp.

Enemy Territory was good too. But it was just a free released multiplayer version of a planned but never finished RTCW sequel.

I just don't want to believe my eyes. Why have so many of you bought this shit?

True. ET was out of nowhere but it was really fun too. It was about gameplay not agenda.