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what is your take in the catalonia independence movement?
can they succeed?
or are they going to fail?
Catalonia independence
The Catalan authorities don't want independence. They just want tos stop giving money to less developed regions of Spain, so they are threatening Madrid with independence if they don't get their demands, and fooling the Catalan folks that really want independence
It just a scheme to get / redirect public and private funds to certain parties and fuel an indepentist industry (flags, ballots, cultural associations, etc) and give "jobs for the boys" plus covering up the corruption in the happening in the background.
Some Spaniard anons say that Andorra renouncing bank secrecy is probably connected to this.
Note: It is not only in the autonomic region of Catalonia. There is probably corruption in their central government and other autonomic regions specially Andaluzia
>: It is not only in the autonomic region of Catalonia.
To me it looks like they are actually all in this together to save the governing party's ass from the corruption investigation developing right this moment
>t. kremlin shill
As a Pole, I know price of independence well
my ancestors bled and killed to have right to speak Polish
Catalonians did nothing of the sort, and I am 100% with Spain on this one
>get out of the EU, create EU2
yeah sure mohamed
>Dat anchluss of menorca & co
Oh no.
Catalonia is sionist.
Muycabrón to speak in 5 mins.
>the catalans are the jews of Spain
Jaume Roures (pic related) is the catalan owner of a major leftist MSM conglomerate. Does he look (((weird)))?
They are scum, but they will succeed because it's written in prophecy.
Also catalans are tight-fisted, money-grubbing cowards who used the Spanish Empire to get a monopoly on trade forcing the authorities to introduce high tariffs so everyone would buy their products. They also had a monopoly on the slave trade and if Cuba was lost is because catalans didn't want to give a single liberty to cubans because they controlled all the trade and banking there, so after being drown with high intest debt by catalan bankers they got mad and decided to separate. They did the same here in Spain, in the past centuries there were catalan merchant colonies in every major spanish city, they schemed to throw locals out of business and take all the money back to Catalonia, impoverishing our people. Fuck catacucks fuck kikes.
Don’t they get the money because so many companies have legal headquarters in catalonia?
Most taxes (including all the major ones like the corporate tax) go directly to Madrid and from there they decide to distribute the money as they want, hence why we're sick of those leechers.
No country de facto support them so far, not sure how long they can stand.
degenerate movement by degenerates, down with the commies, viva José Antonio, arriba España
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Not anymore lol.