Who else here started putting ketchup on their steaks because of Trump?

Who else here started putting ketchup on their steaks because of Trump?

I eat it like how it is

I put ketchup on my dick because of Trump.

Shut up faggot. Medium rare is the absolute maximum temp a steak should be served at and ketchup or A1 will fucking ruin it. The only thing you should put on a steak are salt, pepper and butter. Maybe some thyme and parsley are butter. Maybe some garlic. That's it.


I put ketchup on you mother and then we make fast but passionate sex

>cutting steak then plate is puddled with blood
fucking gross
medium well & well done is the way to go

Lol btfo of that cock

Very hilarious

Uhm no, sweetie

I started eating my steaks with 2 scoops of ketchup because if Blondel Blumpft.

You better open your mind and that mouth to the idea of horseradish or so help me god...

check your t

Before I stopped eating meat I atr exclusively medium and medium-rare.

Anyone that indulges in meat eating is degenerate anyway but doubly so of you ruin the meat by over cooking it.

medium rare


A properly done steak needs no sauce. However even a bad steak doesn't deserve ketchup.

check yourself for parasites you fucking savage

>ever not putting ketchup on your steak

Thats a crime against humanity.

Should I talk about steak or should I be unironically ironic in self depreciating humor?

Horseradish and Bleu cheese are also acceptable.


I'll accept Bernaise as well


>be foreigner in burgerland
>go out to eat with burgers
>eat my steak well done
>burgers make fun of me and order theirs rare
>next day out of our group i am the only one at work because all of them got food poisoning

>Not mayonnaise.

Are you even white?

why do you have to put fucking shit on your steak man cant you put the mayo on the fries or somewhere else?

hes joking you fucking retard

I shall replace pepper sauce with ketchup on my medium wells henceforth.

My nigga

>t. hippie scum flag fag that eats well done steaks

activated almond sauce

Go get laid, virgin.
It's just a piece of meat.

I order my steak in whatever way is considered to be stereotypically manly

then I drive around in my truck before watching some sports

I prefer my steak to be fed to a real A N I M A L who'll in-turn be consumed by me. You beefcucks also kill fewer animals in the process like sea level-T omegas.


Anyone who doesn't order it 'trop cuit' is a degenerate.

Neck yourself. I don't just go fuck random bitches anymore because I've learned not to be a degenerate. The next woman I fuck will be the woman I marry. And this has nothing to do with respecting the meat I consume.

You cucks had better start reclaiming man's dominion over his kitchen. Cook one red onion, two cloves of garlic, blister off some cherry tomatoes, add some basil leaves from the herb garden you all have and salt and pepper, bob's your uncle. 'Ketchup' for retards who still aren't retarded enough to actually buy ketchup from a fucking supermarket when it has four fucking ingredients.

I want to eat that. Looks delicious.

I don't even like steak in the first place, but when I do eat it, I eat it well done, cut into very thin strips, and heavily seasoned.
Only insecure fags care about how someone eats their steak.

Hamburger needs to be well-cooked because the meat is chopped up and bacteria can grow throuout the entire piece.

Steak, however, is a solid cut of meat, and unless you are eating at a really shitty restaurant that's selling you weeks-old meat, only the outside needs to be heated to a temp high enough to kill bacteria...the inside of the steak will be fine to eat raw.

I could my steaks rare, small slice of butter on the skillet, with just a little salt and pepper. Sometimes I'll add just a pinch of diced garlic

Hell no. Ground beef, as long as it's freshly ground, really shouldn't be cooked part medium. I prefer it medium rare. So many of you faggots are so scared that you cook all the flavor out of your meat.

>eating raw meat

That's not blood, it's concentrated flavor. I slurp it up.

Trump eats his steak the way he likes it, whether or not it's the "right" way. How about you eat your steaks the way you like instead of playing follow the leader like a faggot?

Incidentally, I prefer most steak well done, without sauce.

Some of us can only afford to buy our hamburger from Walmart. (Seriously..small town w/only a Wally World to keep us company. Any hamburger bought from herpiesville always gets a little extra heat and attention from us peasants).

Anyway...my point was that you can barely cook a steak and be A-OK.

You should know better


Myoglobin, not blood.

Yes, it is pure flavor. Patrician tier.


>Ketchup for retards
You got that right, buddy

You are scum.

What tree does a fish grow on?

or i could spend $1 on a bottle. Takes about 5 minutes of labor at minimum wage in my city.

Japanese Paipan Tree

Bus a good cut deserves a glacé de viande.

This user knows what he's talking about. Well done SUBHUMAN need to fuck off.

Yup. Or a good jus. These are perfectly acceptable


It warms my heart to see so many people in one place that have realized that a steak can be well done, yet still very soft and juicy.
So many genuine people here that don't need to pretend to be barbaric animals in order to prove their manhood.

not eating off a solid silver plate with silver cutlery
Plebs, the fucking lot of you

>it's bad to have your meat not raw to the point where people shame you

Lmao I eat my steak with eggs and no sauce
If anyone is a man child it is people in a cult of pride in eating a certain cut

Steak tartare is good user. Or the Italians do what they call carpaccio.. it's lush as fuck

Also, if any anons are having trouble cooking a steak through, yet keeping it soft and juicy, the trick is this:
Turn the steak, many many times.
Like once every 30 seconds if you please.
Don't fall for the meme of leaving it 5 minutes on one side and then the other.
It's complete bullshit and makes all the juices flow out of the other side of the steak.
Finally, leave the steak for 5 minutes to cool down before you cut it.
Perfection, every single time.

This boer knows what's good.

>Not sweet bourbon
Fucking pleb

And use tongs, don't punch 6 gorillion holes in it with a fucking fork.

True, but you should try balsamic vinegar on your steak if you like that stuff. Its good mang.

cant you "church" up ketchup like they did mayo with AIOLI?

if you don't want any juices in your plate then eat your steaks blue or rare

I don't get it, fully cooked seems like the only option to me. Raw meat contains alive parasites

Also whats wrong with ketchup?

if you don't pre season good meat you're a wastrel and a faggot. Likewise if you don't seal properly. For medium rare fags, if you don't know if it's quite there, insert a knife tip or metal skewer into roughly the centre of the steak, hold it there for three seconds then touch your bottom lip with it. If it feels warmish but not very, rare, quite warm but not burning, medium rare, hot but not burning, medium, and fucking hot and you just cauterised your lip, throw the steak in the bin and start again.
Also rest got at lest five minutes as rooinekanon said

What's wrong with a little Umami?

Bleu master race reporting. I normally ignore frogposters, but you faggots can cook ok

Do you guys not have food thermometers down under?

Cook to just a tip under medium rare on high heat. Take it off and let sit for 8-10 minutes. Salt & pepper. Perfection.

Also never buy marinated steaks, it's literally gay and everyone will think you suck dick.

>not eating your steak rare or medium rare

What a fucking waste of good meat

If you guys ever want the best, look up sous vide. Beer cooler hack rocks, did it last year and this is the only way i will have one now.

>not reading the pic and having a good laugh
dumb cunt

inside of red meat is safe, only the outside should be cooked

Everybody prefers a blue/rare steak, taste wise. those who don't it is only because of their disgust of eating something raw

We don't need them.

Also kind of a secret, when you go to publix, winn dixie, wherever, ask for the cap. He is going to say "what cap?" they have to go back and cut it special so if you need to talk to the manager and they will have them do it. Cap of sirloin, ribeye. Do it. It is the best cut of meat period and costs as much as a regular big steak.

>Eating meat

This. If you also have to use steak sauce, it's either a shitty cut of meat, or you're an uncultured pleb

t. Turbocucks

If you like chewy brown meat so much why don't you fuck off back to where you belong

And then you collapse after a a rigorous masturbation session into a sock. You don't even both to clean up, you just fall asleep in your own filth.

>autistic steak memes
You're a joke, friendo buddy old pal

No you fucking retard, the point isn't to eat your steak with ketchup it's to do what feels right for you, that's why he does what he does.

Not chewy if you cook it right m8.
The reason well-done steaks usually turn out shit is cause people leave it too long on one side or the other.
And then they cut the steak too soon after removing it from the grill/pan/barbecue and all the juices flow out.

Penis is a meat user.

medium well is best.

I only eat my meat raw.
I had food poisoning more times than I can remember and I think I might have gotten salmonela or some shit somewhere along the way. but man it sure is worth it, knowing that some stupid ass cow or chicken's blood is in your mouth.


And like the other user said, they stab holes in it with a fork.
Also, they cut into it to check if it's cooked through, which is just as bad.
You can test if a steak is cooked by how bouncy it is when bounce a fork or spoon or such on it to test.
Sadly that's something that people have to learn by feel, but it's not hard to learn, just takes a few tries.


steak is 70% water, the longer you cook it, the more water evaporates, the more water evaporates, the less tender it becomes. you will see the juices fucking out off the steak while cooking it to well done, while using high heat or low heat, it chemistry, can't change that.

a well done steak is a fucked up steak but you can indeed fuck it up ever more. flipping it often won't save it, what will "save" it it to cook your well done steak with medium heat, not high heat. Sear them quickly at high heat but cook them at medium heat.

The true degeneracy is falling for the grain meme.

Humans should be be living off vegetables, salad, nuts, fruits, berry's eggs and meat.

Cut down on grains and potatoes they have 0 nutrients and only exist because of modern farming.

>Everybody prefers a blue/rare steak, taste wise
>I literally cannot conceive that some people have different tastes and preferences
Shouldn't you be in your safe space?