>muh 56% American meme
Muh 56% American meme
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Come on, man. Stop making retarded threads.
This is the first retarded POLITICALLY RELATED thread I've made in like a week.
Well, stop it.
>combat lithographer
is this a fake meme image or what
She did no fighting
>graphic designer
>is this a fake meme image or what
How many BBC did she got in her life?
What kind of question is that? It's not even an American weapon. She's obviously just posing with it.
>the irony when your average Portuguese person is darker than the
>le 56% and counting
faces being drawn. Outside of the South, non-hispanic whites (that are some Arab/North Africa shits) are overwhelmingly actually huwhite.
*that AREN'T
>What kind of question is that? It's not even an American weapon. She's obviously just posing with it.
no i just didn't know that combat lithographers weren't a meme
>combat graphic designer
Does the US have LCpl? I thought they just had PFC and Corporal
>sighting in a fixed iron sight no scope rifle
>implying you don't have to zero irons
KYS you no guns faggot
now show your true flag 52%
>On sandbags
>supports rifle instead with her flimsy arms
Trying find a drop of European blood from that mongrel cesspool is like finding a needle in haystack
>showing face
No thanks, I will tell you thought that I have the skin complexion, eye color, and hair color of Jensen Ackles.
I do find it interesting that the flags that shitpost the most about it are always Southern European or Meds.
These faggot will never be pleased. All they see is the mutts a swarty "whites" that inhabit American cities. Real White people dont live amongst the animals that have overtaken the urban parts of our country. And why would they? Land is cheap in the US and having even a small patch of it is more fulfilling than living in an apartment.
You need to take back your cities. It's just depressing to look at old photos of America, with beautiful architecture, nice cars, clean streets and properly dressed white people.
>Two Irishman and an Italian
You'd prefer to muslims and a nigger?
No but my point is that that US was going down hill by the late 19th and around the turn of the 20th century. That's, ultimately, what made us a mongrel nation. The flip side of that is that the 56% meme that assumes that all whites in America are of mixed non-white heritage is retarded.
That says Louisiana, you utter moron. In 1930, most niggers were still living in rural areas in the South, as the migration north had barely even begun.
At the time the picture above was taken, barely 6% of the population in NYC was black. Today it's 25%.
Non-Hispanic whites made up 92%. Today, they're 33%, and that includes Jews and Arabs.
The US was fine up until the 1960s, when they were still around 85% white. I'm sure you're aware of LBJ's 1965 immigration act, which effectively doomed the US in a demographic sense.
There will be a Civil war in the US before the century is over the spics will flee south and the niggers will be either systematically eliminated of through attrition from starvation or self-defence.
>The US was fine up until the 1960s
Nah m8. The whole reason we got fucked was urbanization and the cosmopolitan shit which was fuelled by mass immigration of Southern Europeans (mostly Italians) and Jews from Russia, Poland, Germany, and the rest of central and eastern Europe. The latter pushed hard for labor movements and eventually would make up the core ideologues and leadership of the leftist socialist, anarchist, and communist movements while simultaneously also highly participating the things like finance and media. Over the course of about three generations they went from only about 100k Jews (which was stable) for over a century, to almost two million, then after WWII that number, largely due to immigration, almost tripled. Meanwhile, as this cosmopolitan rootless clique gained numbers, strength, and influence America became more and more left. More and more anti-white. More and more did the intent of the founding fathers become obfuscated or outright misinterpreted. The founding fathers of the United States of America, would by today's metrics, be considered "white supremacists", in that they all believed that there were degrees of incompatibility amongst all peoples.
Nah, there's too many hispanics. They'll carve out the South West, blacks will try to carve out the South, and we'll end up with the a larger Northern huwhite state that will be pockmarked with pockets of Arabs/North Africans, Blacks, and other peoples that didn't leave and held out in the larger cities.
And to think, this is all bullshit and America will be fine. Fucking bigot.
Kinda schizophrenic, aren't you?
what the fuck is a combat lithographer then
It's 5 am, haven't slept yet, only time I spend on Sup Forums is ironic shitposting bullshit. Don't care. Although the fact that you find the Jewish thing to be schizo really is telling.