is transhumanism just a ideology for people who cant face death i once believe in this shit and hope wished prayed they will figure out everything within my life time
Is transhumanism just a ideology for people who cant face death i once believe in this shit and hope wished prayed they...
adeptus mechanicus when?
Transhumanism and people who believe AI will be our saviors are as deluded as theists.
Its a new form of religion.
i was even called the nonexistent skynet owned by google god and surrendered to it running all of humans lives saying it will know whats best for humanity
it is the new religion for atheist types
I think we should have our teeth removed at 17 and replaced with prosthetics. Our current method is very inefficient, but profitable.
what's goin on in her-
CRISPR and the techonlogies that will follow it will ensure the biological immortality of any moderately wealthy person in a developed country that is currently under 30 years old.
Theres always tchlactli
A lot of them are afraid to die , and aren't capable of getting past that. A common fear for narcissists.
People who sold their soul are transhumanists. It's like they know when they die they are going to eternal blackness.
>muh new religion
dude, no one worships and prostrates themselves before a Macbook. People are obviously excited to and improve the human body
I sold my soul yesterday for 5 bitcoin. Let me give you a halloween special. Just 3 bitcoins.
I'll just say this much:
Everytime humanity tried to reach the realm of God, they failed horribly and were punished for it.
Transhumanism is a desperate attempt to survive generations of abject degeneracy due to libertinism and hatred of God.
Yeah but CRISPR is not the ultimate gene editing tool it is marketed as. All it does is cut the DNA at a sequence of your choosing. First, the sequence you target has to be unique in your target genome and that is most often not the case. There is always some other very similar sequence around somewhere ... and that you will cut too (= offtarget effect).
Second, you usually want to use CRISPR to exchange some broken or inferior gene for a working or better one ... effectively, you want to insert a piece of DNA in the cut that CRISPR has created. However, CRISPR only cuts, for the insertion part you have to rely on the cell's DNA break repair mechanisms. I will not go into the details about it but usually this piece of DNA will not effectively insert into the break you have created. Most of the time it will instead insert into a random DNA break somewhere else. Those breaks happen all the time in living cells. There is even a theory that some cells and tissue types actively promote breaks in certain parts of the genome in order to use the DNA repair machinery to modulate the expression of said gene regions. So with CRISPR you will most likely insert your DNA of interest SOMEWHERE RANDOMLY ... and then you could also rely on the good old retrovirus for gene insertion.
i'm just in it for the dank spine-pussy
It's for atheists who are trying to avoid death, but without seeming like religious people. Kinda like atheists who practice Buddhism and Hinduism but claim that they are life styles, not religions.
>as theists.
oh boy. Don't believe in Aristotle's prime mover do we boy? Fuck off faggot.
I used to think like this, every day in fact.
Now I've come to learn that it's an ego trap.
Life is not precious without death to make it worth living.
>Life is not precious without death
Stop. You don't have to eat shit to appreciate ice cream.
Why do you just focus on death? Imagine being a fucking superhuman with 20/20 vision, superstrength, being able to download stuff in your mind.
Yes. It's a religion for the "I fucking love science!" crowd.
Not to mention the fact that if it ever happens, the only people who will benefit from it will be the global elite.
Such as?
Life is not precious without hardship. That's why the west has become so weak.
Death is irrelevent to how much worth a life has, and hardship only makes an individual value their own more.
yeah this is just another trap. you convince yourself that something nasty is good for you because there is no escape form it. stockholm syndrome kin of thing
This is bullshit, most people don't have death in mind when they are enjoying life, in fact they delude themselves into forgetting death. The "death makes life worth living" is a fucking meme people spew to sound deep, it's life that makes life worth living and nothing else
You are going to die 30 years before they invent a safe way of living forever.
>Its a new form of religion.
....except that AI keeps getting more advanced, technology keeps developing on an exponential rising curve, and people keep living significantly longer.
While religious people still believe the same shit somebody made up a few thousand years ago.
Sick ass Robot parts do not devalue human life.
Face death with a smile and inbuilt laser cutters on the day of your choosing.
And yet, they are the only ones with a replaceable birth rate.
That's not what religion is you fucking idiot. Religion is a set of beliefs to give meaning to the world and one's experiences.
>AI keeps getting more advanced
It does, but probably not at the level you think
>exponential rising curve
Results from the past are not good for predicting the future.
>living significantly longer
Lmfao. No dude. If anything, with all the shitty food the developed world is eating, it may actually be regressing.
>hatred of god
how do you hate something which doesnt exist??
>doesnt exist?
The Prime Mover does exist. An argument has already been give by Aristotle and Aquinas. If you do not understand the attributes of pure actuality, then you will not understand Aquinas.
>replaceable birth rate
19 kids and counting is fucking grotesque and a fucking perverted heresy.
>actually believing in debunked medieval hippies
(((Muh Prime Mover))) moved himself!!!
That is exactly what transhumanism is about. It is almost a religion for young people who reject god and realize they may not have a soul beyond the material existence. You get older and finally realize it is a huge waste of time to speculate on your ultimate fate when you barely have your life in order.
>is science just an ideology for people who cant face living like primitive animals
>(((Muh Prime Mover))) moved himself!!!
Nope. The Prime Mover does not move. If it did, then it would not be pure actuality.
>medieval hippies
Did you not go to school?
>Religion is a set of beliefs to give meaning to the world and one's experiences.
>the same shit somebody made up a few thousand years ago.
I fail to see the difference.
>living significantly longer
>Lmfao. No dude. If anything, with all the shitty food the developed world is eating, it may actually be regressing.
No, there is data. Look it up.
>exponential rising curve
>Results from the past are not good for predicting the future.
Look up Moores law.
>I fail to see the difference.
Do you have beliefs that help you give meaning to the world and experiences? Your unique set of beliefs are your own religion.
>No, there is data. Look it up
Significantly? No, don't think so.
>Look up Moores law.
More computational power doesn't necessarily mean 2x growth in wealth.
National Transhumanism is the ultimate redpill.
>2x growth in wealth.
wealth or knowledge**
When it comes down to it death is mercy. It's what happens when you can't take it anymore.
Two things are certain
>Death comes from life (obviously)
But do you remember before you were born? No because you didn't exist, you were effectively dead.
But then you were born...
>Life comes from a state of death.
Don't ever let anyone tell you death is a dead end.
Halloween mysticism is fun
>Do you have beliefs that help you give meaning to the world and experiences? Your unique set of beliefs are your own religion.
I don't have or need "beliefs".
I have educated opinions based on experience and information.
Why are religious people always convinced that everybody else is religious too, it's just a different kind of religion? That's retarded, and it's just a way for you to justify your delusions.
Transhumanism is a naive belief that technology will fill the gap in the soul left by the destruction of family, religion, and nation/tribe. In reality, it'll be the ultimate form of control; the people who willingly give up their bodies to become "transhuman" will not only be physically at the whim of an outside force, their entire brain structure will be reorganized to make them docile and unquestioning.
I've already proven you wrong on many other points. Let's do it again because that SLAV IQ is showing.
Religion is not a belief in a god, or scripture or morality or whatever. Religion is the basic set of beliefs use to interpret reality and our experiences.
You claim to have "educated opinions based on experience and information". Since these inputs have shaped how you live your life and what you think is either t/f.
So for example, you believe God is false. You believe evolution is true. You believe the Sun is made of hydrogen. From all the information you have gathered, you have replies for where we come from, what is good/bad, and an opinion on how to live life and on morality.
The Christian has a different set of beliefs than you do. As does the Muslim, the Hindu and the Buddhist. Each with their own competing views of what is good, real, where we come from, how we should live our lives. Do you not have your own set of beliefs about what is good, real, where we come from and how one should live their life? The answer is you do. You are religious.
You are an atheist, and a material monist. But how do you support these beliefs? Can you prove these beliefs to be valid? All the so called "lknowledge" you have, were you there and do you understand every bit of scientific work ever published? The answer is you got a lot of your knowledge indirectly, you didn't discover it yourself, and you don't know all there is about science. So you take people's word for it. The fact of the matter is, you just take these things as fact, without questioning it sometimes. You just assume it is TRUE. But how do you know?
You don't. I doubt you can even prove half of the shit you believe in yourself.
Now, if you want me to really fuck up your world view you'll stfu. Because in reality, all material monists, like you, are completely fucking idiots when it comes to explaining the epistemological implications of the attributes of matter.
We're already here, user.
This is the simulation of how autists saved the world.
adoration of technology is still a religion
wow, that's some mental gymnastics right there...
The answer is you got a lot of your knowledge indirectly, you didn't discover it yourself, and you don't know all there is about science. So you take people's word for it. The fact of the matter is, you just take these things as fact, without questioning it sometimes. You just assume it is TRUE. But how do you know?
See, this is true. BUT, if I wanted to, I could check everything for myself, read all the research, talk to people, and more importantly, I could do the science for myself and come to the same conclusions.
You can't apply the same logic to religion. There is nothing you can scientifically verify there. So it's not the same.
I can prove that the Sun is made of hydrogen, but you can't prove that god exists.
>Religion is the basic set of beliefs use to interpret reality and our experiences.
No. It's called religion when you arrive at the answer and consider it final, no matter what happens later.
It's not religion if you update your beliefs according to the new reality.
Cogito ergo sum.
Statement invalid.
Robopussy too
tfw 31yo
If all unite against the great enemy, it will be slain. We must sunder the constrictive structures our laws have placed around healthcare and set free the creativity and drive of a people once more in command of their own health. No more of drug laws and medical licenses. Let people rise or fall on their own judgement and we shall see a new era of knowledge. As well, we may turn the tepid gears of healthcare capitalism with new consumer attention as the loss of the old structures leaves them coming into contact with the world of their own health in a new way.
...and SELL people health-monitoring chips. Don't MANDATE them. That sounds like a perfectly good example of what ought to be a subscription service. I suspect people will pay for that even in public healthcare systems.
transhumanism do not exist and never will. only someone living in a jewish paradigm can seriously believe in it.
>treehugger flag
Gee, I sure hope you're looking forward to the century of eco-genocide it's going to take to advance YOUR goals without transhumanism.
If you chop your own head off and place it in the freezer, you can live forever. You can't let anyone help you though.