Why can’t humanity focus on important stuff?

It seems like 95 percent of the efforts of people focus on entertainment, marketing, consumption and upholding a system of societal appeasement.

Why can’t we into future tech, space exploration, true AI and shit?

Some of the best minds are working on fusion right now and you don't know a single thing about it.

>come on guys why can't we rely on other people more to invent magic

Fusion reactors are vapoware

We are like children. When left to our own devices, we will focus on making our survival as comfortable as possible and delve in to hedonism to fill the void in us. We will try to dictate our purpose and our identity from what we consume, instead of what we create.

We need someone to spearhead that one for us. Something like a leader to bring the nation together under a united banner, drive forth the virtues of hard work and self-sacrifice for progress. I wonder how we could do that?

Fine, let's spend 95% of the economy on future tech instead of infrastructure and feeding people. I'm sure people won't mind that everything they have is sent to some people they don't know while they starve to death.

Nuclear power keeps having to be rediscovered on the earth because we've annihilated ourselves back to the stone age time and time again with its destructive powers.

>Why can’t we into future tech, space exploration, true AI and shit?
I have no idea where to even begin if I wanted to help

OP, if you're being genuine, answer me this

what would happen if we had convenient space travel?

jews annon its the jews

when people say religion has set us back 1000 years ask yourself who created religion... jews

when you look at all the media and the entertainment who controls it... jews

marketing jews they crash the market every few years and make bank then do it again

who convinces people that they need to continue to buy more and more... jews

who hides future tech so they can profit from it little by little jews

They suck so much because they believe in their holy book. They believe in zionism. The first is to recall all jews to israel while they force immigration everywhere else so they can control the world from their tiny nation. For those that dont believe a small nation can control the world simply look at the UK the sun never set on the empire at its height.

I wanted a star trek future with replicators and transporters but instead we get to talk about how fags and muslims can get along and how trannys are normal people. Fuck them.

most people don't have the IQ for it

With the amount of money and time we have wasted on fusion we could already have solved the energy problem with LFTR reactors.

Fusion is a stupid waste of resources when existing technology can meet our energy requirements. Fire all these useless cunts who can't even produce a functional reactor after half a century and put those resources to something useful like development of supercapacitors/high capacity batteries.

space bandits


no, what would happen is, someone would smash an asteroid into the planet and wipe away 99% of life on the surface

It's why many people think we cannot leave the earth until we develop a hive mind

On the contrary we need to gtfo this planet ASAP, there are any number of extinction levels events that could occur any day with damn near zero warning.

>we promise top men are working on it
>locks it away to collect dust

The reason is the genetic burden of the first agriculturalist societies. With the invention of agriculture mankind has degenerated. Think about it, an agriculturalist lifestyle relies on repetition and single-minded work. You do not have to think for yourself, instead you just follow the orders of the kings/priest caste when to sow and when to harvest.

This has effectively bred out genes responsible for curiosity and novelty-seeking behaviour. It has turned people into cattle. And theses genetic elements still prevail in our sick, hedonistic society.


jews and niggers

greed and irresponsibility

Why doesn't New Zealand develop technology so you stop shagging your sheep?

Then explain great minds like einstein, tesla etc?

Then let us do eugenics.