She says Muslims from Britain who went to fight for ISIS were groomed and they were naive and that surely we should want to encourage them to come back.
A British feminist has discovered a type of Muslim grooming that concerns her
Other urls found in this thread:
And they are doing it too!
I saw this silly cow on sunday, she should be publically whipped by returning jihadists.
With people like her going around we're screwed.
Left wing ideology is solely concerned with destroying post-enlightenment rational ideas and culture, in essence the west. Any particular expressions or causes adopted are just window dressing to pursue this aim. These people aren't feminists other than as a temporary banner and as islam is even great opposed to the west than it, it is more protected and these feminists will become muslim if forced into a decision. I don't know if there is any ideology more antithetical to the west than islam so i imagine that will be the end point.
This cunt has the facial features of a creature that grew up in a cave suckling cave moss for nutrients.
This is child-like.
It is ironic she talks about how these people are naive.
my blood pressure is spiking
What's with this rape fantasy fetishist women? Don't they see they're just putting more people in danger?
fucking life imitating art jesus
does she honestly think ISIS fighters are ignorant?
Not really, she will genuinely think they are fighting a righteous cause against western imperialism and at most have been misled into expressing that by fighting other muslims. If the panel were purely leftists talking about that she would be in agreement.
invite them back nicely and execute them.
This woman is so dumb in both speech and appearance it's almost as if the BBC got infiltrated by someone from Sup Forums who booked her to make leftists look bad.
It was striking she said she wouldn't condemn an ideology because of "her perception", she looks like the kind of person who condemns an ideology with every other breath.
>It is ironic she talks about how these people are naive.
spot on
Well these people are also inconceivably stupid, if you argue with a leftists it's often worth giving them time to explain themselves and what they think is going on with certain issues and there's no better way to win the argument, they will just reveal themselves as total morons who haven't thought through their ideas in the slightest.
However as stated their sole aim to bring down the west and they see no problem lying and being intellectually dishonest to do this - logic and consistency really do not matter to them. She will get out of one bind saying she won't condemn other ideologies but then the next hour condemn toxic western ones. They are weasels and you'll go around in circles trying to make them cede to you, it's always better to point them out as idiots for anyone else watching.
He entire diatribe seems like word salad intended to win the battle at the time, she couldn't really believe those things if she understood what she was saying. Seemingly towards reaching the ends of your second paragraph.
>We can't decide that people should be stripped of their civil liberties just because we don't agree with the reasons behind their crimes.
Lads the BBC is spreading her view point all over the place. Here's another show saying the same thing. They only guy who calls in to oppose it is an Indian, bless his heart.
>it's a slippery slope to draw a line at beheading people and setting them on fire
Wtf? Should we just let criminals go as well? Seeing as it's a slippery slope to draw a line at murder.
Also.. Have a bump
They knew what they were fucking doing and at no stage did they have the iota of moral fibre to question it. Fighting for a foreign army should mean citizenship is null and void
There is one. And you know fine well what it is.
Some people really don't understand what slippery slope means. Drawing a definitive line for policy in a grey area isn't a slippery slope, sure it can be redefined and debated but it can move both ways. For instance the age of consent is a necessary hard line on what is a poorly delineated natural circumstance, but having placed it hasn't lead to the age of consent moving to 30, or 8. Leftists are apathetic and if something requires enacting human will on the world they will just get tired and say we shouldn't bother.
If you mean judaism i don't think that it is. I'm not saying there can't be forces currently more actively opposed to the west but in terms of principles i can't think of anything more at odds with us than islam.
>What's with this rape fantasy fetishist women? Don't they see they're just putting more people in danger?
See pic related.
>simply because their crimes steam from a ideology that we find reprehensible
>we find reprehensible
>we find
Condemning IS as criminal Eurocentirc now.
Lol this is like reverse crusading
how would the commies spin it if some burly brit publicly pummeled a former isis fighter to death in the streets?
I wonder if she would say the same thing about white brits returning to England who joined a hypothetical militant terrorist group of white people in South Africa trying to create an ethno state
>And as soon as we start stripping those values from people we don't agree with how long is it (before?) it's stripped from anyone who doesn't agree with the government?
You mean like pic related? I wonder if she'd be jumping to his defense. The lack of self-awareness has surely reached critical mass.
This is the truth. Marxists don't even hide it. They believe that the only way to achieve communism is by destroying every pillar of Western society. Useful idiots like this evil cunt might even believe that they're helping "lovely communism" come into being while they're actually nothing more than an agent of chaos and destruction.
>This is child-like.
I am 100% sure her reality is based on Harry Potter books.
This Sanjay guy is based, he put both of them in their places.
It just breaks my heart, to even farthom what these kids have seen and gone through in Syria, to make them capable of commiting such atrocities. We've been naive.
>Sirena Bergman
well said.
But as far as "islam is complete opposite of western values" goes. The same could be said for a lot of alt-reich/ fascist turds.
They have more in common with conservative muslims than any enlightenment notions of equality, fraternity and liberty.
She's literally asking to bring terrorists into the country? The absolute state of Britain.
>I find it personally offensive
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its a kike
>pol is always right
Fake news, also we have a much broader definition of what consitutes a flag.
>both are apparently opposed to other cultures integrating.
>yet one is hell-bent on going to the countries of the other culture.
Not really sure your list is comparison is entirely accurate here, friendo.
In any case, Muslims got some shit right, I agree. They lose me when they start cutting the heads off of people who want to drink alcohol or cbf praying to a fake god every 20 minutes.
Have another Sweden.
Nice one for finding her.
>Fake news
No. You are fake news. And what you have done to a once-great country is horrific. Anyway, found your online diary blog, apparently yesterday was really rough.
>Wake up at 5am, brush teeth, breakfast (cold oats and water - power bill was shut off so can't afford to heat them).
>Leave home at 5:30, into work at 7 (all city apartments have been given to refugees who I work to subsidize, so I live 1.5 hours from work).
>Begin working my tight Swedish butt off writing notes for the tolerance seminar at 10:30.
>Xir (my boss) waddles in at 10:25 in a "fat acceptance" shirt and "white boiz can't compete" shorts.
>Boss is non-cis, so Xir was given a free apartment, 2 minutes walk from work.
>Xir gets to work even faster by taking taxi.
>"user, have you written my notes for today's presentation?"
>"Yes Xir," I reply. I attempt to hand Xir the papers.
>Xir's face begins to redden.
>"Xir, XIR?!?! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to you WHITE MALE CIS SCUM! I am not Xir today, I am Xeemie. What is it about genderFLUID that you don't fucking understand? Pack your things and get the fuck out you piece of shit white male fuckhead shitlord!"
>I sigh
>I ask myself, "why do I have to be so racist and sexist? Why can't I just check my privilege?" as I pack my things and get out.
>I ask Xeemie if I can kiss Xeemie's feet on the way out as an apology.
>Xeemie agrees, as long as I give the rest of my salary to a family of African refugees.
>It was a small price to pay to breathe in the beautiful fungus smell of Xeemie's big toe in particular.
>I love being Swedish, wouldn't trade it for the world.
> she doesn't know who groomed them
Always enjoy a bit of based Sanj. When we reinstate the British Raj after reconquista, I vote that we install based sanjay into a position of authority.
Swedes love rape!
>I don't know if there is any ideology more antithetical to the west
Modern Feminism is just a subcommittee of the neoliberal project. If you want an ideology opposed to enlightenment, look no further than the think-tanks that advocate the fire-sale of our entire civilization.
Its incredible, every single time, how is this possible?
And then they try and tell us that it's simply that widened the definition of rape and that the typically shy and reserved Swedish men are animals who can't control themselves.
Is she a troll? Is this a Sam Hyde routine? WTF?
>I agree with muslims that homos are degenerate and women's suffrage was a mistake, but can I keep my booze, plz?
It's not about 100% agreeing with them - even fascist and nazis don't agree on everything.
It is about sharing the basic anti-emancipatory, anti-enlightenment tenets of both ideologies - which makes you bedfellows.
And Im not talking even about IS specifically, but ordinary conservative muslims who get triggered by the very thought of accepting western notions of liberalism, feminism, and LGBTQ rights. - this is the anti-egalitarian core that joints the deus vulting crowds with their sworn enemy, the conservative, non integrating ,muslim.
In short you are both enemies of what we now call western values.
Her name is Sirena Bergman which tells you everything you need to know about her
I can see that crazy bitches mental health issues in her face. Fucking disgusting.
>western notions of liberalism, feminism, and LGBTQ rights.
Notice how you called them western 'notions' and not western 'values'. Even your subconscious knows what's up. Pity your conscious is such a dipshit.
what a (((coincidence)))
Well west Pakistan is a tolerant country
>Sirena Bergman
smattering of random content companies, including one particularly fun gig which involved writing about Viagra and STIs, mostly. Long story
She wants IVF defunded, and women to not be valued by their ability to give birth.
Why are British women so ugly?
Real question is whether she should be executed for treason or expelled to Israel?
Western culture have, throughout history, had been derived from political thought; widespread employment of rational argument favoring free-thought, assimilation of human rights, the need for equality and democracy.
It was these values, which prioritize the human, that gave birth to emancipatory politics of today. The "pc" culture you chimp out about - are the product of this very tradition.
What are the thought and feelings driving them
Moral relativism like pretending the viewpoints of ISIS terrorists are as valid as any isn't a western value. Submitting to evil is not a western value.
You confuse braindead 20th century consumer culture with the thousands of years of history behind western civilization.
>widespread employment of rational argument favoring free-thought
You think that's what we have in Western countries now? Your picture has a guy being physically assaulted for giving arguments that the left don't like.
These are the features of Islamic countries that the right doesn't like - beheading anyone who argues against Islam etc. Ironically, this is where Islam begins to have similarities with the left.
The word "sirena" is quite close to the word "syren" aka the same creatures that would lure sailors to their doom in Greek myths.
It's officially the season of sequins, knitwear, cocktails and mince pies... dreamy, if only it weren't called "Christmas"
I'm not sure the left is using Islam as much as Islam is using the left. Look up the Muslim brotherhood documents about their 100 year plan to islamisize the west. They state clearly that they will join up with leftist groups to push their objectives, which is to infiltrate and subvert our institutions from the inside.
>>Instituting alliances with Western “progressive” organizations that share similar goals
Some required reading on the subject.
Neoliberals are responsible for the current crop of boomer voters who believe that "good for ((the economy))" ALWAYS equals "good for the country" that reduces countries to mere economic zones. You'd think the greatest generation could have at least instilled some sense of self-sacrifice into these fucks.
How don't you faggot Euros realize that NOT being tough on returning jihadists is only going to encourage more to go because they know they'll get to home to gibs free of punishment,
That's what the ruling class want. They used these people to topple Ghadaffi too. Then one came back and blew up the kids in Manchester. It's a dangerous game.
>People who are involved with the mass murder of thousands, even into the millions of innocent people, men, women, and children, should be allowed back into society because we have white guilt.
Racing towards extinction, thats all it is at this point. The only thing that can save the world is a mass nuclear war and the survivors make the rules in the new world.